Die on the Chick-Fil-A Hill?

My last visit to Chick-fil-A was a little lacking. This may just be good foresight and quality control on the Us part.
Newman told her faculty she was resigning as dean Feb. 14. She said she plans to return to her faculty position.
The guy probably thought "I'm too smart to be working for these jackwads" I'm outta here."

Bet he has a job before the end of the week.
Well, he's a she. I can see you read the link.

Cynthia Newman, former dean of Rider University's College of Business Administration, said her views as a "very committed Christian" and the fast food chain's views "mirror" one another.
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Lol. I had the fried crust (skinny chicken patty) and coughed on Coke (sick employee) last time. It truly sucked. I will add that usually it's not like that.
That cough could've helped prevent future illness since it was from a Chik Fil A employee
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Not allowing the Chick-fil-A is dumb, and resigning because the school didn't allow the Chick-fil-A is dumb. Dumb is not exclusive to one side or the other. She said that "I am not willing to compromise my faith and Christian values and I will not be viewed as being in any way complicit when an affront is made to those values." Working at a school that didn't allow a Chick-fil-A on campus is compromising her faith?

Politically, I disagree with the Ben & Jerry's guys myself, but I eat their ice cream. Why? Because it's good. I enjoy a good political debate as much as anyone but when you let it influence your decision-making to that level, I don't think that's good.
This is silly all the way around. Guarantee if that school were to poll its LGBTQ students (no pun intended), the majority would probably want the restaurant. Good food is good food, plus I always thought the "Chik-fil-A is homophobic" story was blown out of proportion to begin with.
The (in my opinion) faux outrage over it was pretty eye-rolling too. I mean, the place is closed on Sunday. Is it any surprise they'd have a conservative view of marriage? That particular time it caused a stir wasn't even the first time Chick-fil-A had said something about gay marriage anyway. Why that particular instance caused such commotion is a mystery to me.
Last time I was in CFA there was some Daddy/Daughter dinner going on where Dad's and Daughter's get dressed up and go on a date and the CFA staff serve the food. They had a whole area roped off and evidently set it up every couple of months. Seems creepy to me, but JMO I guess.
Awfully presumptuous of you to determine ones gender.
I take it you didn't read it either. Thanks for showing your ignorance and thanks Justin for showing yours. You all are proud of your ignorance I can tell. You all have to stick together, facts be damned.

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