DucksflyinPAC Answer[ed] Questions And/Or Refute[d] Ridiculous Claims

Tennessee football practice on Sept. 10, 2013 - YouTube
Actual Knoxnews video of Tennessee practicing getting ready to play Oregon. Skip to :25 where the exciting part begins...And then also at 1:08 where Coach Butch yells to his team over and over, "It's Coming my fellows, It's C-o-m-i-n-g!" And then at 1:27 where the beat really picks up-back to the good stuff- the best part of this video.

Man. What a nice guy. In our Stadium we play our fight song after every time we score. And we usually score in less then 2 mins each time. So for Coach Butch to keep his players from having a heart attack from the great shock of what is about to come upon them, and what sound they will hear every 2 mins, I am really impressed. What a nice guy preventing heart attacks of his team and tipping them off so his players do not go into shock this Saturday. That my friends is a VERY wise coach! Good coaches prevent heart attacks!

"It's Coming, It's Coming"- 9-9-13 Butch Jones. Yes Sir, yes it will! :)

(Just playing with you guys. Actually this is the very first time I have EVER seen a video of another team playing our fight song for a practice before. Yes I know all teams do it. I just have never seen it before. Really cool! :dance2:)

That shows how much Oregon fans really know about college football.

jk :)

Just messin' with ya. Here's to an excited game for both teams and injury free as well.

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Easy there killer.

I'm sure Autzen is great, but we will likely play in 2 or 3 stadiums this year that are as bad or worse and 70% of our roster has played at places like Georgia, Alabama and Florida. Tennessee football is way down, but this ain't our first rodeo.
True, but are any SEC stadiums so close to the players as ours? I don't think so. Our field is super tiny on both sides of the field. There is hardly any room for the teams. And no in-between the hedges thing for us. Nope, our field is down in a pit. And the fans are literally right almost on top of the visiting players only a couple feet away.

What Coaches Have Said

"The biggest mistake people made going in there was trying to instigate the crowd and say bring it on, because they brought it on and usually it was followed by three illegal procedure penalties after that." - Jeff Tedford, Cal Head Coach

Kiffin said Oregon's Autzen Stadium is the loudest stadium in the country, a bold claim - especially after he made trips to Tuscaloosa (Alabama) and Gainesville (Florida) last year.
"I still think Autzen Stadium is louder than all those (Alabama, Florida) places" - Lane Kiffin, USC Head Coach

"That's the loudest stadium I've ever been in." - Lloyd Carr, former Michigan Head Coach

"You know, the noise is one aspect, but you can feel the intensity of their crowd." - Pete Carroll, Former USC Head Coach

"I can assure you that the stories are not overblown. In my travels, I've been to at least 90 different stadiums for college football games, the two loudest places I've ever been to are Autzen Stadium and at Syracuse in the (Carrier) Dome. It is extremely loud." - Dirk Koetter, Former ASU Head Coach

What Players Have Said

Adrian Peterson shook his helmeted head and slapped his earholes. But the ringing wouldn't stop.
As the Oklahoma Sooners stood in the tunnel of Autzen Stadium ready to hit the field, the walls around them vibrated like a tuning fork. The air felt thick with what sounded like a World War I biplane parked under the goalpost 15 yards in front of them.
"It was like some sort of crazy torture in the movies. How do people do that so long without taking a breath? I think my ears are still ringing." – Former Oklahoma Running Back, Adrian Peterson in an ESPN article

"Autzen Stadium is a combination of being super loud and how close they are. From my memory, it felt like it was 10 feet between the sideline and the crowd. No crowd usually gets to me. Oregon is the only one that stands out in my mind that has gotten to me. I was just like, 'Shut up!'" – Former Cal Running Back, Jahvid Best

"The biggest thing I remember about that game is the crowd. The crowd noise is crazy up there. Honestly, any other away game I don't really even hear the crowd. Oregon was the only place where it really got on my nerves." - Former Cal Running Back, Jahvid Best

What the Media Has Said

"Autzen Stadium is the most intimidating college football stadium in the nation." – Matt Hayes, The Sporting News

"Sitting in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains, Oregon's Autzen Stadium is one of college football's hidden jewels. Before kickoff, Autzen is as peaceful as the Willamette River, which runs through Eugene just a few minutes from the stadium. After kickoff, the fans – even the alumni – forget who they are, where they come from and what their degree is in. The audience adopts a new collective identity for the next three-and-a-half hours: the 12th, 13th and 14th man. Autzen's 59,000 strong make the Big House collectively sound like a pathetic whimper. It's louder than any place I've ever been, and that includes "The Swamp" at Florida, "The Shoe" in Columbus and "Death Valley" at Louisiana State. Autzen Stadium is where great teams go to die." – J. Brady McCullough, The Michigan Daily

"So loud, I can't hear the phone for two days." - Keith Jackson, ABC

"If you've never been to a game at Autzen Stadium, do yourself a favor and get there soon. One word for the experience. Loud. Hurt your ears loud. Make them bleed loud. The Big Ten has nothing as loud as Autzen." –

"Autzen Stadium in Eugene, Oregon where the Oregon Ducks play all of their home games has a seating capacity of guess what, 55,000. The loudest decibel reading that was ever recorded during a football game was at a game at Autzen Stadium. This is the best home field advantage in ALL of college football! Sorry SEC and the Big Ten. It is louder than Michigan, Penn State, Ohio State, and Tennessee, all of which can hold more than 100,000 fans on game day. Think about it. Oregon fans can make more noise than stadiums twice their size. ... So how can a smaller stadium crowd make more noise than those huge places, and even be louder than Sanford Stadium at UGA? Because they know when to cheer and how to be effective in doing it!" - Michael Goldfeder, isportsweb

"I'm back to list the overall top 10 most intimidating stadiums in the nation. ... For the overall top 10, it's back to the basics - the 10 most intimidating stadiums for one game and one game only:"

Autzen Stadium, Oregon
Ben Hill Griffin Stadium, Florida
Kyle Field, Texas A&M
Tiger Stadium, LSU
Doak Campbell Stadium, Florida State
Ohio Stadium, Ohio State
Lane Stadium, Virginia Tech
Jordan-Hare Stadium, Auburn
Notre Dame Stadium, Notre Dame
Memorial Stadium, Nebraska

- Bruce Feldman, ESPN

(and many more)
Oregon Gridiron :: Autzen Stadium Quotes
Afterward, here was Cal coach Jeff Tedford: "We've never seen anything like that. That's a pretty impressive atmosphere ... a real home-field advantage."
Chip Kelly played Rocky Top in 2010.
I know he did. I saw vids of it. (as almost all teams do that)If you read my posts correctly I said I had never seen MY TEAMS fight song at another teams practice before. Yes I know they have for a million years done it. I just had never seen a video of another team do it ect...
True, but are any SEC stadiums so close to the players as ours? I don't think so. Our field is super tiny on both sides of the field. There is hardly any room for the teams. And no in-between the hedges thing for us. Nope, our field is down in a pit. And the fans are literally right almost on top of the visiting players only a couple feet away.

What Coaches Have Said

"The biggest mistake people made going in there was trying to instigate the crowd and say bring it on, because they brought it on and usually it was followed by three illegal procedure penalties after that." - Jeff Tedford, Cal Head Coach

Kiffin said Oregon's Autzen Stadium is the loudest stadium in the country, a bold claim - especially after he made trips to Tuscaloosa (Alabama) and Gainesville (Florida) last year.
"I still think Autzen Stadium is louder than all those (Alabama, Florida) places" - Lane Kiffin, USC Head Coach

"That's the loudest stadium I've ever been in." - Lloyd Carr, former Michigan Head Coach

"You know, the noise is one aspect, but you can feel the intensity of their crowd." - Pete Carroll, Former USC Head Coach

"I can assure you that the stories are not overblown. In my travels, I've been to at least 90 different stadiums for college football games, the two loudest places I've ever been to are Autzen Stadium and at Syracuse in the (Carrier) Dome. It is extremely loud." - Dirk Koetter, Former ASU Head Coach

What Players Have Said

Adrian Peterson shook his helmeted head and slapped his earholes. But the ringing wouldn't stop.
As the Oklahoma Sooners stood in the tunnel of Autzen Stadium ready to hit the field, the walls around them vibrated like a tuning fork. The air felt thick with what sounded like a World War I biplane parked under the goalpost 15 yards in front of them.
"It was like some sort of crazy torture in the movies. How do people do that so long without taking a breath? I think my ears are still ringing." – Former Oklahoma Running Back, Adrian Peterson in an ESPN article

"Autzen Stadium is a combination of being super loud and how close they are. From my memory, it felt like it was 10 feet between the sideline and the crowd. No crowd usually gets to me. Oregon is the only one that stands out in my mind that has gotten to me. I was just like, 'Shut up!'" – Former Cal Running Back, Jahvid Best

"The biggest thing I remember about that game is the crowd. The crowd noise is crazy up there. Honestly, any other away game I don't really even hear the crowd. Oregon was the only place where it really got on my nerves." - Former Cal Running Back, Jahvid Best

What the Media Has Said

"Autzen Stadium is the most intimidating college football stadium in the nation." – Matt Hayes, The Sporting News

"Sitting in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains, Oregon's Autzen Stadium is one of college football's hidden jewels. Before kickoff, Autzen is as peaceful as the Willamette River, which runs through Eugene just a few minutes from the stadium. After kickoff, the fans – even the alumni – forget who they are, where they come from and what their degree is in. The audience adopts a new collective identity for the next three-and-a-half hours: the 12th, 13th and 14th man. Autzen's 59,000 strong make the Big House collectively sound like a pathetic whimper. It's louder than any place I've ever been, and that includes "The Swamp" at Florida, "The Shoe" in Columbus and "Death Valley" at Louisiana State. Autzen Stadium is where great teams go to die." – J. Brady McCullough, The Michigan Daily

"So loud, I can't hear the phone for two days." - Keith Jackson, ABC

"If you've never been to a game at Autzen Stadium, do yourself a favor and get there soon. One word for the experience. Loud. Hurt your ears loud. Make them bleed loud. The Big Ten has nothing as loud as Autzen." –

"Autzen Stadium in Eugene, Oregon where the Oregon Ducks play all of their home games has a seating capacity of guess what, 55,000. The loudest decibel reading that was ever recorded during a football game was at a game at Autzen Stadium. This is the best home field advantage in ALL of college football! Sorry SEC and the Big Ten. It is louder than Michigan, Penn State, Ohio State, and Tennessee, all of which can hold more than 100,000 fans on game day. Think about it. Oregon fans can make more noise than stadiums twice their size. ... So how can a smaller stadium crowd make more noise than those huge places, and even be louder than Sanford Stadium at UGA? Because they know when to cheer and how to be effective in doing it!" - Michael Goldfeder, isportsweb

"I'm back to list the overall top 10 most intimidating stadiums in the nation. ... For the overall top 10, it's back to the basics - the 10 most intimidating stadiums for one game and one game only:"

Autzen Stadium, Oregon
Ben Hill Griffin Stadium, Florida
Kyle Field, Texas A&M
Tiger Stadium, LSU
Doak Campbell Stadium, Florida State
Ohio Stadium, Ohio State
Lane Stadium, Virginia Tech
Jordan-Hare Stadium, Auburn
Notre Dame Stadium, Notre Dame
Memorial Stadium, Nebraska

- Bruce Feldman, ESPN

(and many more)
Oregon Gridiron :: Autzen Stadium Quotes

All the ones you quoted are from wieners except for Adrian Peterson.
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FYI, we are one of 4 charter members of our Conference. UO, OSU, UW, CAL, all met in my city to form the PCC- Pacific Coast Conference, the name before it change to PAC,,,,,PAC-8, PAC-10 ect... USC, UCLA, WSU, Stanford, all the rest joined in the years shortly after. High level of football. We have seen it for over a 100 years with USC. Not to mention our people formed the very best Bowl game ever- The Rose Bowl- Father of all Bowl games. That game and idea was copied by every other Conference and even the Super "Bowl". And our Conference has more titles then any other Conference in all sports. The BigTen is #2 with over 200 titles short of us. Dude, we know sports. We know football. And while personally we have sucked for most of our history. Go back and check the last 20 years... We have won more then even USC...lutz

Oh, don't bother going that far back...simply go back to the start of the BCS era. Despite UT being down in recent years, they still have as many national champions as the PAC-whatever combined. And while we're on the subject of conferences, check the last 7 national champions...they all have something in common. You seem to be a smart guy, I'm sure you can figure it out...
Tennessee football practice on Sept. 11, 2013 - YouTube

Here is the practice from yesterday. Can anyone tell at the :30 mark who the coach is that looks like he has muscles on his muscles? lol geez. Also. I noticed that quite a few players still haven't earned their orange stripe on their helmets.

Actually, the muscular coach seems to be all in that video. I didn't know we had a coach that was a beast. Thinking maybe former player? Just wondering if anyone knows who he is. That's a good example to set for the younger players. Opposite of the Fulmer body example lol Also at the 1:42 mark. All of the Ducks quacking!
That's because you weren't any good until the last 10 years or so when Nike started to realize what they had sitting under their noses. :)
Dude, it's 20 years, not 10. (1994- to present to be exact). And Nike was founded by our legendary U of Oregon Track Coach(who also coached the U.S. Olympic Team. He was making homemade shoes on his waffle maker. Phil Knight was a track boy. After UO, went to Stanford for MBA, came back, decided to join his old track coach in a business. NIKE- the rest is history. And Phil Knight attended games and always was close with Oregon. He hardly, or any Nike people as they were all Oregonians, did not ever not have a clue about Oregon at any time...
Dude, it's 20 years, not 10. (1994- to present to be exact). And Nike was founded by our legendary U of Oregon Track Coach(who also coached the U.S. Olympic Team. He was making homemade shoes on his waffle maker. Phil Knight was a track boy. After UO, went to Stanford for MBA, came back, decided to join his old track coach in a business. NIKE- the rest is history. And Phil Knight attended games and always was close with Oregon. He hardly, or any Nike people as they were all Oregonians, did not ever not have a clue about Oregon at any time...

if we can go back 20yrs then can we also count crystal footballs? That would be a true indication of success right?

and why not 30? 50? 75?
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Tennessee football practice on Sept. 11, 2013 - YouTube

Here is the practice from yesterday. Can anyone tell at the :30 mark who the coach is that looks like he has muscles on his muscles? lol geez. Also. I noticed that quite a few players still haven't earned their orange stripe on their helmets.
I am in the middle of the video right now. In the middle where they have those Ducks quacking noise(like a hunter being out in the biggest Duck field- hearing millions of them). LOL That is freaking funny. Makes a guy want to get his shotgun out and go to work. LOL Funny stuff! I like Butches humor, for realz!
Well, I have never ever seen another band play our fight song, not ever, not in a video of their practice, nothing. First time and it was awesome. I was grinning the whole time thinking how awefull lucky those vol players were to hear such a wonderful song! :)

I doubt that Coach Jones played your fight song as a compliment to make you feel good. Obviously, he is preparing the team to enter your field and open a can of whoop @ss on your players when your players try to open a can of whoop @ss on them.
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if we can go back 20yrs then can we also count crystal footballs? That would be a true indication of success right?

and why not 30? 50? 75?
Just making a point that we did not just get good in the last couple years. Almost 20 to be exact. lol 20 is a long time to some, lol. Just ask recruits. They say they want to come to Oregon cause of our long tradition. LOL, LOL....:) And for their whole life, that's all they ever knew. :)
Well, I have never ever seen another band play our fight song, not ever, not in a video of their practice, nothing. First time and it was awesome. I was grinning the whole time thinking how awefull lucky those vol players were to hear such a wonderful song! :)

During pregame our band also plays the visitors fight song for them to show respect, you guys do that? We do things different at Tennessee. We are different. Go Vols
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This is common practice. Lots of teams play their opponents fight song and the like during practices. When I was playing high school ball I remember our coaches wearing the opposing teams fan t shirts to pump us up. As far as the noise, I know we haven't been the Tennessee of old lately but our guys are used to playing in front of 90,000 plus.

I commend you on the passive aggressive trolling efforts thougH. Did you make an account just to troll during this week? Do you do this for every opponent or are we just special? :)
I doubt that Coach Jones played your fight song as a compliment to make you feel good. Obviously, he is preparing the team to enter your field and open a can of whoop @ss on your players when your players try to open a can of whoop @ss on them.
It was a joke
I am in the middle of the video right now. In the middle where they have those Ducks quacking noise(like a hunter being out in the biggest Duck field- hearing millions of them). LOL That is freaking funny. Makes a guy want to get his shotgun out and go to work. LOL Funny stuff! I like Butches humor, for realz!

What's a duck fans score prediction on the game Saturday?
During pregame our band also plays the visitors fight song for them to show respect, you guys do that? We do things different at Tennessee. We are different. Go Vols
Yeah, another poster was sharing that with me earlier. I think that is quite cool. VERY COOL! As I said, right up there with Nebraska giving a the other team a standing ovation if they beat them. As for playing another's fight song? No, sadly no. And not only that, but I have never heard any other PAC-12 School do it for any other either. I guess just not a West Coast thing perhaps...
Just making a point that we did not just get good in the last couple years. Almost 20 to be exact. lol 20 is a long time to some, lol. Just ask recruits. They say they want to come to Oregon cause of our long tradition. LOL, LOL....:) And for their whole life, that's all they ever knew. :)

no recruit says they go to Oregon because of their tradition

are we counting hardware or not?
What's a duck fans score prediction on the game Saturday?
I think most Ducks(if you went to ours various sites) would probably say total blowout, something like 55-7 or something. However I actually think it's going to be a lot closer and you will score more points. Myself- 42-24. I think your running game gets going, esp up the middle on us and you score quite a few. However you will not be able to stop our O. But, at least you do not allow 50 or 60 or 70 on ya like most of the other teams...

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