Do you support the Brady Bill?

On a side note about bi-polar disorder,it's one of those things that a person with it cannot control. I've seen it first hand. At the same time, I've experienced the same opinions first hand that are mentioned on here. It is what it is,and more power to you. I'm not here to change your mind.

As far as the topic at hand, if we lived in an ideal world, these laws would be great,but we don't. It would sure be nice though to prevent the worst of society from commiting gun crimes as much.... There's just a lot out there that slip through the cracks in regards to mass shootings. Finding the warning signs is the best way of finding those types,and that's still easier said than done. Once they have the means to do whatever they're going to do, it's too late.

Don't get me wrong, there are people out there that legitimately have these disorders. I just believe that most that are diagnosed with them do not.
Yep. My point was why an 18 year old with a history of bi-polar disorder, can walk into a gun shop and purchase a firearm with such ease!!!??!! Let me add, in Tennessee. I own 3 guns and can use each of them with some efficiency. I was checked out for every purchase. All of 2 minutes šŸ˜Æ
Boy there are some scenarios out there that really make you think. I'm a gun owner and support gun rights, but it gave me pause when a whacked out co-worker was able to buy a gun on his lunch break 48 hours after being discharged from a mental health facility.

Everyone knew he'd been held for a suicide attempt and he kept showing everyone pictures of it and saying "I can bring it in if you what me too"
Theyā€™re disproportionately represented in all of those.

I am perfectly fine with having stiff mandatory minimum prison sentences for gun possession violators. You illegally own a gun and commit crime, minimum 5 years, no probation/parole. Work for you?
I am perfectly fine with having stiff mandatory minimum prison sentences for gun possession violators. You illegally own a gun and commit crime, minimum 5 years, no probation/parole. Work for you?

Iā€™m stating, very clearly, that every law youā€™re discussing will have a disproportionate impact on the black community.

Are you okay with that? I donā€™t feel youā€™ve answered that despite replying to me multiple times. Many in your party will openly proclaim that any law with disproportionate impact is by definition a racist law
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Iā€™m stating, very clearly, that every law youā€™re discussing will have a disproportionate impact on the black community.

Are you okay with that? I donā€™t feel youā€™ve answered that despite replying to me multiple times. Many in your party will openly proclaim that any law with disproportionate impact is by definition a racist law

I don't care what race it disproportionately affects. That is not relevant to me.
Nor do you care about innocent people being punished.

If they are convicted of a crime and illegally possess a firearm, that is the offense. By definition an innocent person is not being punished.
I literally told you in the message you responded to.

Why should race have anything to do with it? 60 year old black guy robbing someone, white teenager robbing someone, 32 year old Asian woman robbing someone, all irrelevant. Its someone illegally using a firearm and committing a crime. To the pokey they go for long enough that they never do it again and letting their cohorts give more thought to doing it themselves next week.
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I don't think that most jurisdictions have such mandatory minimums. They should, in my opinion.

There are federal mandatory minimums for drug trafficking, they have been in place since 1984 and thanks to Biden they were stiffened in the 90's along with eliminating most parole.
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If they are convicted of a crime and illegally possess a firearm, that is the offense. By definition an innocent person is not being punished.

You're stance on mandatory insurance, prosecuting people for crimes committed with their stolen firearms, support of waiting periods all point to your support of punishing innocent people.
Why should race have anything to do with it? 60 year old black guy robbing someone, white teenager robbing someone, 32 year old Asian woman robbing someone, all irrelevant. Its someone illegally using a firearm and committing a crime. To the pokey they go for long enough that they never do it again and letting their cohorts give more thought to doing it themselves next week.

I never said it should. I specifically said people in your party make this claim. That laws with disproportionate impacts are by definition racist laws.

This is one of areas I will say youā€™re more reasonable (identity politics, not gun control). This and the Israel thread (which is also identity politics for many on the left).
The inherent problem is that, on the one hand we keep finding out after the fact of a mass shooting that the shooter obviously should not have been allowed to purchase firearms, while on the other hand no one can agree on how we figure that out and under what conditions before the shooting.

The political debate is that folks like myself believe that, given current circumstances we ought to err on the side of caution and if anything be slow to allow people to obtain and possess firearms, whereas others fear that such restrictions will go too far.
ā€œgiven current circumstancesā€
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You're stance on mandatory insurance, prosecuting people for crimes committed with their stolen firearms, support of waiting periods all point to your support of punishing innocent people.

Two ships. Passing. Nightime. All that jazz.

If they are convicted, by definition they are not innocent.
Why should race have anything to do with it? 60 year old black guy robbing someone, white teenager robbing someone, 32 year old Asian woman robbing someone, all irrelevant. Itā€™s someone illegally using a firearm and committing a crime. To the pokey they go for long enough that they never do it again and letting their cohorts give more thought to doing it themselves next week.
ā€œTough on Gunsā€ laws will impact a disproportionate number of minorities.

All new 4 lane highway, straight to prison - for poor, black men in this country.

And the Left is just going to be ā€˜okā€™ with that?
You yourself are just going to be ā€˜okā€™ with that?
I never said it should. I specifically said people in your party make this claim. That laws with disproportionate impacts are by definition racist laws.

And they are wrong. Black politicians, Dem or Republican, should not consider disproportionate effect on the black population of restrictions on criminals having guns. A criminal using a gun is a criminal using a gun. Period.
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ā€œTough on Gunsā€ laws will impact a disproportionate number of minorities.

All new 4 lane highway, straight to prison - for poor, black men in this country.

And the Left is just going to be ā€˜okā€™ with that?
You yourself are just going to be ā€˜okā€™ with that?

Its irrelevant to me. Race of the criminal or of the victim plays no role in the issue, in my mind.
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