Democratic Socialism

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Eggsactly! In my small utopian society I call her house my wife has more space, is more comfortable and controls the money. I'm told that I'm lucky to have one cushion on the couch, 18" of bed, a chair at the dinner table and permission to use 1 bathroom.

You get 18” of the bed .. you elitist !
I'll not be wavering from the "anybody but Trump" position, unless someone more horrendously despicable than Trump were to win the democratic nomination......and with Epstein being dead and Don Jr. not wishing to challenge his father that's an impossibility.
So you're willing to vote for communism? Says a lot bubba.
Bernie. The clown of communism.
Too many posters here think of socialism and communism as being interchangeable terms. I have posted the distinct differences in various threads many times. Too many posters also seem to be under the delusion that the United States isn't already close to being an even mixture of capitalism and socialism. Too many posters also don't seem to realize the numerous ways that Trump has implemented socialist policies... such as the bailout of the farming industry as an offset to the impact that his tariffs had on free trade. Some of you guys are just plain slow.
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Bubba? Now that says a lot.
I have no reservations whatsoever supporting any of the current dem candidates over Trump.
Bubba is a term of endearment, be thankful😄. I'm just shocked after all your crying about trump and Russia, that you're willing to vote for someone who admires Russia, and wants to make America communist like them.
Too many posters here think of socialism and communism as being interchangeable terms. I have posted the distinct differences in various threads many times. Too many posters also seem to be under the delusion that the United States isn't already close to being an even mixture of capitalism and socialism. Too many posters also don't seem to realize the numerous ways that Trump has implemented socialist policies... such as the bailout of the farming industry as an offset to the impact that his tariffs had on free trade. Some of you guys are just plain slow.
Bernie is a communist. It's a thin grey line separating the two. Bernie's socialism is just communism that's been given a shower and put in a suit but still cant comb its ratty hair.
Bernie is a communist. It's a thin grey line separating the two. Bernie's socialism is just communism that's been given a shower and put in a suit but still cant comb its ratty hair.
No, it's not. I have posted this before, but here it is again. The distinct and significant fundamental differences between socialism and communism are:

(1) Under communism, all economic resources are publicly owned and controlled by the government (comprised of officials who were not necessarily elected to their positions) and individuals hold no personal property or assets. Under socialism, individuals own personal property but all industrial and production capacity is communally owned and managed by a democratically elected government.

(2) Under communism, production is intended to meet all basic human needs and is distributed to the people at no charge. Under socialism, production is intended to meet individual and societal needs and distributed according to individual ability and contribution.

(3) Under communism, classes are abolished and the ability to earn more than other workers is almost non-existent. Under socialism, classes exist, although the differences are diminished. It is possible for some people to earn more than others.

(4) Under communism, religion is effectively abolished. Under socialism, freedom of religion is allowed.

There are similarities, but these differences are distinct and significant and should be understood. The fact is that the United States has been a mixture of capitalism and socialism for over 100 years now. Both parties agree that pure capitalism does not work any more than pure socialism works. This mixture must exist. The difference between Sanders and others, is to what percentage of capitalism and socialism the United States should be working under. I do not believe that the majority of posters on this forum, who decry the evils of socialism, even understand what socialism is. They have just learned to treat it as a key word to attack liberals... those of you who argue that socialism and communism are the same thing, prove this point, as well as your own ignorance.
Too many posters here think of socialism and communism as being interchangeable terms. I have posted the distinct differences in various threads many times. Too many posters also seem to be under the delusion that the United States isn't already close to being an even mixture of capitalism and socialism. Too many posters also don't seem to realize the numerous ways that Trump has implemented socialist policies... such as the bailout of the farming industry as an offset to the impact that his tariffs had on free trade. Some of you guys are just plain slow.
I tried doing something with Bernie and Bolshevik but kept getting a spell check notification which bugged me. Next I typed, Bernie. Syncophant of socialism. More accurate. But I felt it lacked a certain panache. Settle on clown of communism.
No, it's not. I have posted this before, but here it is again. The distinct and significant fundamental differences between socialism and communism are:

(1) Under communism, all economic resources are publicly owned and controlled by the government (comprised of officials who were not necessarily elected to their positions) and individuals hold no personal property or assets. Under socialism, individuals own personal property but all industrial and production capacity is communally owned and managed by a democratically elected government.

(2) Under communism, production is intended to meet all basic human needs and is distributed to the people at no charge. Under socialism, production is intended to meet individual and societal needs and distributed according to individual ability and contribution.

(3) Under communism, classes are abolished and the ability to earn more than other workers is almost non-existent. Under socialism, classes exist, although the differences are diminished. It is possible for some people to earn more than others.

(4) Under communism, religion is effectively abolished. Under socialism, freedom of religion is allowed.

There are similarities, but these differences are distinct and significant and should be understood. The fact is that the United States has been a mixture of capitalism and socialism for over 100 years now. Both parties agree that pure capitalism does not work any more than pure socialism works. This mixture must exist. The difference between Sanders and others, is to what percentage of capitalism and socialism the United States should be working under. I do not believe that the majority of posters on this forum, who decry the evils of socialism, even understand what socialism is. They have just learned to treat it as a key word to attack liberals... those of you who argue that socialism and communism are the same thing, prove this point, as well as your own ignorance.
Under communism there is no government. It is a state of anarchy.
I'll not be wavering from the "anybody but Trump" position, unless someone more horrendously despicable than Trump were to win the democratic nomination......and with Epstein being dead and Don Jr. not wishing to challenge his father that's an impossibility.

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No, it's not. I have posted this before, but here it is again. The distinct and significant fundamental differences between socialism and communism are:

(1) Under communism, all economic resources are publicly owned and controlled by the government (comprised of officials who were not necessarily elected to their positions) and individuals hold no personal property or assets. Under socialism, individuals own personal property but all industrial and production capacity is communally owned and managed by a democratically elected government.

(2) Under communism, production is intended to meet all basic human needs and is distributed to the people at no charge. Under socialism, production is intended to meet individual and societal needs and distributed according to individual ability and contribution.

(3) Under communism, classes are abolished and the ability to earn more than other workers is almost non-existent. Under socialism, classes exist, although the differences are diminished. It is possible for some people to earn more than others.

(4) Under communism, religion is effectively abolished. Under socialism, freedom of religion is allowed.

There are similarities, but these differences are distinct and significant and should be understood. The fact is that the United States has been a mixture of capitalism and socialism for over 100 years now. Both parties agree that pure capitalism does not work any more than pure socialism works. This mixture must exist. The difference between Sanders and others, is to what percentage of capitalism and socialism the United States should be working under. I do not believe that the majority of posters on this forum, who decry the evils of socialism, even understand what socialism is. They have just learned to treat it as a key word to attack liberals... those of you who argue that socialism and communism are the same thing, prove this point, as well as your own ignorance.
Even in your attempt to explain the difference, what about any of that sounds appealing?
What is Democratic Socialism? - Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

I thought it would be nice to have a discussion on just the pros and cons of democratic socialism.

Wow. What a load of crap. One thing negates another. They aren't authoritarian, but they'd twist rules (taxes and regulations) to force private ownership of corporations into either some sort of state mandated compliance or a new collective ownership. That's way beyond what the Europeans do, and just short of all out communist totalitarianism. That whole platform is complete BS; anybody buying into it needs to be taken out and shot for criminal stupidity.
I have nothing but negatives. Didnt follow up on all their different FAQs.

I would be interested to see a supporter actually use info here as to why some of these things are positive.

1. There is no reason to believe the democratically doing something makes it in any way shape or form better than any alternate. It's literally a beauty/popularity contest. Scott Haskins may be the post popular guy at school, doesnt mean he should be making decisions.
2. This argues about making profit for a few, is bad. But doesnt cover what happens when they lose money. An individual making money is bad, but losing money is ok? They take on risk. Applied to the public realm it doesnt work that. The losses dont get covered, see our ballooning debt on all levels of the government.
3. It also ignores the history of socialism keeping most people poor while making even fewer incredibly rich. It does so by removing the middle class and those too wealthy to actually lose out. Socialism only rewards the two extremes. The middle gets cut out in order to simplify the system.
4. I love the continued argument of " all other socialisms were fake socialisms, real socialism will work". Its a circular argument that offers no support as too why this type is fundamentally different. *hint, the popularity of the socialism doesnt make a difference. Because once people have conceded power it's impossible to get it back, so it's impossible to control the socialism you get.

It's like a Keynesian lunacy ... if it didn't work, you didn't pump in enough money for a stimulus. These people are delusional - and dangerous.
I read the article and it sounds a whole lot like regular socialism propaganda anytime they are trying to get it in power over capitalism. Sounds good to the ear , looks good on paper with a few lies here and there about being able to make it work , but it still doesn’t pass the sniff test . It’s just socialism .
The difference is that capitalism is not actually a form of government.

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