Did Joe Biden Win the 2020 Presidential Election?

Did Joe Biden Win the 2020 Presidential Election?

  • Yes. I'm a Democrat.

    Votes: 7 9.2%
  • Yes. I'm a Republican.

    Votes: 19 25.0%
  • Yes. I'm an Independent.

    Votes: 21 27.6%
  • No. I'm a Democrat.

    Votes: 5 6.6%
  • No. I'm a Republican.

    Votes: 12 15.8%
  • No. I'm an Independent.

    Votes: 12 15.8%

  • Total voters
Correct. I don't think he was referring to those circumstances. I'm not particularly for mail-in ballots outside of those type scenarios.
Got it, thanks. I'm good for shut-ins voting absentee too but if someone can at all get to the poll then they should vote in person.
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Got it, thanks. I'm good for shut-ins voting absentee too but if someone can at all get to the poll then they should vote in person.
I'm good with special approved circumstances for mail-ins. A shut-in is still an American citizen.
How about folks that live overseas?
If you live overseas, why should you be allowed to vote here? I can understand for military and people at the embassy and such, but if you choose to live in Spain, vote in their elections.
If you live overseas, why should you be allowed to vote here? I can understand for military and people at the embassy and such, but if you choose to live in Spain, vote in their elections.
US citizens living overseas are still US citizens and so have the right to vote in US elections. Do you want Spanish citizens voting in US elections just because they live in the US?
US citizens living overseas are still US citizens and so have the right to vote in US elections. Do you want Spanish citizens voting in US elections just because they live in the US?

I oppose absentee ballots for anyone except deployed military or other .gov stationed oversees that cannot return home for elections. There's no reason a civilian expat can't make it home for elections if they really want to vote.
I oppose absentee ballots for anyone except deployed military or other .gov stationed oversees that cannot return home for elections. There's no reason a civilian expat can't make it home for elections if they really want to vote.
Even if it costs $2K for the ticket? And counts against days in a foreign country for taxes? That's pretty dear for something that should take 15 minutes.
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Ok. Here's a caveat. "US Intelligence," i.e., FBI, CIA, etc., were debunking fraud claims. Anyone claiming that proves there was no fraud is just as cynical as anyone that claims there was fraud. US Intelligence. That's funny right there.

It is my hope in democracy that 81M didn't vote for this. It would be better for the country and an easy fall on the sword if fraud was determined. What you stated is why people believe what they are told because of the title that said it.
It wouldn’t have even been a contest had it not been for the pandemic. Everything was going great before that Bad luck. Trump would have won in a landslide. The democratic debates looked like a scene from SNL, all were a joke. (I Voted for Trump)
But I do believe Biden did win in 2020 as a result. I think Trump maybe could have even won if the George Floyd BLM stuff didn’t happen. The democrats milked that for everything they could and it was disgusting.
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At this point, does it really matter? The available legal due process was followed and the election stands. You can’t say you believe in the rule of law and not accept the results of the appointed process. That way leads to anarchy and pain.

That said, any constitutional steps states can take to increase voter confidence in the tallied totals for their state for future elections is good for everyone. So voter ID and provisons to enhance voting security can only help things.
It wouldn’t have even been a contest had it not been for the pandemic. Everything was going great before that Bad luck. Trump would have won in a landslide. The democratic debates looked like a scene from SNL, all were a joke. (I Voted for Trump)
But I do believe Biden did win in 2020 as a result. I think Trump maybe could have even won if the George Floyd BLM stuff didn’t happen. The democrats milked that for everything they could and it was disgusting.

In a way, this is a mixed blessing. Don't get me wrong, Biden sucks and he has made this a living hell on earth. However, maybe this is the catalyst that some of these people needed on both sides of to wake up to where this country is heading. Also, had Trump been re-elected, most likely, these economic conditions would have occurred under his watch and he would have gotten the blame for it. I'm not saying it would have been as precipitous of a collapse as we are seeing now under Biden, but Trump may have been able to squeeze out one more year or two before we started to see trouble. Now if that would have happened under trump's watch, that probably would have sealed the deal for the GOP to simply being the opposition party for a significant number of years. And we are not out of the woods on this thing by a long shot. We are closer to the beginning than the end.
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Ok. Here's a caveat. "US Intelligence," i.e., FBI, CIA, etc., were debunking fraud claims. Anyone claiming that proves there was no fraud is just as cynical as anyone that claims there was fraud. US Intelligence. That's funny right there.
Right. We should just listen to the voices in Donald Trump’s head.
At this point, does it really matter? The available legal due process was followed and the election stands. You can’t say you believe in the rule of law and not accept the results of the appointed process. That way leads to anarchy and pain.

That said, any constitutional steps states can take to increase voter confidence in the tallied totals for their state for future elections is good for everyone. So voter ID and provisons to enhance voting security can only help things.
Two things can be true at the same time. The process can get it wrong (Plessy v Ferguson, Dredd Scott, Kelo v New London) or you can have unjust laws (Prohibition, Jim Crow).

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