The Impeachment Thread

So, you want me to trust his hearsay and your political wishes. Tell me again the difference between "you will, because..." And " i heard Trump would... "

All without being to hear or read the actual testimony.

A good deal of these so-called leaks are actually from released prepared opening statements.

See if this works:

Taylor Opening Statement
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And forgot to tell the Ukrainians..worst Quid Pro Quo in bad of one that it's not even defined as one
What Bill Taylor described today, was most definitely a quid-pro-quo policy from Donald Trump. Trump had withheld Congressionally authorized military aid. He would only release it when Ukraine announced investigations into the Bidens and the 2016 election that would help his reelection chances. That is as quid-pro-quo as it gets.
It's telling that Jordan's tweets today have said nothing positive about how this testimony looks for Trump. Just complaining about the process.
What Bill Taylor described today, was most definitely a quid-pro-quo policy from Donald Trump. Trump had withheld Congressionally authorized military aid. He would only release it when Ukraine announced investigations into the Bidens and the 2016 election that would help his reelection chances. That is as quid-pro-quo as it gets. trying to make points or something w/the loony side?
What are you talking about? Really, You're just babbling at this point.
Lol I guess you don't understand how Quid pro Quos work...see it takes two sides to agree if one side knows nothing about it then it's not a Quid pro quo I could probably draw you a pic if that would help
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Lol I guess you don't understand how Quid pro Quos work...see it takes two sides to agree if one side knows nothing about it then it's not a Quid pro quo I could probably draw you a pic if that would help
Which of Trump's crimes are you trying to defend at this point? Is it Quid pro quo isn't a crime? Is it Trump didn't abuse his office? Is it that Trump wasn't engaged in campaign finance violations by trying to extort a foreign country?
Which of Trump's crimes are you trying to defend at this point? Is it Quid pro quo isn't a crime? Is it Trump didn't abuse his office? Is it that Trump wasn't engaged in campaign finance violations by trying to extort a foreign country?
They got their money and never knew about the conditions... And remember he has a right to ask about investigation s they colluded to interfere in an election so you are okay with interference as long as it benefits your side apparently
This is exactly what this is all about...the Dems have arguably the worst candidates in recent bad they are thinking about asking Hilary to run and lose for the 3rd time
They got their money and never knew about the conditions... And remember he has a right to ask about investigation s they colluded to interfere in an election so you are okay with interference as long as it benefits your side apparently

And we're back to the Crime Stoppers theory.
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They got their money and never knew about the conditions... And remember he has a right to ask about investigation s they colluded to interfere in an election so you are okay with interference as long as it benefits your side apparently
There are proper channels for investigating American citizen, telling Ukraine to investigate our citizens is not one of them.
They got their money and never knew about the conditions... And remember he has a right to ask about investigation s they colluded to interfere in an election so you are okay with interference as long as it benefits your side apparently

Not just a right but a constitutional obligation to we the people and an agreement between the two countries. They always forget Uke has been trying to deliver evidence since 2017 but the corrupt ambassador blocked visas of the ones trying to bring it to DC
Congressman John Radcliff was a questioner in the room with Taylor. He has just publicly stated that Taylor “had strong opinions on Trump’s approach to foreign policy but neither Taylor, nor any other witness so far has presented any evidence of quid pro quo.”
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Are you libs naive or ignorant enough not to know that countries routinely demand certain behavior, cooperation, support etc in exchange for foreign aid??? Do you expect any country to just fork over cash to anyone without reason?
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