The Impeachment Thread

He'd throw his own kids under the bus to save his ass. He cares about nothing but his image. He wouldn't even notice Rudy when he backs the wagon over him.

Meh, he can promise him, don't worry Rudy, I'll take care of you soon. Like he did with his other lawyer Cohen. Or any contractors at his buildings.
Meh, he can promise him, don't worry Rudy, I'll take care of you soon. Like he did with his other lawyer Cohen. Or any contractors at his buildings.
The same Cohen the Dims rolled out the red carpet when he was turning on Trump?
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This is what the conversation should be and not all the process silliness.

The thing is that when you put someone in a management role, you do have to let him/her act, and you do have to delegate authority, etc. In doing that you can't take a slice of a conversation with no context remaining and use it to prove dereliction or abuse of office. People have conversations all the time and discuss different topics in the same conversation; it doesn't mean one links to the other. I've heard many times when a conversation is flowing well someone say "Hey don't forget that [whatever] you were going to send me." or "So we can count on you for your support on ...?" It's just the way business gets done. The dims had their day with Trump in the barrel; now it's time for equal treatment ... don't want to play rough, then don't start it.
Meh, he can promise him, don't worry Rudy, I'll take care of you soon. Like he did with his other lawyer Cohen. Or any contractors at his buildings.
Or farmers for that matter. Or consumers.

Just don't be a rat. You might get some scraps then.
As long as he is pulling in the money like he’s doing and there’s people that can’t fit into his rallies .... not gonna happen .
I suspect they'll tuck their tails and vote to keep him, as they probably should since it’s apparently what you guys want them to do, but I haven’t seen too many of them lining up to stump for him on news shows after Jacobs, McCarthy, and Miller got humiliated and with Rudy going around acting a fool. Grassley has criticized him over the whistleblower stuff.

There’s some discontent there.
What if the hearsay happens to be accurate? Doesn't that matter? The whistleblower must have had a good source. Whoever it is, didn't just happen to make a lucky guess that Trump requested Zelensky assist Giuliani in an investigation of the Bidens on a July 25th phone call. The bottom line is.... the whistleblower was right.
Why aren't you up in arms over a blatant abuse of Presidential power? Trump solicited a foreign leader for assistance with investigating a political opponent and leveraged military aid to that foreign leader's country against their willingness to abide by what he wanted done.

Blind loyalty to pure propaganda. Amazing.
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An impeachment is not an arrest supported by probable cause. It is a political proces. Now, if upon investigation it turned out there was no factual basis for it, I'd agree it should be discontinued. But the evidence is very, very strong here and getting stronger every day it seems, that Trump sought foreign influence in a domestic political campaign.

It is also strongly suggested by the evidence, and may be established conclusively soon, that aid was going to be withheld unless there was such help. But even if that cannot be proven, Trump's confession plus the transcript is plenty good enough.
What was Crossfire Hurricane?

What was the Mueller special counsel?

Not supposed to be political fishing expeditions, but that’s exactly what both were.
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I don’t see how this isn’t seen as giant wishful thinking. If trump had the goods he wouldn’t be sitting on it. And let’s be real. So many of these GOP is about to take down x has turned into nothing.
You haven’t been paying attention.

It’s just beginning.

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