The Impeachment Thread

I know but red hatters did which you brought up.
Here’s the deal. After the primary there were only two effective choices. I actually chose “none of the above” last time. But he actually has surprised me with regard to how he has largely stuck to his campaign promises. Now he’s a known quantity. He’s a lousy human being but he’s a known quantity. And that known quantity is still better than the two clown cars full of Democrats running. So this time I’m gonna pull the red lever and I’ll sleep just fine. If Paul tries to primary him I’d actually be receptive. But we both know he won’t do that.
So how are trillion dollar deficits going to eliminate the debt as promised? Still no new wall and no check from Mexico
Why do you think I ever thought Mexico was going to pay for it? And I agree with you on the trillion dollar deficit. Now you show me the Democrat your pulling for that won’t double down on that ok?

Also we have a different thread for this discussion?
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Why do you think I ever thought Mexico was going to pay for it? And I agree with you on the trillion dollar deficit. Now you show me the Democrat your pulling for that won’t double down on that ok?

Also we have a different thread for this discussion?
Yeah I don't support any Democrats. Don't go full dumb like Justin and keep making that claim. The tribalism of modern politics has pretty much eliminated any fiscal conservatives from contention. All about buying bites now
Yeah I don't support any Democrats. Don't go full dumb like Justin and keep making that claim. The tribalism of modern politics has pretty much eliminated any fiscal conservatives from contention. All about buying bites now
I wasn’t. But you’re going two have two effective choices again. Or you can chose none of the above and hope the blue team doesn’t win 🤷‍♂️
The guy running up record deficits and pushing for reduced interest rates during a time of prosperity is our bulwark against economic catastrophe?

We’re ****ed.
I wasn’t. But you’re going two have two effective choices again. Or you can chose none of the above and home the blue team doesn’t win 🤷‍♂️
Not if we're lucky. I'm still holding out hope that Amash hops in. Otherwise I write in my own name
Byron York lays out the azz covering awesomely over the changing whistleblower form


The IG verified the claims of corruption by Trump and his administration, recounted by the whitsleblower and by going to the sources, who confirmed it. Trump has admitted it and there is apparently more to come. These process objections are just the lamest of the lame.
No F-ing way I pull for Amash. I don’t believe a word he says on spending, I think it’s easy for him to be a pundit in his present position.
But you believe Trump??? The man who has already lied bigly about spending?

🤣 Now that is truly funny
Looks like the Deep State is in trouble SpyGate about to come out. Could this be the reason for the quick and careless impeachment launch ?
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But you believe Trump??? The man who has already lied bigly about spending?

🤣 Now that is truly funny
Nope. I just don’t believe any Democrat any more than him on spending and the rest of their platform is hell no.

The only one I currently believe would walk the walk on spending is Paul. When he toed the line on that First Responder spending bill wanting to have an offset debate I said Right On! And he was attacked by BOTH parties as a result. That told me he was on the right path.
Nope. I just don’t believe any Democrat any more than him on spending and the rest of their platform is hell no.
then you simply have no clue what you're talking about wrt Amash. He's not in any way comparable to the dems and is more conservative/small govt than anyone else that could enter the field.
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I wish he'd run independent or impeach the Lunatic and run him, but that's a dream like beating Georgia this weekend.

Lol. Trump is here for the long haul. The longer he is president the more you see how inept, idiotic, and unhinged the left is.
then you simply have no clue what you're talking about wrt Amash. He's not in any way comparable to the dems and is more conservative/small govt than anyone else that could enter the field.
Ok so he’s more conservative and more small government that the lefties or anybody else that could enter the field. He isn’t more conservative or known better than Paul and Paul isn’t running this time. And he won’t take an blue votes he’ll just dilute red votes. I’ll pass.
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Now adjust the curve for the relative starting points. FFS this dumbass argument comes up every now and again and we get a laugh out of it. I should have known it would be you this time 😂

Clearly, you're struggling with Graph Comprehension 101.

I'll dumb it down for you and include quotes and a link. Fortune Magazine. Unbiased enough for ya?

S&P 500 Has Performed Far Worse Under Trump Than Under Obama

"When it comes to talking himself up, Trump in particular has compared himself to Barack Obama. So, how do the two presidents measure up in terms of growth in major indexes, measured between their inauguration and May 31 of their third year in office?

The short answer is that Trump has quite a way to go. Under Obama, the S&P 500 grew by 56.4%. The Dow Jones Industrials Average was up 50.6% and the Nasdaq, 92.9%."

No F-ing way I pull for Amash. I don’t believe a word he says on spending, I think it’s easy for him to be a pundit in his present position.


It’s the thread unroll I quoted.

Doesn’t support your theory in any way, though. Seems more like a snarky, I think you’d call it butthurt, acceptance of what I said earlier about what the statement contained.

I would have made fun of you if you had reacted this badly but still accepted what I said. 😂

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