Did You Guys Catch The Pathetic Danielson Comment?

I did catch that. And immediately yelled "F YOU GARY" at my television, to my wife's disdain.

I yelled " SHUT the funk UP GARY!" Almost every time he slobbed on bama knob in this game...then by halftime i couldnt listen to him anymore and switched to audio from WIVK live feed as usual for Vern/gary games. Biggest dbag in broadcasting.

FWIW Vern is actually pretty decent. If Gary would just..you know..stroke out so Vern could have a decent co-host the world would be a better place. Not sorry...at all gary.

Shut the feck up GARY!
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I hate Danielson. I hate him because he always disrespects the Vols but he also sucks as an announcer. He’s the worst of the worst of the worst!
I’ve never disliked him more than tonight. Actually asked God during the broadcast to break whatever curse he’d put on the Vols. Hope he never calls a Tennessee game again
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I yelled " SHUT the funk UP GARY!" Almost every time he slobbed on bama knob in this game...then by halftime i couldnt listen to him anymore and switched to audio from WIVK live feed as usual for Vern/gary games. Biggest dbag in broadcasting.

FWIW Vern is actually pretty decent. If Gary would just..you know..stroke out so Vern could have a decent co-host the world would be a better place. Not sorry...at all gary.

Shut the feck up GARY!
I am confused.
Verne is not even announcing now. It's Nessler.
I was taking a peek at the bama boards (which is hysterical by the way). They seemed to hate Danielson, too. They also think the refs are always out to get them :rolleyes:. Delusional
I don’t think about Gary Danielson’s comments Sunday-Friday and since UT won I’m starting early on Saturday night.
I did catch Sabans post game and the loud cheering noise in the background. Knoxville is rocking tonight!
He needs to be on suicide watch after that game. Hope he’s not too depressed.
Tennessee being bad at football for 15 years has been a fun narrative for the media and they have no doubt enjoyed each opportunity to rub it in. Winning big games like this will change that. We don’t have to win them all but at least our fair share.

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