Donald Rumsfeld Died

Who cares if he just died? It's there a cooling off period until we can comment on the awful things he did? I don't care how he died but he was pretty much a pos
Everyone talking about pointless wars in here. Hussein was a mass murderer and taking him out was a noble cause with or without WMD's present. IMO.
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Everyone talking about pointless wars in here. Hussein was a mass murderer and taking him out was a noble cause with or without WMD's present. IMO.
Except when removing him made it worse. We should never be the world's morality police

Do you support invading any country whose leader is a murderer and keeps their people under such control?
Except when removing him made it worse. We should never be the world's morality police

Do you support invading any country whose leader is a murderer and keeps their people under such control?
That opens the door for us to attack KSA...
Everyone talking about pointless wars in here. Hussein was a mass murderer and taking him out was a noble cause with or without WMD's present. IMO.
He had a WMD. It was a 9mm pistol

I still think we should have turned Hussein loose when Nick Berg was murdered on the internet.
Yeah I don't understand the sympathy for a guy who contributed to the deaths of hundreds of thousands.
There are a lot of decent people you could pigeon hole into this "description".

Lincoln, Eisenhower, Truman, JFK, Reagan, Clinton, Obama
Why is the truth disrespectful? Are all crimes forgiven upon death?
All crimes are not forgiven on death. But the case is moved to another court with a much wiser judge. By definition, human applied punishments cannot proceed beyond death. We have lost jurisdiction at the edge of the grave

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