Do you want Obama to fail as president?

so all the lefties who called bush "Hitler" "Nazi" "Fascist" were all properly read and had advanced degrees in history and political theory?

umm, no.

redistribution of wealth is Marxist
wealth as a public force is Marxist
progressive income tax is Marxist
control of the media is Marxist
heavy unionization of the workforce is Marxist
equality of outcomes is Marxist

I'm not saying that Obama is Karl Marx incarnate, but many of his policy positions have more to do with the "Communist Manifesto" than they do with the US Constitution. And, before you engage in semantics, I'm not defending the bailout, corporate welfare, or anything else.

1) Agreed that calling Bush Hitler or Nazi or Fascist is a bunch of silly hyperbole as foolish as calling Obama a "Marxist."

2) Disagree that the mere mention or existence of your list are all "Marxist." You are simply way oversimplifying things. The only thing in that list truly "Marxist" by definition is equality of outcomes, but you are again glossing over enormous differences if you think that the first parts of the list are all about that. They aren't. You know there are gradations here. Always have been.

3) Your last statement about the "Communist Manifesto" suggests to me that you have simply bought in hook line and sinker to the label that the right wing commentators, such as Hannity, Ingraham, and Limbaugh tried to hang around his neck in an effort to scare people. Some people bought it just like you, but most people realized that it was just name-calling and not well grounded.
If President-Elect Obama succeeds in implementing his policies the US and the world will be a far greater place. To suggest you want the president to fail is Unpatriotic and UnAmerican. No matter how dumb I thought Bush was and how bad I thought his views and policies were the only thing I wanted him to fail in were elections and implementing the invasions of privacy that the Bush-Cheney administration have impemented in the name of fighting terrorism.
This is not the first time I have been labeled as "Unpatriotic" or "UnAmerican". It most likely will not be the last. However, I still look myself in the mirror every night with dignity.
1) Agreed that calling Bush Hitler or Nazi or Fascist is a bunch of silly hyperbole as foolish as calling Obama a "Marxist."

2) Disagree that the mere mention or existence of your list are all "Marxist." You are simply way oversimplifying things. The only thing in that list truly "Marxist" by definition is equality of outcomes, but you are again glossing over enormous differences if you think that the first parts of the list are all about that. They aren't. You know there are gradations here. Always have been.

3) Your last statement about the "Communist Manifesto" suggests to me that you have simply bought in hook line and sinker to the label that the right wing commentators, such as Hannity, Ingraham, and Limbaugh tried to hang around his neck in an effort to scare people. Some people bought it just like you, but most people realized that it was just name-calling and not well grounded.

Suprisingly, none of us are obsessed with them. You are......

I remember election night.The republican strategist
on no less than five national news casts were calling
him a regannite and therefore a centrist.
Admittedly this could have been positioning.Every thing I have seen leads me to the same conclusions.
Only the ultra-right seems to hold the opinion that he
is a preconculed bad man and president-elect.
I see nothing wrong with obtaining free money if allowed...who wouldn't?
Provided for free for your education:

A baker exchanges his ten saved loaves of bread for ten potatoes. The potatoes are now sustaining or funding the baker while he is engaged in the baking of bread. Likewise the bread sustains the potato farmer while he is engaged in the production of potatoes. The respective production of the baker and of the potato farmer enables them to secure goods for consumption.
What makes the consumption productive in this example is the fact that both the baker and the potato farmer consume in order to be able to produce. The consumption of both the baker and the potato farmer maintains their lives and well-being. This is the only reason for production.
The introduction of money doesn't change what was said so far. For instance the baker can exchange his ten loaves of bread for $10 — he then uses money to secure ten potatoes. Likewise the potato farmer can now exchange his ten dollars for ten loaves of bread. Observe that, apart from fulfilling the role of the medium of exchange, money has contributed absolutely nothing to the production of bread and potatoes.

So far we have seen that to secure potatoes, the baker had to exchange bread for money and then employed money to secure potatoes. Something was exchanged for money, which in turn was exchanged for something else — or something for something is exchanged with the help of money.
Trouble erupts when money is created "out of thin air." Such money gives rise to consumption, which is not backed by any production. It leads to an exchange of nothing for something.
For instance, a counterfeiter has printed a perfect $20 note. Since he secured this money by means other than the production of some useful goods or services, the counterfeiter has therefore obtained the $20 by exchanging nothing for it.
The counterfeiter uses the $20 to buy ten loaves of bread. What we have here is the diversion of real funding — ten loaves of bread — from a potato farmer towards the counterfeiter. Note that the diversion takes place by the counterfeiter paying a higher price for bread — he pays two dollars per loaf. Previously the price stood at one dollar per loaf. Also note that since the counterfeiter doesn't produce anything useful he is engaged in nonproductive consumption.
The potato farmer is now denied the bread that he must have to sustain himself while he is producing potatoes. Obviously this will impair the production of potatoes. As a result, fewer potatoes will become available, which in turn will undermine the consumption of the baker, thereby impairing his ability to produce.
We can see that, while productive consumption sustains wealth generators and promotes the expansion of real wealth, nonproductive consumption only leads to economic impoverishment.

You are welcome.
Obama's mission and intent is to turn this country into even more of a nanny-state than it already is. His vision is that the government will be the institution which solves everyone's problems. I sincerely hope he fails in his mission and his intent is never realized.

Obama has NEVER stated anything of this sort. You can choose to believe what you wish, but this isn't his vision.
well, im a republican. but i dont want to see him fail or get assasinated(on the news that death threats over him or huge).all of this will be bad for our country and will put it in an even deeper crapshoot.
The avatar with Obama's face on a communist flag. The avatar with Obama and Karl Marx, etc. I have seen much hatred towards our president elect, lots of fear talk and plenty of moaning and groaning about it. I don't want to know why you think he will be a bad president. I am fully aware of the political leanings of the majority of the board. I just want to know if you want Obama to fail as president. A simple yes or no will do. You can explain your answer if you wish, but it's not necessary. Honesty in your answer will be appreciated.


I don't really want him to fail...but I think he will.
I sincerely hope he fulfills his primary duty which is to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. However, I don’t see how he can do this while implementing many of his policies.

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