As an independent voter, I vote for whoever I think is the lesser evil. I don't trust any politician, party affiliation be dayum. I do my own thinking, no Republiars or Democreeps will tell me what to do and how to think and believe. They just tell one faction of citizens one thing, and another one a different thing to gain your vote and money. None of them give a whit about citizens, just staying in power and maintaining access to lobbyist money. Basically lining their own pockets while their sheeple herds continue swallowing their lies, thus keeping them in power. Now, I didn't vote for Trump, but the funny thing is, I agreed with certain of his positions. The border wall? All for it. Stringent access entry into the country? All for it. Recognition of China's duping the USA's so-called leaders into signing up for one-sided deals that allowed said leaders to enrich themselves while essentially selling out the country? Trump had it right. I came very close to voting for him until his lying, discard for the disabled, weaving to ducking of providing evidence of things he roundly declared as false. My view is when you hide facts that would humiliate your accusers, facts are on the side of the accusers. Then there was his ego-centric adoration of dictators, and association with known liars and unethical people of obvious ill-repute.
I didn't particularly care for Joe Biden, as I thought of him as old, nose-ringed by extreme leftists (who just as bad as extreme rightists), was a tippy-toe guy as opposed to being decisive when it really mattered. Yet between the two, I counted Joe as the lesser of two evils so voted for him. But, but, but, I'm hoping for a better choice for 2024, whoever that may be. Unlike Trump things, I don't blindly follow a cult figurehead. I try to vote for who I think makes the USA competitive, and maintain its prestige on the world stage. There are some people who will never, nor want to understand this.