The Impeachment Thread

You have been lied too again. How does that make you feel? I'm embarrassed for you. I'm sure your retort will be a link to breitbart, the federalist, redstatenews, the conservative treehouse or some other far right misinformation sites. SAD!!!!

Over a Democratic strategist Geez, Louise. You accuse him of exactly what you're doing, smart guy.

And, by the way, it's "to", Smart Guy.

TO. To doesn't have TWO . TWO is one TOO many.
Hey Donnie, these are lynchings:

This is not a lynching:

Trump made a bad choice of words just like these folks did:

Dem. Rep. Gregory Meeks on Bill Clinton's impeachment in 1998: "What we are doing here is not a prosecution, it is a persecution and indeed it is a political lynching."

Democrat Rep. Danny Davis (Illinois) on the impeachment of Bill Clinton: "I will not vote for this nightmare before Christmas. I will not vote for this lynching in the people's House. I will vote against these resolutions."

October 1998 comment from now-Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y, that was published in an Associated Press article read: "I am the president’s defender in the sense that I haven’t seen anything yet that would rise, in my opinion, to the level of impeachable offense. … I wish we could get this over with quickly. … In pushing the process, in pushing the arguments of fairness and due process the Republicans so far have been running a lynch mob."
Well at least you know that picture was doctored for maximum effect. I bet you feel mislead now. Fake News. Amiright?

Nope. Did you look at the other pictures. I knew you'd come up with a deflection to avoid admitting you were wrong. Just waited to see how lame it was.

Oh wait...By your explanation, then the news you believe in is doctored for maximum effect to reel you in, making it fake? You might be on to something here.

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