Update on Bruno's first visit to the Retirement/Rehab Center last Wednesday. We got there at 10 o'clock and the visit was supposed to last an hour. They told me I could not take pictures due to privacy and hippa regulations. Too many forms to fill out, I can understand that I guess. There was only 1 lady that was scared of Bruno. The administrator said not to worry she was dramatic. Bruno had a ball. He got so much petting I was getting worried about him going bald. lol We ended up staying until 11:30. Just before we left Bruno was tired and laid down on the floor. I was talking to one of the PT people and the administrator. I lost track of Bruno. The lady that was so scared of him, in the beginning, had pulled a chair up next to Bruno and was petting him with her foot. Then she bent down and was rubbing his side with her hand. I told the administrator to just glance over in that direction. She was stunned. I let her pet him for several minutes and then I walked over to them. I told her it was time for us to leave and she may want to move back because he will jump up and I didn't want her to get scared or get injured. Before I could tell Bruno to come, he gets up in super slow motion and lays his head on the little old lady's leg. She said he knows I was scared and I think he likes me. She teared up and walked away. I got a call that evening from the Administrator thanking me for the visit. She said everyone loved Bruno and after dinner, the little old lady asked her when her friend Bruno would be coming back. I told her we would try and come a couple of times a month. I wish I could have had a video of the visit.