The Impeachment Thread

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I think you need to read it again.

That thread is about how ICIG explained that they had to change the form because the prior form could be seen as unlawfully discouraging or prohibiting legitimate whistleblower complaints. The prior form was illegal. They had to change it. They explained this in their statement. Then ICIG blamed the illegal form on the people who were there before them.

The last sentence (“it looked fishy, but it was really okay”) was written in the voice of an ICIG, who has just explained why they changed the form.
Yep we definitely inferred different meanings! I read it as York throwing a BS call on the whole statement chain. And again... there will be follow on interviews by both the House and the Senate so we’ll see!

And I really need to get some work done...
Where did I say I “respect” Trump? 😂

The devil you know... simple as that. Put Amash in the Senate for 20+ years of juggling DC politics and get back with me.
Then call him a chicken for running from Hillary in a primary to the arms of the GOP desperate for a win any way they could. Sell out all ideals as long as an R can claim victory
This is scary talk...Maxine Waters saying to put the President of the United States in solitary confinement when he hasnt even been accused of a crime Is that treasonous talk?

Come on, the guys campaign slogan was "lock her up"
Then call him a chicken for running from Hillary in a primary to the arms of the GOP desperate for a win any way they could. Sell out all ideals as long as an R can claim victory
Ok. Remember I didn’t vote for him last time as I didn’t believe he would stick to his campaign agenda? We’re full circle now.
This is scary talk...Maxine Waters saying to put the President of the United States in solitary confinement when he hasnt even been accused of a crime Is that treasonous talk?

If any dem here responds to this it will be simply but but but Trump bad too
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And he didn't stick to it yet now you're in his current. Your logic is mind numbing
We choose to disagree on what he has been able to get done in spite of the current environment. Yeah I know you think that’s nothing. We disagree. And I REALLY need to get some work done and we have a different thread for this!
What red hat primaries? They're cancelled
Only in the states where he was gonna see a challenger! And it’s chicken **** !

Now on all those weak Dims which Amash could easily sway the centrist vote on...?

Now, work! Bug me later PJ dammit! 😘
Yep we definitely inferred different meanings! I read it as York throwing a BS call on the whole statement chain. And again... there will be follow on interviews by both the House and the Senate so we’ll see!

And I really need to get some work done...
I have no idea what the penalty is for an IG that violates whistleblower laws, but I assume there are some. Under an administration that ignores the hatch act, who knows.

Sweeping complaints under the rug or improperly discouraging them would earn those penalties under a properly functioning government.

The form as written in 2018 could easily be interpreted as illegally discouraging a valid complaint if the instructions that came with the form suggested requirements that weren’t in the statute.

Some lawyer would extort the hell out of them.
I have no idea what the penalty is for an IG that violates whistleblower laws, but I assume there are some. Under an administration that ignores the hatch act, who knows.

Sweeping complaints under the rug or improperly discouraging them would earn those penalties under a properly functioning government.

The form as written in 2018 could easily be interpreted as illegally discouraging a valid complaint if the instructions that came with the form suggested requirements that weren’t in the statute.

Some lawyer would extort the hell out of them.
Im not trying to imply the IG swept it under the rug and I’m sure there’s a long paper trail on this which the Senate asked to be frozen for review. I just think their messaging is a hot mess and garbled which was how we started this discussion. Remember I said it just asked more questions than it answered or something like that. Now... work... please... 😥
I was right on point with my above post if anyone lib were to respond. He can't and won't say anything about any dem, his only reply is always but but but Trump bad
I say plenty about Dems and have for over a decade on this very forum. You're still a liar failing an open book test
I say plenty about Dems and have for over a decade on this very forum. You're still a liar failing an open book test
I don't give a damn what you say you have said in the past, I am pointing out what you say now. Anytime someone points out something about someone on your side you only have 1 response, but but but Trump bad. That's all you have. But it's fine I knew exactly what you and all the others dems here were going to say if you all responded at all.
I don't give a damn what you say you have said in the past, I am pointing out what you say now. Anytime someone points out something about someone on your side you only have 1 response, but but but Trump bad. That's all you have. But it's fine I knew exactly what you and all the others dems here were going to say if you all responded at all.
Of course you claim to not care because it would make you look stupid if people actually looked it up. If you only care about current comments you wouldn't make claims about what I said during the Obama presidency, the IRS targeting, fast and furious, etc (see your post below from this morning for evidence). You lie so much you can't keep your basic stories straight.

Oh look it's lg,velo,septic,evil,huff,monte,zepp,pj and el during fast & furious,biden blackmailing the Ukrainians, barry using the IRS to target conservatives, barry's war on cops, barry pandering to muslims everywhere

No one with half a brain could believe the trash lies you throw out on a daily basis.
Pompeo situation ramping up bigly. He's talking tough. Not smart. Dems threatening him now.
Ohhh they're threatening him now, I'm sure he's quaking in his boots. I'm sure that Nancy Pelosi, Nadler and Schiff have him scared that he will spend the rest of his life in solitary confinement along with the President. Democrats have lost their freaking minds.

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