This reminds me of something that really grinds my gears.
Here in Florida, Gay marriage is illegal, and has been for some time. Last November there was an amendment up for vote called the "Marriage Protection Act" which its supporters played off as a gay marriage vote when it, in fact had nothing to do with gay marriage whatsoever. What the amendment did do is make the only way for someone to receive benefits from their partner if they were married. I have several friends who have children and live together, but are not married. For their own personal reasons, they chose not to wed. Now their girlfriends and children can't use the better benefits of the male partner (in this case).
What gets me about this is that most of the people I talked to that voted for this bill (which subsequently passed) were under the impression that it was a gay marriage vote, and it's supporters allowed it to pass in this manner without bringing to light what it really entailed.
I really think the misdirection of the advertisement of this amendment was dispicable, and hurt many many families in Florida, simply because they don't have a certificate that says they're a family.