Dilbert comic author canceled, but is he really racist?

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Why was the local PD not informed until 3 days after the fact?

Why did they initially refuse to release the video footage?

It’s crap like this ^^ that fuels the conspiracy/speculation around motives to suppress information like this by school boards.

Black kids forced white kids to say 'Black lives matter': cops

School boards/admins want every problem to just go away. My high school had a senior list that bullied boys and sexualized girls, and guess what the admin tried to sweep under the rug every year until the local media was made aware?

They're just bureaucrats that don't want problems or blame for anything.
School boards/admins want every problem to just go away. My high school had a senior list that bullied boys and sexualized girls, and guess what the admin tried to sweep under the rug every year until the local media was made aware?

They're just bureaucrats that don't want problems or blame for anything.
The lack of leadership at every level in just about every organization, team, group, household etc. is astounding. You are right. That’s exactly what they want! For these problems to just vanish.
School boards/admins want every problem to just go away. My high school had a senior list that bullied boys and sexualized girls, and guess what the admin tried to sweep under the rug every year until the local media was made aware?

They're just bureaucrats that don't want problems or blame for anything.
I’m sure crap like this has been swept under the rug for years. I don’t understand the attempts to suppress, not these days…

Information Age. This stuff is gonna come out - they just look worse trying to keep it down.
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Maybe this is the "systemic racism" that we should be addressing. Like it or not, many in the black community are taught not to trust white people because of the past. You can hear it in music and comedy. You can hear it from people like Farrakhan, or Benjamin Crump. And on the flip side, I'm sure there are plenty in the white community taught not to trust black people. But it's not as vocal because when it comes from white people, that's when it's labeled "racism". Hatred and distrust comes from both sides, based on the past, and skin pigmentation, and it's ridiculous. People are people. At some point, the past needs to be let go. Not forgotten but let go. Otherwise, we'll never move forward. But both sides need to own their part rather than everything being blamed on white people. That's just a simplistic excuse to keep things where they are.
Maybe this is the "systemic racism" that we should be addressing. Like it or not, many in the black community are taught not to trust white people because of the past. You can hear it in music and comedy. You can hear it from people like Farrakhan, or Benjamin Crump. And on the flip side, I'm sure there are plenty in the white community taught not to trust black people. But it's not as vocal because when it comes from white people, that's when it's labeled "racism". Hatred and distrust comes from both sides, based on the past, and skin pigmentation, and it's ridiculous. People are people. At some point, the past needs to be let go. Not forgotten but let go. Otherwise, we'll never move forward. But both sides need to own their part rather than everything being blamed on white people. That's just a simplistic excuse to keep things where they are.

Nice thoughts but not going to happen. You now have people earning large sums at corporations, universities, and government jobs to make sure there is a problem that needs to be fixed.
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Nice thoughts but not going to happen. You now have people earning large sums at corporations, universities, and government jobs to make sure there is a problem that needs to be fixed.
That's the problem. There are too many people of influence and power that don't want us to "get along". It's easier to control a divided people.
I’m sure crap like this has been swept under the rug for years. I don’t understand the attempts to suppress, not these days…

Information Age. This stuff is gonna come out - they just look worse trying to keep it down.

You don't think information suppression works anymore?
Well he can just retire now. Considering his net worth, he isn't going to be hurting too bad.
FU money. The one thing people forget, when you are married, is that you have to have double what you think the FU money is. Got to be willing to let the wife take half to truly be FU level

I’ll never have FU money, IMO DGAF money isn’t FU money. I‘ll never have FU money, few people ever will but DGAF money is the dream.
Interesting. So the black kids doing this aren’t racist, but you claim the poster posting the video of it is? You continue to show your liberal allegiances.

No using the actions of a few kids on a video to generalize as applicable to an entire race is. You continue to let your racism shine through
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What did he say that was racist?

Calling an entire skin color a hate group, telling white people to stay the hell away from them are clearly racist comments.

And no, he is not using hyperbole. He loses any benefit of the doubt being associated with that fat racist blob, Alex Jones...
Calling an entire skin color a hate group, telling white people to stay the hell away from them are clearly racist comments.

And no, he is not using hyperbole. He loses any benefit of the doubt being associated with that fat racist blob, Alex Jones...
It doesn't matter how many times you repeat literally the same thing, you're not making any actual critical point.

Especially when it's become apparent you haven't even seen the source materials.
It doesn't matter how many times you repeat literally the same thing, you're not making any actual critical point.

Especially when it's become apparent you haven't even seen the source materials.

The only points I have to make is that he made comments that can be construed as racist and he associates with racists. That's all that needs to be made.

And yes, I've seen the source materials....
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No using the actions of a few kids on a video to generalize as applicable to an entire race is. You continue to let your racism shine through

You can’t be an adult. Please explain how what I said was racist. Also, where did he use the actions of a few to generalize the entire black population? Maybe I missed it.
Scott Adams uses the "If this is true" argument when talking about the referenced poll. And I can't disagree with him. If you live in a place where half the people hated you, you would be right to wish to move from there. The problem is that the poll he referenced can't be relied on because the poll questions were leading and the sample size was small. You can't use the poll to accurately gage the temperature of race relations, so you shouldn't try to make generalizations from the data.
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'It was white people who canceled me': Dilbert creator claims 'black America' was 'completely fine' with him urging white people to 'get the hell away from black people'

Dilbert creator Scott Adams has claimed 'black America' was 'completely fine' with his racist tirade and blamed 'white people that canceled me' after his comic was dropped by 77 newspapers.

'Black America is completely fine if they see the context,' Adams claimed last night as he argued his statements were hyperbolic and 'meant to get people riled up.'

'So far every black person I've talked to has said, "I get what you're saying,"' he told Chris Cuomo on News Nation.

'It's almost entirely white people that canceled me. It might be entirely because they're the ones that own the publishing companies and the newspapers.'

Dilbert creator claims 'black America' was 'completely fine' with his racist tirade | Daily Mail Online
'It was white people who canceled me': Dilbert creator claims 'black America' was 'completely fine' with him urging white people to 'get the hell away from black people'

Dilbert creator Scott Adams has claimed 'black America' was 'completely fine' with his racist tirade and blamed 'white people that canceled me' after his comic was dropped by 77 newspapers.

'Black America is completely fine if they see the context,' Adams claimed last night as he argued his statements were hyperbolic and 'meant to get people riled up.'

'So far every black person I've talked to has said, "I get what you're saying,"' he told Chris Cuomo on News Nation.

'It's almost entirely white people that canceled me. It might be entirely because they're the ones that own the publishing companies and the newspapers.'

Dilbert creator claims 'black America' was 'completely fine' with his racist tirade | Daily Mail Online
Yea I am sure the white guy, who is telling other white people to "stay away" from black people, has had lots of interaction with black people regarding his comments. Totally makes sense.
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