Dogs of VolNation and other pets that are inferior to Dogs

Is he neutered? Even neutered toms ramble around, but they’re a lot less of a PITA than intact males.

I’m guessing that he’s neutered, because he’s awfully mellow. (No emoji yet for a cat with a glass of white wine, it appears.)
Yes he’s neutered.
You’d have to fight Siggy for him. They’re besties now.
But the cat came back, they thought it was a gonner, The cat came back, the very next day, The cat came back, it just wouldn’t stay away…

When my mother was still living alone in her house in Memphis, the cat (currently “our cat”) would periodically slip out, and my mom would call me in near-hysterics. I would send her this video, and the cat would always be back that night, because despite her (the cat’s) bluster, she is a complete weenie.

A different tune, but still fun:

PetSmart is in the strip mall in front of my apartment complex. My left hand turn. Borders Reedy Creek. So, in addition to dodging idiotic people who don't look both ways before crossing, I have to watch for DAs with mountain bikes. Their trucks are problematic. Good grief, we were told to tie a red bandana on a hitch if it stuck out that far. Okay, the ducks come out of the creek and sit on the asphalt in evening. Warmer than the water. I almost rear ended a woman because she stopped for a duck.
I hate that whole plaza, it's a mess. But I gained a lot of weight eating ice cream over there too much when I lived in Kpt.

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