Somebody has to provide supervision for you Joe. All I want to know is what you were doing to make Cocoa give you that look?View attachment 296733cocoa was no help while i painted, just watched
That is one smart German Shepherd. Even has a credit card for online purchases?View attachment 297253
Father's Day present finally arrived!
Got home three hours ago and took my dog Bailey (a 10 year old German Shepherd) for an extra long walk around the block... took about 40 minutes. She wasn't inside the door more than 5 minutes and she took a big, black, diarrhea crap on my living room carpet that I had steam cleaned in February. Is there a thread for pics of dead dogs on here? We need one.
Awwh Cute!!Gauge and his new double squeaky toy, bunny :View attachment 297756
This has been discussed, and I think even in this thread, but I'll be damned if I can find it.
I know Wendy Davis from Davis Branch Blueticks is the breeder who handles the current Smokey line, which begins with our current beloved mascot Smokey X. A fellow forum member once provided me her contact information.
I cannot locate who it is breeds the line Smokey IX is from however. Anyone have any insight?
Of my ridiculous COVID purchases, a good dog is going to be the smartest and least ridiculous.