A recruited or non-recruited student-athlete who does not achieve the NCAA academic minimum qualifying standards (non-qualifier) for athletic competition upon initial full-time enrollment at a BIG EAST Conference member institution shall NOT be permitted to participate in athletics at a BIG EAST Conference member institution.
In order for a non-qualifier out of high school to be eligible to transfer to a BIG EAST Conference institution from a two-year junior college, he or she must first graduate with an associates degree and meet all NCAA and member institutions minimal eligibility regulations. If these standards are met, the student-athlete shall then be eligible for financial aid, practive4 and athletic competition at a BIG EAST Conference member institution.
A non -qualifier who initially enrolls at an SEC institution subsequent to August 1, 1993, shall not be
eligible for financial aid, practice or competition, except as provided in (b) and (d). A student-athlete who
was enrolled at a junior college or another four-year institution prior to August 1, 1993, shall be subject to
all SEC eligibility regulations which were applicable at that time.
A SEC institution may however, annually enroll a limited number (see limits below) of student-athletes
(who are initially enrolling in an SEC institution) who are:
partial qualifiers as defined in NCAA Bylaw, provided they receive athletically-related
financial aid. [ Revised 6/1/95 effective June 1, 1996 for those student-athletes first entering an
SEC institution on or after Fall semester/quarter, 1996 ], o
non - qualifiers , provided they present a core course GPA of at least 2.250 and an SAT score of 820
or above or a SUMACT score of 68 or above. In addition, such non -qualifier may not receive
athletically-related financial aid, but shall count in the institution's team financial aid limits. In
equivalency sports, such non -qualifier shall count as one-half of a full athletic grant-in-aid the first
year; in subsequent years, the actual grant-in-aid value shall count. [ Revised 6/1/96 effective June
1, 1997 for those student-athletes first entering an SEC institution on or after Fall
semester/quarter, 1997 ]
There shall be an annual limit on the number of partial and non - qualifiers that may enroll in an SEC
institution either as a freshman or as a 4-4 transfer student. The limits, which are applied on an annual
basis with no carry-over of unused numbers to following years, are set forth as follows: [ Adopted 6/5/99;
revised 5/30/03 ]
Mens sports are permitted to enroll an annual total of four (4) student-athletes classified as partial or non -
qualifiers , with no more than two (2) permitted annually in football, and not more than one (1) permitted
annually in any other sport.