I realize this isn't life or death , but felt it was a valid discusion to have and of course VN's Race apologist LG and parasite KK ,that has never had an original thought in his head and just agrees wth everything his VN idols say , trys to label me as off the deep end because i quesion it.
My point is the POTUS and he alone, unless he delegates to another, has the authority to shut it down if he chooses, whether it be Bush , BO , or next president.
Just for a little history, the creation of the Emergency Alert System (EAS), which replaced Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) was created under the homeland Security Act under George Bush, again im sure with good intent, so i am not only picking on Obama.It has just never been tested this way before. I think it is overeaching as is tapping ones phone without a Judge issued warrant and so on.