The Impeachment Thread

I do beg to differ. There was a vast Clinton conspiracy in 2016 to make her and only her the nominee.

Until Bernie made waves...but that didn't end well.

Anyway, you cannot say there was no "conspiracy" within the DNC to push Hillary to the forefront. There is more than enough evidence to prove that was the case. Now, whether it involved Biden is another matter.
I don't think Biden had anything to do with 2016. I also don't think there was some conspiracy by Hillary to secure the nomination. Bernie lost the primary.
So, an article in a newspaper is grounds to file an impeachment inquiry? Congress should have launched an impeachment inquiry of Obama because Breitbart had articles claiming he wasn't a US citizen?

Before you invoke Watergate, don't. Reporters back then actually had standards and cross referenced the hell out of their articles before going to print. Reporters these days run with 4Chan posts as the truth.
They didn’t impeach him. They started an inquiry. They have had evidence of him obstructing justice since April. He was obstructing again.

Regardless, the answer is: without a doubt, yes. These are political procedures. Adherence to norms and political custom and the will of the electorate is the only binding check on that authority.

You guys laughed while Trump wiped his ass with those norms and fired up the democrat electorate to the point that there’s very little political incentive for Democrats to avoid impeachment.

(Not to mention that he has used the presidency to his personal advantage at every turn so they can couch the inquiry in that and be totally justified.)

It’s a lesson is: “be careful what you wish for.” You guys loved Trump clowning congress and now you’re bewildered when Congress fights back. Ridiculous.
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The point is the funds were withheld and the explanation given doesn't make any sense. Why were the funds withheld?

"I need you to do us a favor, though." while Trump was also mentioning how he felt the Ukraine needed to reciprocate the aid from the United States. It really doesn't take much surmising to see what Trump was doing on that call with Zelensky.
No. The point is that the Ukraine didn't even know the funds are withheld, thus by definition there was no pressure. Lol

And the point is you're a hypocritical joke, considering your "nothing's been proven against Biden" logic vs your "it really doesn't take that much surmizing" logic with Trump. Your a hypocritical little, vindictive joke that wants Trump impeached because he's not on your team.

To repeat myself, it's **** like this that keeps anyone from taking any of you on here seriously.
Another Congress person signs on to the censure resolution and asking Schiff to step down way he can survive this the Dems will have to replace him soon.
I would vote for a wet paper bag over trump.


No one doubts this , what the left fails to consider ( because of their hate toward Trump ) is how many people on the other side that will say ... I’ll vote for Trump before I do Biden , Warren , Bernie
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