Democrats Hate Small Business



"Slava Ukraina"
Aug 14, 2007
2 examples from today:

NYC Restaurateurs: It’s Not Our Job To Enforce Vaccine Mandates | ZeroHedge

“My question is, why aren’t they doing this at Home Depot, why aren’t they doing this at CVS, Why aren’t they doing this at Stop & Shop? Why are they picking on the only place that people can congregate and have the lowest infection rate?”

“We don’t want to get shut down again, I’ll tell you that much,” Provenzano said. “But I certainly don’t want to be the enforcer of city and state law.”

“If there’s a law made and if that’s the way they would like it to be, then let them figure out how to enforce it. Why is it my responsibility?”

“It’s frustrating, but at the same time we do not want to get shut down. We’ll do anything they say,” he added. “We’ve got to stay in business.”

Biden And Pelosi Set To Impose Tax Hikes On Small Businesses | ZeroHedge

The asshats in charge are gonna be asshats to their citizens.
In the video above Biden lies like the devil he is. All do it for votes.
They promise one thing & once in office they do the exact opposite of what's promised.
The asshats in charge are gonna be asshats to their citizens.
In the video above Biden lies like the devil he is. All do it for votes.
They promise one thing & once in office they do the exact opposite of what's promised.

The devil is considered a bold face liar of cunning and malice.
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Oh, I just read the title of the thread and I thought we were listing the things that Democrats and Republicans hated in their entirety.

Or you wanted to completely throw the topic off the actual subject by throwing a red herring in to the mix.

So now that you do know what this thread is regarding what are you thoughts on the actual
Video and the plans the Democrats that will specifically impact small business owners?
Oh you’ve done it now you racist bigot you just completely ignored the sublimation process from solid to gas. How dare you!

At least steam and water do something. Ice just sits there and absorbs the kinetic energy from wherever is around it. Damn leech

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