Dilbert comic author canceled, but is he really racist?

'It was white people who canceled me': Dilbert creator claims 'black America' was 'completely fine' with him urging white people to 'get the hell away from black people'

Dilbert creator Scott Adams has claimed 'black America' was 'completely fine' with his racist tirade and blamed 'white people that canceled me' after his comic was dropped by 77 newspapers.

'Black America is completely fine if they see the context,' Adams claimed last night as he argued his statements were hyperbolic and 'meant to get people riled up.'

'So far every black person I've talked to has said, "I get what you're saying,"' he told Chris Cuomo on News Nation.

'It's almost entirely white people that canceled me. It might be entirely because they're the ones that own the publishing companies and the newspapers.'

Dilbert creator claims 'black America' was 'completely fine' with his racist tirade | Daily Mail Online

dude should just stop
He's in favor of voluntary segregation, just like all the left wing wackos saying black people need their own neighborhoods and towns. Is it racist? I don't know. It is antithetical to the idea of America being a melting pot, though.
Hmm yeah the separate towns things feels like going back to segregation, but on the other hand, minorities sometimes actually did better academically in those type of schools.. kind of like girls actually do better academically in all girl schools.. it’s sticky.. idk.. I think those were really different times though, I had AP classes in high school with a friend of mine who just happens to be black lol, and I’ll ask him what he thinks, we are still FB friends, he’s pretty conservative though 😂
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