Donald J. Trump - Worst President in Modern History

Poor Donnie was still able to exchange love letters with despots despite journalists calling out his constant lies... what a guy.

Want to make a bet on how long it takes North Korea to do a nuke or missile test or both after the dementia patient gets into office?

Double down he doesn't do a thing when China tells him not to?
Like less jobs for Americans and more slave labor in China. Dems are suppose to be so moral and caring about humanity. Nothing can be further from the truth.
These guys are digging their own graves. I just hope more people leave NY, IL and CA and move to red states so they can show us how it's done. In a hundred years this country will be part of communist China.
Want to make a bet on how long it takes North Korea to do a nuke or missile test or both after the dementia patient gets into office?

Double down he doesn't do a thing when China tells him not to?
What do you suggest that is done to prevent a missile test?
No, we have a bat **** loon who’s way past menopausal stage as speaker of the house. Facts are Trump should have never been impeached once, much less twice. She’s the impeachment bitch.
What do you suggest that is done to prevent a missile test?

Do what Trump did? That seemed to work pretty well.

You realize Trump was the first President not to get bent over and screwed by North Korea and actually got them to stop that nonsense?

I'm thinking maybe 60 days if we're lucky.
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I figure I'll have a go at this and format it to current times with Trump as your object of affection...

Was he a dictator of sorts? Trump, contrary to all the rhetoric from the left, stayed within the Constitution on his powers. He never really made the threat of the "pen and phone" to coerce Congress or took power for himself that wasn't given to him by law. On the contrary, the other branches of government took far more power than they should have even going as far as breaking the law.
He attempted to be a dictator many times. He violated congress on multiple occasions. Two that comes to mind was taking money not appropriated for the wall and redirecting it to the wall the "Mexico would pay for".

He also temporarily withheld funds from Ukraine. We know all about this one eventhough you disagree. This violates checks and balances, congress has the power of the purse not the president.

You know the biggest move, an attempt to get the courts/Pence and his minions to stop the winner of the 2020 election from becoming president. It has never been more dictatorship than this in the U.S. FDR takes a very distant 2nd place compared to 2020.

Did he champion some landmark legislation that turned out to be a lasting disaster? Not at all. Of course, getting anything passed after 2018 and the midterms was going to be impossible

Or course, he did control both houses for the first 2years in office but still chose to use executive orders and wasn't prepared to get big legislation passed. He was good at blaming Democrats for being "obstructionists" when it was basically mathematically impossible.

I agree he didn't get much legislation passed or follow through with campaign promises. Obama care stayed intact and he never introduced his plan. Not sure much of the infrastructure ever got built I remember something about big beautiful bridges.

Did he entangle us in endless war? No and on the contrary, started drawing down significantly in places we were at. I think given a second term, we would have been out of Afghanistan.

Afghanistan is hard to tell but since he really didn't believe his intelligence community then I am sure he would have screwed it up.
Lost credibility and advantage in Syria but it was a sess pool and we really don't want him to make important war decisions. I think he knows he is better off talking about walls and elections.

Was he a part in leading us to civil war? Debatable and there's plenty of guilt on both sides of the political equation on that remark.
Enough evidence titls the scales in his guilty favor on this issue. You can't talk about election fraud only when you lose and not expect to create enemies. In fact he called for fraud before it happened then doubled down after nobody credible could find any evidence. Then he inspired a mob to try and stop legitimate government action which resulted in death. I know but, but, obama, blm, antifa and Pelosi. All deflections from the actions of this president.

Did he spend us into oblivion? Of course, but every President is guilty of that. And Congress is as much to blame as anyone. Power of the purse and all.

Like much of his issues much of this was self inflicted. Bad trade deals with china and bailing out farmers, just to name a few.

Did he usurp power from other branches of government? Nope. In fact, they've tried usurping it from him.

See above, but we can add his disdain for the judicial branch when they didn't rule in his favor.

Did he undermine the bill of rights/constitution in a way that set a permanent precedent? No or they would have impeached him for it a long time ago. And I would have supported such an impeachment.

You missed this one again. Must have been busy during the first impeachment. Of course there is more like the emoluments clause. Ect.

Was he extremely corrupt? Probably. But then again, judging him against his peers in the role of President, that's not exactly a high bar.

We sort of agree on this one but I don't think you give him enought credit. He worked really hard to lower the bar. Let's see if he can make some deals for the common people and sell some pardons to the insurrectionists.
Do what Trump did? That seemed to work pretty well.

You realize Trump was the first President not to get bent over and screwed by North Korea and actually got them to stop that nonsense?

I'm thinking maybe 60 days if we're lucky.

Haha they tested a missile when he was practically still in town.
Want to make a bet on how long it takes North Korea to do a nuke or missile test or both after the dementia patient gets into office?

Double down he doesn't do a thing when China tells him not to?
You do realize they test every incoming admin right? Including Trump.
We sort of agree on this one but I don't think you give him enought credit. He worked really hard to lower the bar. Let's see if he can make some deals for the common people and sell some pardons to the insurrectionists.

Well, so much to go through here:

I'm changing your font before my eyes go bad trying to actually read it.

He attempted to be a dictator many times. He violated congress on multiple occasions. Two that comes to mind was taking money not appropriated for the wall and redirecting it to the wall the "Mexico would pay for".

He also temporarily withheld funds from Ukraine. We know all about this one eventhough you disagree. This violates checks and balances, congress has the power of the purse not the president.

You know the biggest move, an attempt to get the courts/Pence and his minions to stop the winner of the 2020 election from becoming president. It has never been more dictatorship than this in the U.S. FDR takes a very distant 2nd place compared to 2020.

Bull ****. The courts ruled in his favor on the wall. As for the Ukraine thing, really? You really want to stand on that as his "dictatorial" status? After everything that happened with Quid Pro Joe and this is your "evidence" of his attempt at being a dictator?

Let's face facts here, if he really wanted to be a dictator, there's a whole bunch of criminal politicians (is that redundant?) that would be locked away in military internment camps right now and/or we'd already be in a full blown civil war.

Or course, he did control both houses for the first 2years in office but still chose to use executive orders and wasn't prepared to get big legislation passed. He was good at blaming Democrats for being "obstructionists" when it was basically mathematically impossible.

I agree he didn't get much legislation passed or follow through with campaign promises. Obama care stayed intact and he never introduced his plan. Not sure much of the infrastructure ever got built I remember something about big beautiful bridges.

Oh, I blame the GOP Congress as much those first two years for the debacle over not coming up with a decent Obamacare counter as much as anything. They had years to iron out a bulletproof plan and get it passed, but failed. That one's not totally on Trump.

As for the infrastructure, you might want to do some research before actually saying anything about it.

Afghanistan is hard to tell but since he really didn't believe his intelligence community then I am sure he would have screwed it up. Lost credibility and advantage in Syria but it was a sess pool and we really don't want him to make important war decisions. I think he knows he is better off talking about walls and elections.

Lost advantage in Syria? Are you ****ing kidding me? We should never have been involved in Syria to begin with. And we damn sure shouldn't have been involved in Afghanistan for almost 20 years. WTF are we accomplishing there at this point?

Oh, and BTW:

U.S. Completes Troop-Level Drawdown in Afghanistan, Iraq > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Defense Department News

Doesn't seem to be that screwed up.

Enough evidence titls the scales in his guilty favor on this issue. You can't talk about election fraud only when you lose and not expect to create enemies. In fact he called for fraud before it happened then doubled down after nobody credible could find any evidence. Then he inspired a mob to try and stop legitimate government action which resulted in death. I know but, but, obama, blm, antifa and Pelosi. All deflections from the actions of this president.

Zero ****ing evidence exists of him "inspiring" the crowd to do what they did. I'm not surprised you'd take this line you're too ignorant to actually look at things from a higher level and want to twist words as much as possible to fit your narrative. Let me guess, you're also going to call it an "insurrection" and "domestic terrorism" like the talking heads tell you to do.

I'll say the same thing I've repeated practically since the day it happened, if this truly was an "insurgency" or "act of domestic terrorism" we'd be having a whole lot of special elections for Congress starting soon.

Like much of his issues much of this was self inflicted. Bad trade deals with china and bailing out farmers, just to name a few.

You really are a tool bag.

See above, but we can add his disdain for the judicial branch when they didn't rule in his favor.

How about when they decided to rule on partisan issues? Did you take issue with that?

You missed this one again. Must have been busy during the first impeachment. Of course there is more like the emoluments clause. Ect.

I didn't miss anything here. If after four years all you have to run your mouth about is the emoluments schtick, you have absolutely no argument worth bringing.

We sort of agree on this one but I don't think you give him enought credit. He worked really hard to lower the bar. Let's see if he can make some deals for the common people and sell some pardons to the insurrectionists.

Your idiocy and rabid derangement really shines out here. When you can actually start thinking objectively and on your own, by all means, please come back with better arguments than you thought you were bringing.

So, until you get past slurping up everything the media and DNC is feeding you, go home and get your ****ing shine box, Tommy.
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