Donald J. Trump - Worst President in Modern History

A lot ot people just really can’t understand Trump‘s election in 2016 and why so many decent, principled people still support him. It isn’t a validation or affirmation of Trump as a person. A lot of people who voted for him really can’t stand him. But view his success as what it really is, a loud and undeniable shout that neither political party has been serving the American people very well for a very long time. It was a final and total rejection of the status quo by tens of millions of Americans. Trump was a message that the old way of doing things will not be acceptable to a lot of people anymore. If anything, Trump was a sign of rejection of the establishment GOP as much as it was of the Democrats. People are fed up with both parties that they were willing to hold their noses and vote for a vain, childish, arrogant braggart just to make a point. The tragedy is that neither party „gets it“ even now

Yes, I hink there is some truth to his appeal as an anti-establishment guy. The tragedy is not that he was elected, its how he actually managed the office.

All he really did was show the majority of Americans that the establishment isn't as bad as him.
A lot ot people just really can’t understand Trump‘s election in 2016 and why so many decent, principled people still support him. It isn’t a validation or affirmation of Trump as a person. A lot of people who voted for him really can’t stand him. But view his success as what it really is, a loud and undeniable shout that neither political party has been serving the American people very well for a very long time. It was a final and total rejection of the status quo by tens of millions of Americans. Trump was a message that the old way of doing things will not be acceptable to a lot of people anymore. If anything, Trump was a sign of rejection of the establishment GOP as much as it was of the Democrats. People are fed up with both parties that they were willing to hold their noses and vote for a vain, childish, arrogant braggart just to make a point. The tragedy is that neither party „gets it“ even now
I think Bill Clinton is a horrible human being but one of the better presidents we’ve had.
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Yes, I hink there is some truth to his appeal as an anti-establishment guy. The tragedy is not that he was elected, its how he actually managed the office.

All he really did was show the majority of Americans that the establishment isn't as bad as him.
He proved to be just more of the same.
This current guy is a train wreck compared to the last 3 presidents
Bottom line…if you think this is about Trump, you are missing the point. Trump is a symbol. He is not what is being symbolized It is not and never was about him.

Great point! Many short sighted idiots fail to see this.
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Yep. He’s a slimeball like Biden but without the gross incompetence
I think his presidency was a good mix of soiled economic principles on budget with social balance and the ability to work with the GOP to move the country in a positive direction. Race relations moved in the correct direction under Clinton as well.
There were obviously some F ups like the housing bubble but overall the last candidate from a major party that I’d vote for. His personal live was a cluster **** though. But ultimately the result of a BS impeachment scam. That actually makes his ability to compromise even more impressive.

It’s funny to listen to the modern Democrats hate on Bill Clinton. He’s the best the Democrats have had to offer it a long long time.
Trump had a lot of potential to be a great president. But from day one he was never given the respect or chance by so many. I believe if the pandemic hadn’t happened he would still be in office.
Yep. He’s a slimeball like Biden but without the gross incompetence
Bill Clinton was effective because he actually made a sincere effort to govern by consensus and compromise. He wasn’t afraid to tell the nuts on his own side when to shut up (see welfare reform). Every President since has been terrified of the extreme wing of their own party and ends up trying to rule, not govern
A lot ot people just really can’t understand Trump‘s election in 2016 and why so many decent, principled people still support him. It isn’t a validation or affirmation of Trump as a person. A lot of people who voted for him really can’t stand him. But view his success as what it really is, a loud and undeniable shout that neither political party has been serving the American people very well for a very long time. It was a final and total rejection of the status quo by tens of millions of Americans. Trump was a message that the old way of doing things will not be acceptable to a lot of people anymore. If anything, Trump was a sign of rejection of the establishment GOP as much as it was of the Democrats. People are fed up with both parties that they were willing to hold their noses and vote for a vain, childish, arrogant braggart just to make a point. The tragedy is that neither party „gets it“ even now

What an absolute success! He lost to the worst D candidate of all time. The R party is worse than ever, coming from an independent who leaned right up until the 2010's, now firmly in the middle despising both sides equally. Well done!
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He proved to be just more of the same.
This current guy is a train wreck compared to the last 3 presidents

You can confidently make that statement after 6 months in office. Seems like an ilegitimate assesment. What's the saying trumpsters use? Orange man bad?

Biden may turnout to be similar to Jimmy Carter but even then he will be light years ahead of drumpf.

I hope you will get enough time and perspective to see how incompetent drumpf was as a President.

Trump had a lot of potential to be a great president. But from day one he was never given the respect or chance by so many. I believe if the pandemic hadn’t happened he would still be in office.
Interesting. I didn't think the virus counted the votes.
You can confidently make that statement after 6 months in office. Seems like an ilegitimate assesment. What's the saying trumpsters use? Orange man bad?

Biden may turnout to be similar to Jimmy Carter but even then he will be light years ahead of drumpf.

I hope you will get enough time and perspective to see how incompetent drumpf was as a President.
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What an absolute success! He lost to the worst D candidate of all time. The R party is worse than ever, coming from an independent who leaned right up until the 2010's, now firmly in the middle despising both sides equally. Well done!
Party labels mean little anymore to many of us. R and D are just different sides of the same coin. I could care less what shape the Republican Party is in. What really interests me is that, even with all of his numerous and inexcusable flaws, Trump still increased the numbers of blue collar, minority, and Hispanic voters in his column. It is about coalition building and the coalition that began to coalesce around the ideas espoused by Trump should scare progressives to death. They CANNOT win without almost unanimous support from the Black and Hispanic blocks. The number of white college educated progressive snowflakes in this country is laughably tiny outside of the coastal enclaves. If the Dems loose only a tiny bit of that minority support they are done for and they know it
If you were wise, you would quit focusing on the PERSON of Trump and ask yourself what it is that draws people to such an unlikeable person in the first place. Then ask yourself the really frightening question….what happens if an actual LIKEABLE person appears staking out the same positions as the obnoxious Trump? That is the nightmare scenario for the left but they can’t get the PERSON Trump out of their tunnel vision to focus on the IDEAS that appeal to Trump voters. Trump will not be around much longer due to his age…but the Trump coalition isn’t going anywhere and when it finds a charismatic and well behaved leader, watch out.
Party labels mean little anymore to many of us. R and D are just different sides of the same coin. I could care less what shape the Republican Party is in. What really interests me is that, even with all of his numerous and inexcusable flaws, Trump still increased the numbers of blue collar, minority, and Hispanic voters in his column. It is about coalition building and the coalition that began to coalesce around the ideas espoused by Trump should scare progressives to death. They CANNOT win without almost unanimous support from the Black and Hispanic blocks. The number of white college educated progressive snowflakes in this country is laughably tiny outside of the coastal enclaves. If the Dems loose only a tiny bit of that minority support they are done for and they know it
If you were wise, you would quit focusing on the PERSON of Trump and ask yourself what it is that draws people to such an unlikeable person in the first place. Then ask yourself the really frightening question….what happens if an actual LIKEABLE person appears staking out the same positions as the obnoxious Trump? That is the nightmare scenario for the left but they can’t get the PERSON Trump out of their tunnel vision to focus on the IDEAS that appeal to Trump voters. Trump will not be around much longer due to his age…but the Trump coalition isn’t going anywhere and when it finds a charismatic and well behaved leader, watch out.
DeSantis 2024
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DeSantis 2024
I think he is the odds on favourite if Trump steps aside (and maybe even if he doesn’t). He is definitely saying all the right things to bring those voters along. And (most importantly for the Trump fans) he refuses to back down in the face of the inevitable attacks
I think he is the odds on favourite if Trump steps aside (and maybe even if he doesn’t). He is definitely saying all the right things to bring those voters along. And (most importantly for the Trump fans) he refuses to back down in the face of the inevitable attacks
If it’s DeSantis vs Trump I’ll vote for DeSantis 10 out of 10 times, twice on election day, and five times by mail in ballot.
If it’s DeSantis vs Trump I’ll vote for DeSantis 10 out of 10 times, twice on election day, and five times by mail in ballot.
Unless something changes and DrSantis „pulls a Noem“ I am right there with you. He looks like the real deal.

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