Don't ask, Don't tell repealed

I'd say that when a large portion of our society thinks of a homosexual they think of a character out of the Village People or one of the guys who makes it on to CNN during a gay pride march while prancing around in a short pair of cut off jeans and a pink halter top (much like Gainesville). It's wrong and most of us know it, but perception is what it is. I'm kinda torn on this, having never served I don't think I should have any say in the matter.

That's what pisses me off the most about the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell." Most of the people who support repealing it have never and will never serve in the military. Washington has never been anything but a hindrance to the military and its execution of military operations.
No I said the Bible states that homosexuality is an abomination before God.

Well actually there is a difference between murder and killing the enemy during a war, although that might be lost on someone with your mentality.

As for the story, I suggest the word 'gay' might just be a misnomer.
my mentality? Explain please.
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That's what pisses me off the most about the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell." Most of the people who support repealing it have never and will never serve in the military. Washington has never been anything but a hindrance to the military and its execution of military operations.

Ill wager I've served longer than you and hung my neck out more times than you have.

a good % of the folks posting that they have no problem with it have served.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
That's what pisses me off the most about the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell." Most of the people who support repealing it have never and will never serve in the military. Washington has never been anything but a hindrance to the military and its execution of military operations.
Don't be so quick to think that people who support repealing dadt haven't served.
Posted via VolNation Mobile


The emboldened portion of your post indicates that you're either distorted in your world history or just plain stupid. Sorry, but it's hard to be civil when debating a post this far down the toilet drain.

The truth of the matter is that you are a historical illiterate.

The PinkSwastika 4th Edition - Final

Richard Plant’s reminiscences also substantiate that the Wandervoegel groups served as a training ground for Nazis. He recalls his friend in the Rovers, “Ferdi, who explained and demonstrated the mysteries of sex to me and my friends.” Plant was later shocked, he says, upon returning to Germany from abroad “to see Ferdi wearing a brown shirt with a red, white and black swastika armband” (ibid.:4).

E.Y. Hartshorne, in German Youth and the Nazi Dream of Victory records the recollections of a former Wandervoegel member who confirms that the organization was the source of important elements of Nazi culture. Our knowledge of the influence of the Community of the Elite on the Wandervoegel may provide us insight into the cryptic comment at the end of the testimony:

We little suspected then what power we had in our hands. We played with the fire that had set a world in flames, and it made our hearts hot. Mysticism and everything mystical had dominion over us. It was in our ranks that the word Fuehrer originated, with its meaning of blind obedience and devotion. The word Bund arose with us too, with its mysterious undertone of conspiracy. And I shall never forget how in those early days we pronounced the word Gemeinschaft [”community”] with a trembling throaty note of excitement, as though it hid a deep secret (Hartshorne:12).

Indeed, not only did the grown-up former members of the Wandervoegel become one of Hitler’s main sources of supporters in his rise to power, but the movement itself became the core of a Nazi institution: the Hitler-Jugend (Hitler Youth). So rampant had homosexuality become in the movement by this time that The Rheinische Zeitung, a prominent German newspaper, warned, “Parents, protect your sons from ‘physical preparations’ in the Hitler Youth,” a sarcastic reference to problems of homosexuality in the organization (Burleigh and Wipperman:188). Sadly, the boys themselves had by this time been completely indoctrinated by their homosexual masters. Waite writes,

You're just a homophobic, discriminatory, bitter old man who figured out how to insert pictures on forums from silly, biased, borderline fanatical sources. What's sad is that it's taken me so little time to figure this out about you.

And you are a disrespctful doofus with little knowledge on any subject who thinks he knows most everything.

What is sad is that is going to take years for you to grow out of it and as extreme as you hold your idiotic views you may grow old holding such idiotic nonsense to be the truth.

I feel sorry that you hold these ignorant white/black views. This country was founded on the fact that our fathers wanted this to be a free shade of gray. The United States is hardly a land of extreme ideologies. We're too varied in lifestyles, ethnicities, and religions
to be so segregated about anything... military included.

I don't feel sorry for you even though you are so far moved from reality, someday you may come to your senses.

I dunno, man. You can't back up the views or words you've exhibited in this thread with anything that goes beyond a book that's been written and edited for thousands of years containing many things that have either been proven false, or have yet to proven at all.

Point out specifically what you are talking about.

Would you like to point out something in the Bible that has proven to be false??

You can't come up with a viable, secular reason against the concept of EVERY physically able man or woman from any walk of life to serve in our military and defend everything this country has stood for since its inception.

You seem so passionate about the topic.

The thing about it to me is this, if homosexuals have been able to serve in the past and they have, why is it so important now that they can be 'openly homosexual?'

What does the term 'openly homosexual' even mean??

Because gays spread aids, remember?
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I had a neighbor who had a team of gay mules, they caught farm aids.

That's what pisses me off the most about the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell." Most of the people who support repealing it have never and will never serve in the military. Washington has never been anything but a hindrance to the military and its execution of military operations.

You are right about that, that small minority has a lot of politcal pull and I still don't understand what they mean about being 'openly gay' does that mean they can run about if frilly nighties in the barracks or what??
You are right about that, that small minority has a lot of politcal pull and I still don't understand what they mean about being 'openly gay' does that mean they can run about if frilly nighties in the barracks or what??

It means they don't have to be worried about some one finding out that they are gay. It doesn't mean they will be running around giving everyone the shocker in the fox hole. They will still have to act and be just like everyone else serving. It isn't the small minority having a politcal pull. It is about everyone having the same rights and freedoms.

P.S. No Homo.
Would that not be self explanatory in reply to your post?

Forgive me for not getting it, what exactly are you trying to say about me. Break it down for me since clearly it is way too complicated for me to understand.
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That's what pisses me off the most about the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell." Most of the people who support repealing it have never and will never serve in the military. Washington has never been anything but a hindrance to the military and its execution of military operations.

When did you join? Just curious.
I have my own opinion but since I did not serve I talked to a friend who was infinitely more qualified on the subject than me. He said if the guy wants to pick up a rifle and patrol the same streets he did then more power to him.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.....for all intent and purposes DADT worked. It will be interesting to see how the US Code is revised to support the repeal and how that revision is implemented by the military.

(8) Military life is fundamentally different from civilian life in that—

(A) the extraordinary responsibilities of the armed forces, the unique conditions of military service, and the critical role of unit cohesion, require that the military community, while subject to civilian control, exist as a specialized society; and

(B) the military society is characterized by its own laws, rules, customs, and traditions, including numerous restrictions on personal behavior, that would not be acceptable in civilian society.

United States Code: Title 10,654. Policy concerning homosexuality in the armed forces | LII / Legal Information Institute
I have my own opinion but since I did not serve I talked to a friend who was infinitely more qualified on the subject than me. He said if the guy wants to pick up a rifle and patrol the same streets he did then more power to him.

Clearly your friend just doesn't get it. All the gays will be too busy raping every man in fatigues to have time to patrol the streets. According to some, unlike heterosexuals, gays just can't keep it in their pants.
I guess recruits will have to start getting steel crotch/anal protectors standard issued in their seabag to protect them from being raped by all da gheys. I dont know why we dont just lock up all the gheys since you know, they all murder people and rape every man they see.
I guess recruits will have to start getting steel crotch/anal protectors standard issued in their seabag to protect them from being raped by all da gheys. I dont know why we dont just lock up all the gheys since you know, they all murder people and rape every man they see.

I heard you get aids if you piss in the same urinal as a homo. Is this true?
I heard you get aids if you piss in the same urinal as a homo. Is this true?

I have heard the same. I also have heard that if you share a HMMWV with them, you instantly get poked in the rear, you know, cause they cant keep their weiners in their pants. They also cant shoot straight and if they get in your unit, everyone will start worshipping satan.
The only reason it bothers me is that homophobia is rampant in the army. I honestly don't think a lot of soldiers will take this well and if some homosexual soldiers do decide to come out of the closet per say or if some sign up, unit cohesion could hit severe lows. I fully expect some homosexual soldiers who step out to be attacked verbally, mentally and most importantly physically, thus weakening our military.

I think over time it will become accepted better, but I see lots of EO meetings in the future and lots of initial problems with soldiers not willing to accept working next to a homosexual. Betweent the EO meetings, article 15s, mental counselings of those assaulted and then those chaptered out, it's just not a good time to introduce this law. We're still fighting two wars (regardless of what Obama wants to call what's going on in Iraq) and so many of our enemies are trying to flex their muscle all at once. I'm fine with gays serving in the military, but I just fear too many are going to take offense to it and bad things will result.
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