Anyone have any experience with their dog having seizures? The other night mine started having them out of thin air. She had one bad one that I didn't witness the entire episode but caught at the end. One mild and another really bad one. I then rushed her to the animal hospital. She had two more while there at the hospital. All blood work is fine and we are waiting on results of a spinal tap. We are back home and seizure free for 48 hours on meds. The meds have her really sedated and will require blood work every 3 to 4 months to make sure the levels of the meds don't get to unsafe levels. They put her on phenobarbital plus Keppra because she had a cluster within 24 hours. She is only on Keppra for 3 days. She was acting her normal self when these started. Just wondering if anyone else has experience with it.
We had a Golden Retriever that did. He would have them only every once in awhile. But he'd be out of it for about 30-45 minutes.Anyone have any experience with their dog having seizures? The other night mine started having them out of thin air. She had one bad one that I didn't witness the entire episode but caught at the end. One mild and another really bad one. I then rushed her to the animal hospital. She had two more while there at the hospital. All blood work is fine and we are waiting on results of a spinal tap. We are back home and seizure free for 48 hours on meds. The meds have her really sedated and will require blood work every 3 to 4 months to make sure the levels of the meds don't get to unsafe levels. They put her on phenobarbital plus Keppra because she had a cluster within 24 hours. She is only on Keppra for 3 days. She was acting her normal self when these started. Just wondering if anyone else has experience with it.
Wow, she is really growing like a weed......Biscuit has decided my sock drawer is very comfy.
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