Do you trust the federal government?

Do you trust the federal government?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • No

    Votes: 112 95.7%

  • Total voters
I've never trusted the federal government no matter who was in charge. In recent years we have seen examples of federal agencies lying multiple times over multiple subjects, and repeating those lies over and over. Also in recent years with the weaponization of the government we have seen many people lives ruined by the federal government because someone wouldn't toe the line. It's all out in the open now, and they just don't care anymore. I would trust drinking water from a drainage ditch in the tropics more than I trust the government. Only a damn fool would think otherwise.
Why trust two parties that can't compromise on anything? Every bill has a poison pill. Everyone promises the world and blames the other side damn well knowing it was never going to fly.
It is a game to them. Lords and ladies playing the Game of Thrones. Everyone else is a peasant.
This is what I was going to say. I trust them to screw us all over while achieving a whole lot of nothing.

I haven't trusted the federal government since I read the Patriot Act in high school. I haven't had a direct issue with a state government. Local governments I also don't trust, had several issues with them.

Trust is built up overtime, and once lost is really hard to rebuild. The rebranding every couple years (R vs D) isn't enough. The people are still the same, they just take turns wearing the big hat.

I can't think of anything meaningful that any government has accomplished as a new item that has been helpful for me or to society in my lifetime. There have been some small things, but really its just been the government getting out of the way of the government, so its hard for me to give credit when they are the source of most of the problems.
Someone has to say yes here. On the whole our government is filled with honest folks trying to do their job. It gets messy because in democracy no one ever really gets what they want, so you're always going to be at least a little dissatisfied with the result. If you think we've got it bad, there are plenty of other countries you can point to that are truly corrupt and have it much worse.
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Someone has to say yes here. On the whole our government is filled with honest folks trying to do their job. It gets messy because in democracy no one ever really gets what they want, so you're always going to be at least a little dissatisfied with the result. If you think we've got it bad, there are plenty of other countries you can point to that are truly corrupt and have it much worse.

Absolutely. Our federal bureaucrats and politicians are hard working honest people that only want what's best from their subjects.
Someone has to say yes here. On the whole our government is filled with honest folks trying to do their job. It gets messy because in democracy no one ever really gets what they want, so you're always going to be at least a little dissatisfied with the result. If you think we've got it bad, there are plenty of other countries you can point to that are truly corrupt and have it much worse.

The mistake you and most progressives make is to think that just because someone is well intentioned, they are actually effective. They have already fallen down the slippery slope into hell so they do not notice what the road leading to it was paved with.

The more government there is, the less democracy. Bureaucratic organizations aka the deep state is run by progressives as a job farm. Mind you, many Republicans are not much better in this regard when they get their chance. But that is the whole point. The people are best served not when a Dem is in charge or a Rep is in charge but when people are responsible for their own selves and decisions. He governs best who governs least.

There are certainly things where it is manifestly good to have a representative government act on our collective interests - but those areas are much much much fewer than are currently being addressed.

Other areas of collective benefit - feeding the poor, etc are best addressed through local religious organizations who have the insight and interest to impact the lives of the people they effect. But since most progressives have eschewed a belief in God, you can see why they have replaced it with a fervant worship of the state.
The only two things I trust less are big business and the absence of governemnt.
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Why trust two parties that can't compromise on anything? Every bill has a poison pill. Everyone promises the world and blames the other side damn well knowing it was never going to fly.
It is a game to them. Lords and ladies playing the Game of Thrones. Everyone else is a peasant.
I doubt there are many VN posters who see willingness to compromise as a good thing.

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