- Greene Makes Campaign Debut at NAACP Meeting in South Carolina
Mr. Greene made his first speech in his hometown yesterday to the local NAACP chapter.
By the way, these quotes are golden.
-"And when he talked about justice, Greene called for giving first-time offenders a chance to do community service and pay a fine to have their records wiped clean, which called to mind his own legal troubles. Greene is facing a felony charge of showing obscene Internet photos to a University of South Carolina student."
-"Pamela Clavon Brunson bristled at the scorn heaped on Greene for his halting answers and quirky ideas.
People should be proud of a young black man following his dream of becoming a U.S. Senator, even if he doesn't give an amazing speech like other longtime politicians."
-But beating those kind of odds should be familiar to anyone who reads the Bible, said Manning NAACP president Bobby Fleming. "It was not the people who put David before Goliath," Fleming said. "It was God who gave him the opportunity to defeat the giant."
Also, the bold is extremely interesting. Why does it matter to this woman what color Mr. Greene is if he's a qualified and worthy candidate???