Who decides when toes are stepped on?
You? ... I don't think so.
I call it aggression when you tell me and others already doing it that we "don't have the right" to collect taxes to build roads, hire police, etc. We're going to keep on doing it, living in the real world in the Republic of the United States of America.
Those who don't like it are too small a faction, living in various academia dreamlands, to give any credence to. They may attempt to change the original chosen course of our ship of state by whatever means, but that'd be like rowing a boat in front a a battleship at full ahead.
So it's the anarcho/libertarians who're stepping on our toes. And it's not we didn't have a few Economics courses, so that if we just studied we'd understand.
One of the best descriptions of economic theory I ever heard was quoted here in the political forum recently. It went something like, "This theory, that theory..you have all kinds of economists claiming they have the correct theory. What we, as consumers, have to understand is that economists work is much like weather forecasting. It may or may not occur as predicted"
So, who are the authors of your Econ 101 textbooks? What school of thought do they espouse? Are they actually from your Econ 101? Or, are they something you picked up elswhere, like a Polysci 101 course? I'll wager there's other's out there, contemporary with the ones your professor chose, that will hold differing viewpoints. Just as worthy of Econ 101.