The Impeachment Thread

My God! Tucker is on interviewing Megyn Kelly in her first interview since leaving NBC. I hope they aren't planning on bringing her back to Fox.
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I bet you $1 that you can't get freak to sanction the bet. Put up or shut up time for the loudmouth Trumpkin.
Just show me the receipt where you donated $1 to the DNC. You didn't actually accept the bet thought, so you're off the hook.
She's a leftover Obama slurpee machine and does whatever her king says to EL.
So was the Whistleblower...Trump listened to McMaster and left him there even after several accused him of leaking info.... eventually he started listening to the right people and the Eric dude went back to the CIA and started colluding with the former WH NSA people who went to work for Schiff
Trump furious after Schiff hires former NSC aides to help with probe - CNNPolitics
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I have a feeling the corrupt Ukraine ambassador isn't going to enjoy her Senate testimony..she needs to be in prison for spying

Lutsenko admitted he lied about the do not prosecute list. So, this story just falls apart. Jack once again proudly wears egg on his face.
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That's not what this is about this is a FOIA request showing she targeted conservative reporters...including Sara Carter..who were looking into the DNC Ukraine 2016 collusion
Judicial Watch Investigates Claims Ousted Ukrainian Ambassador Monitored Journalists. I Was One Of Them.
My bad.. but I can't seem to figure out what "monitored" means. It seems like they were reading articles, best I can tell. "Targeting" seems like a stretch of imagination. It reads more like an right -wing propaganda, delusions of grandeur circle jerk.

Just my take.
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My bad.. but I can't seem to figure out what "monitored" means. It seems like they were reading articles, best I can tell. "Targeting" seems like a stretch of imagination. It reads more like an right -wing propaganda, delusions of grandeur circle jerk.

Just my take.
Could be one of those key word things who knows. Here is a pretty fair take on the do not prosecute story
Ukrainian Prosecutor General Claims U.S. Ambassador Gave him ‘Do Not Prosecute’ List
So here is what we know now that we didn't when the transcript was released.
1) Hunter was also involved in business deals with MBNA while Joe was working on credit card legislation and Hunter flew with Joe to close a private equity deal in China
2) There was no international pressure to fire Shokin and the Ukrainians were fine with him. Why did Obama and Biden have an issue with him?
3) Hunter admitted he had spoken with his dad about his business dealings even though Joe denied ever speaking to him.
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