The Impeachment Thread

I see what was written and I saw who celebrated it. Carry on, that water pail must be a heavy burden.

Not going to answer the questions because all your posts on the matter will look utterly foolish at this point.

Go back to your corner and put the dunce cap back on. This is way above your level.
You did (partially) answer my question, hopefully, you're honest enough to expand on both portions of that post. So, I'll answer yours...

The fact is, we are fractured as a nation right now. We haven't seen this level of national discord since the 1850s. The 1960s were close, but I don't even think we were as divided during that era as we are now.

You impeach a sitting President on some utterly BS charges (you and I both know they are, if you're honest about it) you will see a serious fracture in this Republic. Because the way Democrats have been acting since the election day in 2016 appalls plenty of people. And they are going to get downright angry if this circus comes around like I suspect it will be. Democrats will not like the outcome of this hyper-partisan attack.

Democrats are just as childish as the man they despise. Even more so if you ask me. They could have been the adults in the room, yet they have decided to do what has never been done in this nation. President Trump said it right, no other President has been attacked so viciously since he was elected.

None of them. Don't even try to deny it. You can say "oh, he brought it on himself" but that doesn't excuse what's happened to him since he's been in office. It's utter childish nonsense.

Yes, impeaching the President over this will cause a serious national fracture. If you can't see that, open your damn eyes.
So, you don't believe Trump's call for the investigation of the Biden's was BS? If not, what was the endgame - more calls for locking up a political opponent?

You know damned well he'd happily cause the same sort of rift that he's supposedly warning against.
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Not going to answer the questions because all your posts on the matter will look utterly foolish at this point.

Go back to your corner and put the dunce cap back on. This is way above your level.
You're in the dumpster flailing around acting like Trump wasn't throwing red meat to his base. But he didn't say it. You are king of the dumpster.
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Trump IS our "serious national fracture". His removal will pacify the *majority* of our citizens.
You'll be shocked as you call in afraid to work and hide under your bed.

Your average citizen has watched the nation being given free reign to masked ruffians who harass old ladies. Overturn an election. See what happens. The silent majority is growing impatient.
You'll be shocked as you call in afraid to work and give under your bed.

Your average citizen has watched the nation being given free reign to masked ruffians who harass old ladies. Overturn an election. See what happens. The silent majority is growing impatient.

😆 I really have no idea what you're talking about but it's pretty funny... you genuinely seem quite enraptured in... whatever the hell you're talking about. I gather you were molested by a senior citizen or something?
You did (partially) answer my question, hopefully, you're honest enough to expand on both portions of that post. So, I'll answer yours...

The fact is, we are fractured as a nation right now. We haven't seen this level of national discord since the 1850s. The 1960s were close, but I don't even think we were as divided during that era as we are now.

You impeach a sitting President on some utterly BS charges (you and I both know they are, if you're honest about it) you will see a serious fracture in this Republic. Because the way Democrats have been acting since the election day in 2016 appalls plenty of people. And they are going to get downright angry if this circus comes around like I suspect it will be. Democrats will not like the outcome of this hyper-partisan attack.

Democrats are just as childish as the man they despise. Even more so if you ask me. They could have been the adults in the room, yet they have decided to do what has never been done in this nation. President Trump said it right, no other President has been attacked so viciously since he was elected.

None of them. Don't even try to deny it. You can say "oh, he brought it on himself" but that doesn't excuse what's happened to him since he's been in office. It's utter childish nonsense.

Yes, impeaching the President over this will cause a serious national fracture. If you can't see that, open your damn eyes.
We are fractured. I can't disagree with that.

I don't think this is a BS charge. Folks on the left and right are saying this needs to be looked at. There is a pretty even split among Americans on whether Trump should be impeached, per numerous polls.

I can say the same for the way Republicans acted since 2008 after Obama was elected. And still act to this day. It appalls many people still.

I completely disagree with your assertion that no President has been as viciously attacked as Trump. Do you not remember the burning effigies of Obama hanging from a noose? Do you not still lurk on this board?

I can say he brought it on himself. He didn't have to do all this shady crap. He chose to do it. Trump is in control of himself. He absolutely brought this on himself with the way he acts, speaks, and the things he would like to do.

The nation is already fractured. It was fractured from the day he decided to run. That is how he ran his campaign. This is how he runs his White House. He is not worried one bit about unity. He wants the fracture to exist. He wants an us vs. them narrative. It is what got him in the White House to begin with. And what might keep him there next year with the same tactics if he is sadly reelected.
😆 I really have no idea what you're talking about but it's pretty funny... you genuinely seem quite enraptured in... whatever the hell you're talking about.
I had you figured for one of the intelligent liberals here who had a decent reading comprehension. I guess i had you pegged all wrong.
You'll be shocked as you call in afraid to work and hide under your bed.

Your average citizen has watched the nation being given free reign to masked ruffians who harass old ladies. Overturn an election. See what happens. The silent majority is growing impatient.

This is fully sanctioned by Mick and LG by proxy. Do you think they're shamed by it? Yea, I don't either.

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So, you don't believe Trump's call for the investigation of the Biden's was BS? If not, what was the endgame - more calls for locking up a political opponent?

You know damned well he'd happily cause the same sort of rift that he's supposedly warning against.

I think you are addressing the elephant in the room question.

Why hasn't the media started pulling that string? Didn't Biden himself brag about stopping the funding to Ukraine? Why aren't these questions being asked?

Here's two non-biased articles on the matter.

FLASHBACK, 2018: Joe Biden Brags At CFR Meeting About Withholding Aid To Ukraine To Force Firing Of Prosecutor

Solomon: These once-secret memos cast doubt on Joe Biden's Ukraine story

Now, who's actually causing the rift? When did it start? Who keeps it going?

There are the real questions.
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Outsourced...what kind of peyote are you on? It says "LETTER FROM WILLIAM BARR SEEKING COOPERATION
It's a letter to Barr from an ambassador set to resign.
Joe Hockey to depart as US ambassador in 2020
This is him:
Holy sh*t. The dumb orangutan tweeted it out.

This serves a purpose. He shares this, his Red Hats share it, echo chamber intensifies, narrative shifts. Propaganda feeding propaganda right down to the thirsty mouths of the Red Hats. By Wednesday they will have themselves convinced that the Librulz are all gone and Lord Red Hat is dictator for life.
Bless your heart. You haven't changed since I've been gone.

You still have no method of actually winning an argument.
He posts like that and puts people on ignore for pressing hard questions, calling them too mean to converse with. Lol. He's definitely a childish little, cowardly piece of work .
Uh huh. You keep telling yourself that, Sugar Plum.

No, no... you're right. I honestly will miss it when this ongoing reality show is cancelled and Trump goes bye bye. The pure entertainment value alone is priceless... plus I'll have to find something else to bitch about all the time. And let's be honest, nearly all his changes remain gummed up in courts, so he's kinda like the Abominable Snowman without teeth at this point... with itty-bitty teeny tiny liddle' hands! (Note hyphen cause I really can actually spell liddle).

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