Its hard because I know Dan personally, although we havent spoke in years. My father knew Truett Cathy and spoke with Dan fairly regularly long before he took over the company. The Dan I knew was a good and Godly man who had the ambition to take CFA to new heights (which he has certainly done). Even in this video for the Passion City Church, I think it speaks to his heart that all Christians should be humble and be willing to take real acts of contrition. If Jesus Himself says that we should wash one another's feet (and He does) then we should approach things with that level of humility TO PEOPLE FROM ALL RACES - and its good to see someone who is as rich as Dan is now fully embrace that.
Where I take issue is if he is asking me to (and I am not convinced that he is) be contrite and apologize for the perhaps sins of my fathers. I say perhaps since my family is DAR but I have no idea whether they owned slaves, fought to free them, etc. Slavery was widely practiced throughout history and America was not immune to it. It is surely not what God intended for us, to be owned by anyone but Him. I have nothing to be sorry for in this regard, having experienced more racism directed at me in my lifetime than ever I proffered. My father, a doctor's son, who grew up picking cotton with black workers on an experimental farm in the Mississippi delta has nothing to feel sorry for either.
The entire DEI movement is demonic force that tries to masquerade as full of Christian virtue, even though most of woke's adherents believe God to be an anachronism at best. This is to be expected from the father of lies. But sadly, people are so hungry and the Church has so failed in Christ's injunctions toward them, that they swallow this poison in a desperate hope to satisfy. I hope this is not the case with Dan and that other masters of the universe have not led him astray.