DucksflyinPAC Answer[ed] Questions And/Or Refute[d] Ridiculous Claims



Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2013
Tennessee football practice on Sept. 10, 2013 - YouTube
Actual Knoxnews video of Tennessee practicing getting ready to play Oregon. Skip to :25 where the exciting part begins...And then also at 1:08 where Coach Butch yells to his team over and over, "It's Coming my fellows, It's C-o-m-i-n-g!" And then at 1:27 where the beat really picks up-back to the good stuff- the best part of this video.

Man. What a nice guy. In our Stadium we play our fight song after every time we score. And we usually score in less then 2 mins each time. So for Coach Butch to keep his players from having a heart attack from the great shock of what is about to come upon them, and what sound they will hear every 2 mins, I am really impressed. What a nice guy preventing heart attacks of his team and tipping them off so his players do not go into shock this Saturday. That my friends is a VERY wise coach! Good coaches prevent heart attacks!

"It's Coming, It's Coming"- 9-9-13 Butch Jones. Yes Sir, yes it will! :)

(Just playing with you guys. Actually this is the very first time I have EVER seen a video of another team playing our fight song for a practice before. Yes I know all teams do it. I just have never seen it before. Really cool! :dance2:)
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(Just playing with you guys. Actually this is the very first time I have EVER seen a video of another team playing our fight song for a practice before. Yes I know all teams do it. I just have never seen it before. Really cool! :dance2:)

seriously? People have been playing Rocky Top for years. Heck even teams with no connection to UT have their band play it to taunt other SEC teams.
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seriously? People have been playing Rocky Top for years. Heck even teams with no connection to UT have their band play it to taunt other SEC teams.
Well, I have never ever seen another band play our fight song, not ever, not in a video of their practice, nothing. First time and it was awesome. I was grinning the whole time thinking how awefull lucky those vol players were to hear such a wonderful song! :)
Well, I have never ever seen another band play our fight song, not ever, not in a video of their practice, nothing. First time and it was awesome. I was grinning the whole time thinking how awefull lucky those vol players were to hear such a wonderful song! :)

We played it for you in 2010 right before kickoff.
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He plays a bunch of annoying sounds, I'm sure the players can't tell much difference between the Oregon fight song and crying babies...

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Win or lose, this will be a good game.
Ya I know. i am just playing around. It seems all topics of this game have already been talked about much. So... you know many are bored now...Plus, I doubt many, if any, even actually saw that practice video yet of your team training for Oregon. They sure look like they were training hard!

Anyways... Who all here is PUMPED for this game?
We played it for you in 2010 right before kickoff.
Ya, I now remember that. Yeah, cause we could not bring our band(we are on the quarter system-school was a month out from starting). But that does not count. That is at a game in the stadium. I meant, never seen a team train for our game week by pumping in our fight song- though I know every single team does it. Just never seen it before...

*yeah and Cowboy Stadium did that too, I just now remember for the LSU game we had. There too could not bring our band... But those don't count. All Ducks hear their fight song at each game. Just never at a enemies practice...
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Ya, I now remember that. Yeah, cause we could not bring our band(we are on the quarter system-school was a month out from starting). But that does not count. That is at a game in the stadium. I meant, never seen a team train for our game week by pumping in our fight song- though I know every single team does it. Just never seen it before...

*yeah and Cowboy Stadium did that too, I just now remember for the LSU game we had. There too could not bring our band... But those don't count. All Ducks hear their fight song at each game. Just never at a enemies practice...

We play every visiting team's fight song at every home game before the formation of the "T"
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seriously? People have been playing Rocky Top for years. Heck even teams with no connection to UT have their band play it to taunt other SEC teams.

These Oregon folks are relatively new to high level college football. We should cut them some slack.
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"It's Coming, It's Coming"- 9-9-13 Butch Jones. Yes Sir, yes it will! :)

(Just playing with you guys. Actually this is the very first time I have EVER seen a video of another team playing our fight song for a practice before. Yes I know all teams do it. I just have never seen it before. Really cool! :dance2:)

Good disclaimer at the end... I am only one cup of coffee in right now and when I started reading, i was about to get all kinds of belligerent up in here...:):loco:

Good luck to you ducks. I am so ready for this game to be played so you guys will go back to your own pond.
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I actually really liked Coach Butch's mini press speech at the end.... Esp, "It takes discipline to go on the road, playing a tremendous opponent, a great opponent in a hostile environment..." Yes it does coach. And we will see this Saturday if you have that discipline. For not only do we come at you with great misdirection and that takes mighty discipline to not be fooled. But our fans are literally a few feet away from your players. They will hear it from our fans taunting them and it will seem like the whole Stadium too is right on top of your guys driving them crazy. And your players ears will ring for many hours after the game. But the fans right behind your sidelines are so close to talk to you- you hearing every such word when we are on Offense, whisper quiet in the stadium. Basically, it will be hell for your players. Our fans will drive them crazy, the noise. And our super tiny, super crappy visitors locker-room, and the painful long plane-ride back home. Your fans flying in will have fun, for at least they get to tailgate with cool Ducks. However, it will be hell on earth for your players. Their ears will still be hurting badly when they arrive back in Knoxville. Autzen Stadium a visiting players single worse nightmare! Down in the pit of hell...I feel bad for what your players are going to go through...If you only knew...
We play every visiting team's fight song at every home game before the formation of the "T"
Did not know. I thought it was just us because we did not bring our band. But that is probably one of the coolest things I ever heard. Right up there with Nebraska fans-if you beat them they will give your team a standing ovation for beating them. Really classy!
I actually really liked Coach Butch's mini press speech at the end.... Esp, "It takes discipline to go on the road, playing a tremendous opponent, a great opponent in a hostile environment..." Yes it does coach. And we will see this Saturday if you have that discipline. For not only do we come at you with great misdirection and that takes mighty discipline to not be fooled. But our fans are literally a few feet away from your players. They will hear it from our fans taunting them and it will seem like the whole Stadium too is right on top of your guys driving them crazy. And your players ears will ring for many hours after the game. But the fans right behind your sidelines are so close to talk to you- you hearing every such word when we are on Offense, whisper quiet in the stadium. Basically, it will be hell for your players. Our fans will drive them crazy, the noise. And our super tiny, super crappy visitors locker-room, and the painful long plane-ride back home. Your fans flying in will have fun, for at least they get to tailgate with cool Ducks. However, it will be hell on earth for your players. Their ears will still be hurting badly when they arrive back in Knoxville. Autzen Stadium a visiting players single worse nightmare! Down in the pit of hell...I feel bad for what your players are going to go through...If you only knew...

oh please. We've been playing in places like that for years
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Tennessee football practice on Sept. 10, 2013 - YouTube
Actual Knoxnews video of Tennessee practicing getting ready to play Oregon. Skip to :25 where the exciting part begins...And then also at 1:08 where Coach Butch yells to his team over and over, "It's Coming my fellows, It's C-o-m-i-n-g!" And then at 1:27 where the beat really picks up-back to the good stuff- the best part of this video.

Man. What a nice guy. In our Stadium we play our fight song after every time we score. And we usually score in less then 2 mins each time. So for Coach Butch to keep his players from having a heart attack from the great shock of what is about to come upon them, and what sound they will hear every 2 mins, I am really impressed. What a nice guy preventing heart attacks of his team and tipping them off so his players do not go into shock this Saturday. That my friends is a VERY wise coach! Good coaches prevent heart attacks!

"It's Coming, It's Coming"- 9-9-13 Butch Jones. Yes Sir, yes it will! :)

(Just playing with you guys. Actually this is the very first time I have EVER seen a video of another team playing our fight song for a practice before. Yes I know all teams do it. I just have never seen it before. Really cool! :dance2:)

Chip Kelly played Rocky Top in 2010.
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I actually really liked Coach Butch's mini press speech at the end.... Esp, "It takes discipline to go on the road, playing a tremendous opponent, a great opponent in a hostile environment..." Yes it does coach. And we will see this Saturday if you have that discipline. For not only do we come at you with great misdirection and that takes mighty discipline to not be fooled. But our fans are literally a few feet away from your players. They will hear it from our fans taunting them and it will seem like the whole Stadium too is right on top of your guys driving them crazy. And your players ears will ring for many hours after the game. But the fans right behind your sidelines are so close to talk to you- you hearing every such word when we are on Offense, whisper quiet in the stadium. Basically, it will be hell for your players. Our fans will drive them crazy, the noise. And our super tiny, super crappy visitors locker-room, and the painful long plane-ride back home. Your fans flying in will have fun, for at least they get to tailgate with cool Ducks. However, it will be hell on earth for your players. Their ears will still be hurting badly when they arrive back in Knoxville. Autzen Stadium a visiting players single worse nightmare! Down in the pit of hell...I feel bad for what your players are going to go through...If you only knew...
Easy there killer.

I'm sure Autzen is great, but we will likely play in 2 or 3 stadiums this year that are as bad or worse and 70% of our roster has played at places like Georgia, Alabama and Florida. Tennessee football is way down, but this ain't our first rodeo.
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Tennessee football practice on Sept. 10, 2013 - YouTube
Actual Knoxnews video of Tennessee practicing getting ready to play Oregon. Skip to :25 where the exciting part begins...And then also at 1:08 where Coach Butch yells to his team over and over, "It's Coming my fellows, It's C-o-m-i-n-g!" And then at 1:27 where the beat really picks up-back to the good stuff- the best part of this video.

Man. What a nice guy. In our Stadium we play our fight song after every time we score. And we usually score in less then 2 mins each time. So for Coach Butch to keep his players from having a heart attack from the great shock of what is about to come upon them, and what sound they will hear every 2 mins, I am really impressed. What a nice guy preventing heart attacks of his team and tipping them off so his players do not go into shock this Saturday. That my friends is a VERY wise coach! Good coaches prevent heart attacks!

"It's Coming, It's Coming"- 9-9-13 Butch Jones. Yes Sir, yes it will! :)

(Just playing with you guys. Actually this is the very first time I have EVER seen a video of another team playing our fight song for a practice before. Yes I know all teams do it. I just have never seen it before. Really cool! :dance2:)

You do realize he was saying "It's coming McCullers" right?!
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These Oregon folks are relatively new to high level college football. We should cut them some slack.
FYI, we are one of 4 charter members of our Conference. UO, OSU, UW, CAL, all met in my city to form the PCC- Pacific Coast Conference, the name before it change to PAC,,,,,PAC-8, PAC-10 ect... USC, UCLA, WSU, Stanford, all the rest joined in the years shortly after. High level of football. We have seen it for over a 100 years with USC. Not to mention our people formed the very best Bowl game ever- The Rose Bowl- Father of all Bowl games. That game and idea was copied by every other Conference and even the Super "Bowl". And our Conference has more titles then any other Conference in all sports. The BigTen is #2 with over 200 titles short of us. Dude, we know sports. We know football. And while personally we have sucked for most of our history. Go back and check the last 20 years... We have won more then even USC...lutz
Well, I have never ever seen another band play our fight song, not ever, not in a video of their practice, nothing. First time and it was awesome. I was grinning the whole time thinking how awefull lucky those vol players were to hear such a wonderful song! :)

That's because you weren't any good until the last 10 years or so when Nike started to realize what they had sitting under their noses. :)
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