Dilbert comic author canceled, but is he really racist?

I don't think he said anything worse than the people in the video in the That's Racist thing responding to the "what are white people good at" prompt.

But then again, I think their answers are racist so just a whole lot of racist thought still out there - just a difference in which type of racist thought is okay and which is the bad stuff.
He's in favor of voluntary segregation, just like all the left wing wackos saying black people need their own neighborhoods and towns. Is it racist? I don't know. It is antithetical to the idea of America being a melting pot, though.

This is Hotep Jesus interview with Scott Adams.

After watching it, I do not believe Adams is racist at all. In fact, quite the opposite.

He got fired by all his business relationships for what he said, not for what he is in his heart of hearts.
I know as a former avid reader of newspapers, I doubt anyone will notice he isn't in the newspapers anymore, because no-one reads them.
For years, I got one of his daily calendars, back when Dilbert wore a tie. He stopped his cartoon for a while and I didn't know he started it back again, so time to resume buying his daily calendar again. He'll probably make more money now, than he did before he was "canceled"
I know as a former avid reader of newspapers, I doubt anyone will notice he isn't in the newspapers anymore, because no-one reads them.
For years, I got one of his daily calendars, back when Dilbert wore a tie. He stopped his cartoon for a while and I didn't know he started it back again, so time to resume buying his daily calendar again. He'll probably make more money now, than he did before he was "canceled"

I’ve no idea if Adams is a racist, but I do know he’s an reactionary when it comes to politics.

He’s been that way with Trump, the Covid jab, and a whole host of other people/issues.
I’ve no idea if Adams is a racist, but I do know he’s an reactionary when it comes to politics.

He’s been that way with Trump, the Covid jab, and a whole host of other people/issues.

I dont know if he is or not but these comments combined with being associated with that racist scum Alex Jones isn't really going to give him the benefit of the doubt...
I dont know if he is or not but these comments combined with being associated with that racist scum Alex Jones isn't really going to give him the benefit of the doubt...

yeah, he had to know what making those comments would mean for his acceptance

adults doing this type of rant on social media now days and being surprised at the outcome are morons.

his comments were racist even though he was responding to racist comments
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Why was the local PD not informed until 3 days after the fact?
Why did they initially refuse to release the video footage?

It’s crap like this ^^ that fuels the conspiracy/speculation around motives to suppress information like this by school boards.

Springfield police said they found out about the Kenwood Elementary attacks on Feb. 13, three days after they happened. The video was released Wednesday after a public records request by the local station, which called it a “crisis in the classroom.”

Black kids forced white kids to say 'Black lives matter': cops

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