Don’t do this to yourselves

Somebody last night asked in another thread where all the people that were giving Jack a hard were. I responded and he said I couldn't have been more wrong. I asked what I was wrong about but got no answer.

I'm fine this morning and I don't need any consoling. So, not sure what I was wrong about.
Absolutely nothing.
Being down all the time so that you're 'less down' after the game, is silly to me. Don't mind that others do it but don't need them looking out for best interests, I'm fine😂
You weren't wrong about anything, Behr. The OP was wrong. Still is wrong.

Charger hit the nail square on the head.

Jack wasn't wrong about predicting the game outcome. He was wrong in his proposal that we all pity ourselves in the week leading up to the game. That whole "get ready for a kick in the junk" attitude. It was wrong when he wrote it, and remains wrong today.

Today the lads are waking up, sore, tired, and most especially tired of losing to teams they should beat. Hopefully they're pissed off about it. Pissed off enough to hold their teammates accountable. To say to them, "look, you're failing, and I'm paying with my body for your failure. So get your stuff together, or go play baseball instead."

One of the fellas on these boards (Rev) said this morning, it's all about a deep need for leadership. He nailed it, too.

We need more leaders, more Al Wilson style, in-your-face leaders. CJP shouldn't have to kick the white board to communicate that things were unacceptable last night. The upperclassmen should've already kicked the crap out of that white board, sent it to intensive care, if that's what it would take to get their teammates committed to doing it the right way.

So no, Behr, man, you're fine. No one is going to quote your words back to you with an ah-hah, because you weren't wrong about a thing.
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Too bad more folks didn’t listen to me. There wouldn’t be so many meltdown threads worried about Pruitt and the future of Tennessee Football. :cool:
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Too bad more folks didn’t listen to me. There wouldn’t be so many meltdown threads worried about Pruitt and the future of Tennessee Football. :cool:

You misunderstand human nature.

If people had moped last week, giving up, giving in, thinking poorly of our team, that would simply be seven more days of misery. They wouldn't be one jot calmer or happier now. They would simply have willingly foregone a week of hope and anticipation. A good week, as things go.

That's how human nature really works.
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You misunderstand human nature.

If people had moped last week, giving up, giving in, thinking poorly of our team, that would simply be seven more days of misery. They wouldn't be one jot calmer or happier now. They would simply have willingly foregone a week of hope and anticipation. A good week, as things go.

That's how human nature really works.
It's called delusion.
I didn’t expect to win. I expected UF DL to cause some problems and I expected UF WRs to exploit the UT secondary. But I didn’t expect the game to be over at halftime.
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I don't think it's about giving up hope. I think it's about understanding the situation. We are a young team that is also in a new offensive and defensive system and coming off the worst year in program history. I didn't think we would win but that didn't stop me from hoping that we would. Some people just have unrealistic expectations and that's where the meltdowns come in.
Some people just have unrealistic expectations and that's where the meltdowns come in.

Actually, high hopes and "unrealistic expectations" aren't usually the source of the meltdowns and vitriol.

Leopards tend not to change their spots. The guy who was mouth-breathing last week, before the game, is usually mouth-breathing after the loss, too.

Couple of examples:

(1) Here's a fella who started a thread, "Pruitt has lost this team." Pretty meltdown-ish, right?

Well, this is him before the game:
This team isn't an sec caliber team. Or even a power 5 conference team. It has to be the roster. I'm so confused. They can't get better yet Vandy and UK can. What the heck?

See, he was melting down back when Jack Burton was saying we shouldn't get our hopes up. He definitely didn't have his hopes up. Lot of good that did him.

(2) Another fellow. This one started a thread with the title, "When will this nightmare end?" That's pretty far up there on the meltdown meter.

And this is him just before the game:
You are what the record says you are. We are and have been bad for a number of years. I just am thankful we are not in the West- we might go 3 years without winning a game . Sad but true.

Another who clearly followed the Jack Burton School of Don't Get Your Hopes Up. Doesn't seem to have served him very well.

No, human nature goes like this: folks who tend to be positive, they tend to be positive. They feel the pain just like the meltdown crowd, but find a way to Keep Calm and Carry On. They dust themselves off, and keep on hoping for the best.

Meanwhile, folks who tend to be negative, they tend to be negative all the time. Like after a win (say, last week) just as much as after a loss.

There are certainly mood swingers, the up-and-down type. At the extreme, that's called manic-depressive syndrome. But it's rare.

For the most part, folks who are positive will find ways to stay upbeat, and people who are negative will tend to stay Eeyorish (and often cynical and sarcastic, to boot).

I'd much rather be the former than the latter.
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You misunderstand human nature.

If people had moped last week, giving up, giving in, thinking poorly of our team, that would simply be seven more days of misery. They wouldn't be one jot calmer or happier now. They would simply have willingly foregone a week of hope and anticipation. A good week, as things go.

That's how human nature really works.

In all seriousness , I don’t get the “fans” like Jack. I get the BVS that gets thrown about, and the weariness of our fan base, but to hope to get everyone down on a outcome that hasn’t actually happened.
In all seriousness , I don’t get the “fans” like Jack. I get the BVS that gets thrown about, and the weariness of our fan base, but to hope to get everyone down on a outcome that hasn’t actually happened.

Me either, ORB. A coping mechanism, maybe?

If it works for him, that's great. But he shouldn't try to export it to others. It's certainly not going to be effective for most folks.
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Actually, high hopes and "unrealistic expectations" aren't usually the source of the meltdowns and vitriol.

Leopards tend not to change their spots. The guy who was mouth-breathing last week, before the game, is usually mouth-breathing after the loss, too.

Couple of examples:

(1) Here's a fella who started a thread, "Pruitt has lost this team." Pretty meltdown-ish, right?

Well, this is him before the game:

See, he was melting down back when Jack Burton was saying we shouldn't get our hopes up. He definitely didn't have his hopes up. Lot of good that did him.

(2) Another fellow. This one started a thread with the title, "When will this nightmare end?" That's pretty far up there on the meltdown meter.

And this is him just before the game:

Another who clearly followed the Jack Burton School of Don't Get Your Hopes Up. Doesn't seem to have served him very well.

No, human nature goes like this: folks who tend to be positive, they tend to be positive. They feel the pain just like the meltdown crowd, but find a way to Keep Calm and Carry On. They dust themselves off, and keep on hoping for the best.

Meanwhile, folks who tend to be negative, they tend to be negative all the time. Like after a win (say, last week) just as much as after a loss.

There are certainly mood swingers, the up-and-down type. At the extreme, that's called manic-depressive syndrome. But it's rare.

For the most part, folks who are positive will find ways to stay upbeat, and people who are negative will tend to stay Eeyorish (and often cynical and sarcastic, to boot).

I'd much rather be the former than the latter.
You make very good points. I was called negative for agreeing with Jack. I really wasn't being negative though. I am just to a point where this team hadn't given me a reason to believe that they can play a game without consistently shooting themselves in the foot. I didn't think we would win because of this. I wanted us to win and hoped that we would but I just don't think this team is there mentally. I think they have the talent no matter what some on this board say.

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