Democrat Rashida Tliah & Far left Extremist Storm Capitol Hill

And how many of those times has it been followed up with "now let's walk down to Pennsylvania Ave" and in front of of a crowd of thousands of pissed off rednecks?
Let's March? Hell even said walk. Not even march. Seems pretty much the same. So again over/under 10,000. I'd take the over.

Tons to bash trump for. This is dumb and makes it easier for his supporters to buy into the "he's being persecuted."
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If by "isn't emotionally invested" you mean "incredibly uninformed and barely pays attention at all" you may be right.
I’m paying complete attention.
There’s no difference in the 2 parties.
I can put up quotes and you would not be able to tell who said it. That’s because there’s no difference in them. Often they say almost word for word the exact same thing. People respond differently based solely on which tribe they’re repping
I’m paying complete attention.
There’s no difference in the 2 parties.
I can put up quotes and you would not be able to tell who said it. That’s because there’s no difference in them. Often they say almost word for word the exact same thing. People respond differently based solely on which tribe they’re repping
I think this house speaker vote proves that. When you’ve got “Republicans” talking about making Hakeem Jeffries the Speaker, it proves that they’re not a separate party. I don’t think our guy Burchett will last too much longer in Congress. I think he hasn’t been corrupted as badly as most of the others and will probably walk away at some point. He seems to be pretty taken aback at how swampy DC really is.

Ocasio-Cortez hits Netanyahu for 'shocking' 2019 decision banning Tlaib, Omar from visiting Israel​

'My own colleagues did not seem to say or do much of anything,' she said​

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., called out Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday for his 2019 decision to ban Reps. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., from visiting Israel.

Ocasio-Cortez joined MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan on Sunday and was asked about what the left-wing host called "congressional indifference to Palestinian life."

"Almost all of the at least 18 House Democrats who called for a cease-fire in Gaza are people of color. How much of the congressional indifference to Palestinian life in Gaza, the refusal in D.C. to acknowledge sometimes the humanity and innocence, not to mention the suffering of all ordinary Gazans, how much of that is driven by the fact that they’re Arabs? Or they're mostly all Muslims? Or they don’t look like us, do you think?" Hasan asked.


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