Donald Trump Vows To "Drain The Swamp"



Rocky Top!!!
Sep 8, 2010

Ok, in part I'm trolling here because I know what's going on in our country can be very divisive but I just can't help it when I hear Donald Trump say "we're draining the swamp."

I'm not very good with YouTube and don't have a PC only mobile :(

Can someone with much more skill than I go to the last 12 seconds of the video above and edit him just saying "we're draining the swamp." It's just so classic. I've been looking for a GIF with him saying that but couldn't find one. So let's start it here.

Sorry if this is in the wrong forum...I just wanted to have a little fun and make sure it gets seen. Our disdain for UF binds us :)
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He just wants to build a casino on the dried up bones of all the dead swamp life.
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Not a bad idea but to be clear, it starts after Jan 20th and only includes executive branch folks. And of course, because it's an EO and not a law, Trump maintains the ability to waive any restrictions... If he can get the legislative branch to kneecap themselves, it'd truly be a christmas miracle.

The swamp is in the legislative branch but trimming the weeds around it is a good start. B+ for effort.
Not a bad idea but to be clear, it starts after Jan 20th and only includes executive branch folks. And of course, because it's an EO and not a law, Trump maintains the ability to waive any restrictions... If he can get the legislative branch to kneecap themselves, it'd truly be a christmas miracle.

The swamp is in the legislative branch but trimming the weeds around it is a good start. B+ for effort.

Since the board knows how I feel about Trump and that I sincerely think he means nothing well for us at all, I'll take the cynical view of this:

It's merely a means of limiting potential challenges to his authority and policy-making under the guise of a pragmatic initiative. If it wins over the people, convinced that he's "draining the swamp" as a result, then all the better for Trump.
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Has anyone seen Ape lately? Maybe I've just been overlooking his posts somehow.
If he can get the legislative branch to kneecap themselves, it'd truly be a christmas miracle.

The swamp is in the legislative branch but trimming the weeds around it is a good start. B+ for effort.

That's the real trick right there. However, I have this feeling that Trump can be very shrewd and will end up backing themselves into a corner by putting it on them. And either:

A: They go along with it and Trump gets what he wants (along with the American people getting a break)

B: They shoot him down with all sorts of really bad excuses and show their true colors. Trump still wins as they will look selfish and unwilling to give up their positions of power.

Basically Congress is backed into a corner from the start.
That's the real trick right there. However, I have this feeling that Trump can be very shrewd and will end up backing themselves into a corner by putting it on them. And either:

A: They go along with it and Trump gets what he wants (along with the American people getting a break)

B: They shoot him down with all sorts of really bad excuses and show their true colors. Trump still wins as they will look selfish and unwilling to give up their positions of power.

Basically Congress is backed into a corner from the start.

That's Donald. It's how he does things. He is known for traps.
That's the real trick right there. However, I have this feeling that Trump can be very shrewd and will end up backing themselves into a corner by putting it on them. And either:

A: They go along with it and Trump gets what he wants (along with the American people getting a break)

B: They shoot him down with all sorts of really bad excuses and show their true colors. Trump still wins as they will look selfish and unwilling to give up their positions of power.

Basically Congress is backed into a corner from the start.

Yeah, congress doesn't g.a.s. They'll trick some freshmen into talking the fall for fighting any bill that would even hint at limiting the house's ability to cash in their run in gubm't.

The American people won't hold em responsible becuase it's ALWAYS the other guys legislator that is the problem, I mean, my guy is the best - he's in Washington to clean it up. Yours is corrupt af, everyone knows that. That's how this works.
Yeah, congress doesn't g.a.s. They'll trick some freshmen into talking the fall for fighting any bill that would even hint at limiting the house's ability to cash in their run in gubm't.

The American people won't hold em responsible becuase it's ALWAYS the other guys legislator that is the problem, I mean, my guy is the best - he's in Washington to clean it up. Yours is corrupt af, everyone knows that. That's how this works.

Donald Trump was just elected President. You honestly think anything is outside the realm of possibility these days?
President Donald Trump's personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, contacted the drug giant Novartis after the 2016 election "promising access" to the new administration, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller later requested information from the company about the offer, a senior official inside Novartis told NBC News on Wednesday.

"He [Cohen] contacted us after the new administration was in place," the official said. "He was promising access to the new administration."

The disclosure came after an attorney representing the adult-film actress who says she had an affair with Trump released a summary of bank transactions that he says shows payments from various companies to a company controlled by Cohen.

Novartis official: Michael Cohen was '''promising access''' after Trump election
I totally missed this story from 2017... You can't drain the swamp if you have ex-CIA as lawmakers.

The Daily 202: Ex-CIA officers running for Congress as Democrats

-- Trump has antagonized the intelligence community by questioning the expertise and professionalism of employees at the various spy agencies. He has never fully accepted their conclusion that Vladimir Putin ordered a comprehensive cyber campaign to boost his campaign and sabotage the presidential election. “The whole Russia thing was an excuse for the Democrats losing the election,” Trump said again Monday during a news conference in the Rose Garden.

Shortly before taking office, Trump memorably compared the intelligence community he now oversees to Nazi Germany. The day after being inaugurated, Trump visited CIA headquarters in Langley, Va., and drew criticism for delivering self-referential remarks before a wall of stars memorializing fallen officers. Visiting Poland in July, the president said U.S. intelligence analysts were wrong about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction — so they could also be wrong again about the Russians. In March, Trump asked two of the nation’s top intelligence officials to help him push back against an FBI investigation into possible coordination between his campaign and the Russian government. Both refused.

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