Some interesting posts on this subject.
As I have stated from the start I have never been a big fan of CBP, but I have always said he can coach and motivate.
As to comparison with comparison in many many ways, some to the plus for Pearl and some to the plus for Phil.
It is always important to remember that we are not privy to practices, chalk talks, half time adjustments, etc. which means we do not know what Pearl tried to do to counter Meeks, what was practiced, ad infinitum.
I will say I thought Meeks was having one of those rare nights when he was in the "zone" and might have scored 30 on a double team. I have played,coached, grew up in a basketball coaching family, etc. and some days some kids just have the touch, the feel, and can't be stopped...regardless of the effort.
My guess is that Pearl will get things worked out. Improvement will be noted, but it is ironic and kind of amusing to me to see all of the criticism CBP has received this season when for the last 2 he was deemed the Messiah for UT basketball.