Democrats Hate Small Business

It's going to take massive civil disobedience (read that as non-compliance you liberal ****s) to move away from this nonsense.

Just saw something this morning about grocery stores in France mandating vaccine "passports" in order to shop. Add that to what's happening in Australia and other places and we're getting to powder keg levels.
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The asshats in charge are gonna be asshats to their citizens.
In the video above Biden lies like the devil he is. All do it for votes.
They promise one thing & once in office they do the exact opposite of what's promised.

You get rid of small business, and you are beholden to Amazon, walmarts. Corporations have a love of dems, they know they'll be bailed out if needed.
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It's going to take massive civil disobedience (read that as non-compliance you liberal ****s) to move away from this nonsense.

Just saw something this morning about grocery stores in France mandating vaccine "passports" in order to shop. Add that to what's happening in Australia and other places and we're getting to powder keg levels.
Now you are getting to where I'm at. We are not going to be able to vote our way out of this. Marching and protesting will not do it, either. Its going to take an Atlas shrugged type effort at the very minimum. People walking out of their jobs... choosing life and liberty over livelihood. With the amount of vacancies and staff shortages in the "essential worker" ranks, it wouldn't take much to make tyrants capitulate.
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Republicans hate Mexicans and black people.

Dang right.

Every time I see a black person driving a car I call the police. You know why? Because they don’t have a drivers license. How can a black person obtain a license to drive when they can’t even get a photo ID? And of course blacks are always driving older cars with horrible gas mileage. I made a few calls to other republicans and we had the price of gasoline doubled.

What’s even more infuriating than seeing a black person driving a car is seeing Hispanic people, most likely Mexicans, buying up all the white peoples food at Walmart. Why do you think the price of food has increased so dramatically over the past 6 months? So black and Mexican people can’t afford it.

Why do you think republicans are fighting so hard to cancel all in person classrooms at schools? Because black people don’t know how to use computers.
Dang right.

Every time I see a black person driving a car I call the police. You know why? Because they don’t have a drivers license. How can a black person obtain a license to drive when they can’t even get a photo ID? And of course blacks are always driving older cars with horrible gas mileage. I made a few calls to other republicans and we had the price of gasoline doubled.

What’s even more infuriating than seeing a black person driving a car is seeing Hispanic people, most likely Mexicans, buying up all the white peoples food at Walmart. Why do you think the price of food has increased so dramatically over the past 6 months? So black and Mexican people can’t afford it.

Why do you think republicans are fighting so hard to cancel all in person classrooms at schools? Because black people don’t know how to use computers.

Interesting .... please go on & tell us more on this subject.
Interesting .... please go on & tell us more on this subject.

Just watch Some videos of Democratic politicians if you want to learn more.

Of course I don’t call the police when I see a black person driving. It would asinine and stupid to believe that black people can’t obtain a drivers license, but apparently Democrats believe this.

As far as gas and food prices go, Democrats always tell the poor and middle class that when they vote Republican they are voting against their better interests. The Democratic Party is going to raise taxes on all the rich and end poverty, but it’s funny how this never happens. What class does higher food and gas prices affect the most?

President Biden said black people don’t know how to use computers. If black people don’t know how to use computers then why would you want virtual learning?

I’m just pointing out who really hates black and mexican people.
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Please, please stop using Zero Hedge as a resource. You might as well use the first grades students in your local school
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Dang right.

Every time I see a black person driving a car I call the police. You know why? Because they don’t have a drivers license. How can a black person obtain a license to drive when they can’t even get a photo ID? And of course blacks are always driving older cars with horrible gas mileage. I made a few calls to other republicans and we had the price of gasoline doubled.

What’s even more infuriating than seeing a black person driving a car is seeing Hispanic people, most likely Mexicans, buying up all the white peoples food at Walmart. Why do you think the price of food has increased so dramatically over the past 6 months? So black and Mexican people can’t afford it.

Why do you think republicans are fighting so hard to cancel all in person classrooms at schools? Because black people don’t know how to use computers.

Dang right.

Every time I see a black person driving a car I call the police. You know why? Because they don’t have a drivers license. How can a black person obtain a license to drive when they can’t even get a photo ID? And of course blacks are always driving older cars with horrible gas mileage. I made a few calls to other republicans and we had the price of gasoline doubled.

What’s even more infuriating than seeing a black person driving a car is seeing Hispanic people, most likely Mexicans, buying up all the white peoples food at Walmart. Why do you think the price of food has increased so dramatically over the past 6 months? So black and Mexican people can’t afford it.

Why do you think republicans are fighting so hard to cancel all in person classrooms at schools? Because black people don’t know how to use computers.
People's sarcasm meter broken today? How did people not know this was a joke?
It's going to take massive civil disobedience (read that as non-compliance you liberal ****s) to move away from this nonsense.

Just saw something this morning about grocery stores in France mandating vaccine "passports" in order to shop. Add that to what's happening in Australia and other places and we're getting to powder keg levels.
I’m getting to the point where I wouldn’t mind punching a few liberal faces in.
Now you are getting to where I'm at. We are not going to be able to vote our way out of this. Marching and protesting will not do it, either. Its going to take an Atlas shrugged type effort at the very minimum. People walking out of their jobs... choosing life and liberty over livelihood. With the amount of vacancies and staff shortages in the "essential worker" ranks, it wouldn't take much to make tyrants capitulate.
Could you please explain life and liberty over livelihood? How many people are doing that??
Yet it was Biden who didn't want his kids going to school with black kids, and recently said minorities weren't smart enough to access the internet.
For one thing, the statement which you are no doubt referring to wasn't made recently. On February 17 (6 months ago), while addressing the low vaccine percentages among Black and Hispanic communities at a Town Hall in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, President Joe Biden said this:

"The other part - portion is, a lot of people don't know how to register. Not everybody in the community - in the Hispanic and the African American community, particularly in rural areas that are distant and/or inner city districts - know how to use - know how to get online to determine how to get in line for that COVID vaccination at the Walgreen's or at the particular store. So we're also - I've committed to spend a billion dollars on public education to help people figure out how they can get in there."

-- President Joe Biden

There was a tweet recently attributed to President Biden which said that minorities can't correctly use computers because they lack the "resources, "education" and "commitment to their communities."

That tweet was a fabrication.

The part of your statement that I placed in bold is unfair to say the least. I'm not arguing that what Biden did actually say, is an accurate assessment of why the Black community isn't getting vaccinated. I will NEVER argue that Biden is articulate. He is every transcriber's worst nightmare. However, you were either duped by a bogus tweet, or you were trying to take what he said in February, and make it much worse than what it really was.
For one thing, the statement which you are no doubt referring to wasn't made recently. On February 17 (6 months ago), while addressing the low vaccine percentages among Black and Hispanic communities at a Town Hall in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, President Joe Biden said this:

"The other part - portion is, a lot of people don't know how to register. Not everybody in the community - in the Hispanic and the African American community, particularly in rural areas that are distant and/or inner city districts - know how to use - know how to get online to determine how to get in line for that COVID vaccination at the Walgreen's or at the particular store. So we're also - I've committed to spend a billion dollars on public education to help people figure out how they can get in there."

-- President Joe Biden

There was a tweet recently attributed to President Biden which said that minorities can't correctly use computers because they lack the "resources, "education" and "commitment to their communities."

That tweet was a fabrication.

The part of your statement that I placed in bold is unfair to say the least. I'm not arguing that what Biden did actually say, is an accurate assessment of why the Black community isn't getting vaccinated. I will NEVER argue that Biden is articulate. He is every transcriber's worst nightmare. However, you were either duped by a bogus tweet, or you were trying to take what he said in February, and make it much worse than what it really was.
So do we inject bleach or not. We all know Trump didn't really mean to inject bleach but you and the rest ran with it. So did Biden say it or didn't he and if he did, why aren't we supposed to take it as gospel just like the injecting bleach comment was taken.

Typical double standard liberal BS.
Any of you guys heard of Agenda 2030. Everything that's happening with small businesses starts making sense when you start researching what the most powerful and rich people in the world have been envisioning for our world to be in 2030. The World Economic Forum looks great on the surface but you have to look a little deeper. This attached link is from 2017. Notice one of the 8 predictions that would happen by 2030 is "You will own nothing and you will be happy"

8 predictions for the world in 2030
Any of you guys heard of Agenda 2030. Everything that's happening with small businesses starts making sense when you start researching what the most powerful and rich people in the world have been envisioning for our world to be in 2030. The World Economic Forum looks great on the surface but you have to look a little deeper. This attached link is from 2017. Notice one of the 8 predictions that would happen by 2030 is "You will own nothing and you will be happy"

8 predictions for the world in 2030

No way number 8 on that list happens.
So do we inject bleach or not. We all know Trump didn't really mean to inject bleach but you and the rest ran with it. So did Biden say it or didn't he and if he did, why aren't we supposed to take it as gospel just like the injecting bleach comment was taken.

Typical double standard liberal BS.
I'm pretty sure that I've never addressed the bleach thing. It wasn't mentioned in the post that you replied to, and why would it be? That has nothing to do with what I was talking about.

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