Die on the Chick-Fil-A Hill?

Last time I was in CFA there was some Daddy/Daughter dinner going on where Dad's and Daughter's get dressed up and go on a date and the CFA staff serve the food. They had a whole area roped off and evidently set it up every couple of months. Seems creepy to me, but JMO I guess.
What’s creepy about it? It’s not a swingers club.
Last time I was in CFA there was some Daddy/Daughter dinner going on where Dad's and Daughter's get dressed up and go on a date and the CFA staff serve the food. They had a whole area roped off and evidently set it up every couple of months. Seems creepy to me, but JMO I guess.
Our town has a Daddy/Daughter Dance every year. It is a chance for bonding and doing something with your daughter,
Awfully presumptuous of you to determine ones gender.

I take it you didn't read it either. Thanks for showing your ignorance and thanks Justin for showing yours. You all are proud of your ignorance I can tell. You all have to stick together, facts be damned.

Obsessed, Mick doesn't understand if there's no blue font.
Not sure how a private university making its own decisions for the vendors it allows is fascist but alright
Denying a company access to do business on your campus due to a difference of political views is fascism. It's an attempt to punish CFA because they disagree with their political stances.
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Denying a company access to do business on your campus due to a difference of political views is fascism. It's an attempt to punish CFA because they disagree with their political stances.
A private university or business should be able to make its own business decisions. Your hang up is that it’s CFA. Otherwise you wouldn’t give a sh*t
Not allowing the Chick-fil-A is dumb, and resigning because the school didn't allow the Chick-fil-A is dumb. Dumb is not exclusive to one side or the other. She said that "I am not willing to compromise my faith and Christian values and I will not be viewed as being in any way complicit when an affront is made to those values." Working at a school that didn't allow a Chick-fil-A on campus is compromising her faith?

Politically, I disagree with the Ben & Jerry's guys myself, but I eat their ice cream. Why? Because it's good. I enjoy a good political debate as much as anyone but when you let it influence your decision-making to that level, I don't think that's good.
If we really made all of our purchases based on political leanings, then you would have to throw away your television, never go to a movie theater, cancel Apple Music and don't go to any sporting events.
A private university or business should be able to make its own business decisions. Your hang up is that it’s CFA. Otherwise you wouldn’t give a sh*t
I don't give a **** either way. And I agree they can do whatever they want as long as they don't get any of my tax dollars. I doubt CFA gives a **** either. It is a form of fascism. They are effectively trying to limit their students choices because of political motives.
If we really made all of our purchases based on political leanings, then you would have to throw away your television, never go to a movie theater, cancel Apple Music and don't go to any sporting events.
That's why that logic, when carried out to its conclusion, is just insane.
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