economy great

(Orangewhiteblood @ May 19 said:
Because global warming is slowly but surely changing our seasons and our weather patterns. My guess is that September and October will be even warmer this year.

So it will snow next April?
Based on what I understand, global warming is an on the average kind of thing, so we might experience some cooler years mixed in with the hot ones.

And let's not forget summer hasn't even begun to hit yet. I can already feel the boiling August humidity beginning to condense on my skin.
How can you argue against someone who believes in global warming?

Its cold, well it is because of global warming.

Its hot, well it is because of global warming.

W is secretly using his weather machine inside the White House "Global Warming Center" to control the weather on Earth.

1970's the Earth is getting colder and we are moving toward an ice age.

2000's the Earth is getting hotter and we are all going to die when we burn alive.

2030's the Earth is getting colder and we are moving toward an ice age.

Over the past 200 years the Earth climate has change what? .7 of a degree?
(smokedog#3 @ May 19 said:
its not just smoke its the truth. W is to blame, he may be the antichrist. :birgits_giggle:

Your CONSTANT W bashing is getting real old. Your credibility is surely lacking. Why don't you change tunes for once? I might not agree with most Democrats, but I do not hate any of them. Please see a doctor ASAP!
Don't mind smokedog, he just likes to blow smoke around and rile up Republican fans in the forum.

Did you happen to catch smokedogs allegation of Bush being like Hitler?
(OrangeEmpire @ May 20 said:
How can you argue against someone who believes in global warming?

Its cold, well it is because of global warming.

Its hot, well it is because of global warming.

W is secretly using his weather machine inside the White House "Global Warming Center" to control the weather on Earth.

1970's the Earth is getting colder and we are moving toward an ice age.

2000's the Earth is getting hotter and we are all going to die when we burn alive.

2030's the Earth is getting colder and we are moving toward an ice age.

Over the past 200 years the Earth climate has change what? .7 of a degree?

Tell that to the remaining 25 glaciers of the original 129 in Glacier Park Montana. Then we'll just have to call it Park Montana. Having been there, I think it's a shame. One of the most beautiful places that I've ever seen.

A one degree difference in the ocean is like super steroids for hurricanes. Think it's just coincidence that we're witnessing some of the worst hurricane seasons? Get ready for another one.

Or perhaps you would like to talk about the melting on Mount Kilimajaro or the Greenland Ice Cap. They have survived your global warming trends all these years...until now.

The list goes on and on but since you're probably rolling your eyes already, I won't waste any more of our time.

I'll give Bush half a credit on this issue. He gets half because he's put some money into the research, but his administration changes words in the reports when they come back. I guess he wants that research done for his own private knowledge and nobody elses.

I have no doubt there is such a thing as global warming. I do not believe it is as bad as people make it out to be. The will continue to get hotter and colder long after we are gone. OWB I hope you do not take me too serious or too personal, I just like to have fun. And why would I roll my eyes? I like to talk about this stuff......I do not discredit you because you may lean a little to the left....then again......... :air_kiss:

Upsala Glacier

(OrangeEmpire @ May 20 said:
OWB I hope you do not take me too serious or too personal, I just like to have fun. And why would I roll my eyes? I like to talk about this stuff......I do not discredit you because you may lean a little to the left....then again......... :air_kiss:

I know, I just thought it was a given that Republicans roll their eyes when the words global warming were mentioned. Next time you're around your Republican friends, give it a shot and watch their eyes closely.
I have democratic friends, I grew up in a democratic family/friends, who roll their eyes when global warming is mentioned. It is a tireless subject.

Like I said there is global warming but I seriously doubt it is as bad as some would have you believe.

More or less it is a political rallying point for democrats like the right to bear arms is a staple for Republicans.

Global warming is one of the many components of the political machine.

Republicans are not as bad as you want them to be............
(OrangeEmpire @ May 20 said:
I have democratic friends, I grew up in a democratic family/friends, who roll their eyes when global warming is mentioned. It is a tireless subject.

Like I said there is global warming but I seriously doubt it is as bad as some would have you believe.

More or less it is a political rallying point for democrats like the right to bear arms is a staple for Republicans.

Global warming is one of the many components of the political machine.

Republicans are not as bad as you want them to be............

10 years ago, I'd agree with you. But with new research saying that if we don't start turning things around in the next 10-15 years, there's no turning back.
10 years ago, I'd agree with you. But with new research saying that if we don't start turning things around in the next 10-15 years, there's no turning back.

What about the ice age in the 70's? There was no turning back then either..........

I don't doubt that the earth is getting warmer, but i don't think theres a thing people can do to start or stop climatic change. We know that the earth goes through cycles of ice ages and warming periods. These environmentalist scientists have to have doom and gloom all the time because thats 1) how they get attention and 2) how they get loads of grant money to research. There is so much emphasis constantly put on "new research" but if you look closely, "new" research is correcting "old" research that at the time had people all scared, and making the same predictions. Besides if you do a review of all the literature, not just those reports that get media attention, you'll see that there is such a large margin of difference between predictions that are all "scientific" and published in peer-reviewed journals that you can't make heads or tails of anything.

The economy is robust. Low unemployment, and inflation is natural. I'd be worried when we hit Mugabe level inflation (Zimbabwe is above 1000 percent for the year with 70 percent unemployment). The dollar is less strong than it used to be, but that's better for American industry, if not American consumers. Gas prices are not that bad, especially compared to Europe and South Africa where its 1.50 per litre. If you can't afford the extra 10 bucks a week its costing to fill up your tank, conserve. Or, like most people, it really isn't a big deal. I buy less beer and cigarettes instead of driving less. But I guess the scientists would say instead of killing my lungs and liver, I'm going to drown when the ice caps melt and the water rises, or maybe get some kind of weird cancer from the hole in the ozone that my driving contributed to. You can't win em all.
(overseasorange @ May 20 said:
Your CONSTANT W bashing is getting real old. Your credibility is surely lacking. Why don't you change tunes for once? I might not agree with most Democrats, but I do not hate any of them. Please see a doctor ASAP!

like i said, all republicans are not bad. i agree with some more than i do with democrats. W is a ignorant man who god only knows how he got to the presidency. on the other hand i really didn't care for kerry either. i hate bush he has done very few things right since he has been president. he doesn't listen to the people, he has his own agenda the man will go down as the worst president in US history. it will take 50 years for the US to recover from the damage he has done overseas, the man is a loser. the republicans could have done alot better, hell they don't even like him. only thing you hear is them fighting amongst themselves and with the democrats. W the great uniter, what a joke. i've never seen a bigger divider ever. :bad: :banghead:
(OrangeEmpire @ May 20 said:
What about the ice age in the 70's? There was no turning back then either..........

Like I said earlier global warming's an on the average situation.

Another little factoid worth mentioning is that while the average earth temperature is up only a degree, the avg. temperature at the poles is up by ten degrees.
JDSA, so what you are saying is that the Earth is going to flip its magnetic pole because of the temperature change?

(Volunteer Rebel @ May 20 said:
I don't doubt that the earth is getting warmer, but i don't think theres a thing people can do to start or stop climatic change. We know that the earth goes through cycles of ice ages and warming periods. These environmentalist scientists have to have doom and gloom all the time because thats 1) how they get attention and 2) how they get loads of grant money to research. There is so much emphasis constantly put on "new research" but if you look closely, "new" research is correcting "old" research that at the time had people all scared, and making the same predictions. Besides if you do a review of all the literature, not just those reports that get media attention, you'll see that there is such a large margin of difference between predictions that are all "scientific" and published in peer-reviewed journals that you can't make heads or tails of anything.

Or could it be that you feel that way because you're still being mislead about the subject?

I will post this disturbing link one more time. Maybe someone will read it this time.

(Orangewhiteblood @ May 20 said:
Or could it be that you feel that way because you're still being mislead about the subject?

I will post this disturbing link one more time. Maybe someone will read it this time.


Actually, the video is much better...

(OrangeEmpire @ May 20 said:
I have no doubt there is such a thing as global warming. I do not believe it is as bad as people make it out to be. The will continue to get hotter and colder long after we are gone. OWB I hope you do not take me too serious or too personal, I just like to have fun. And why would I roll my eyes? I like to talk about this stuff......I do not discredit you because you may lean a little to the left.

Pretty much sums up my views on political debate here - and my views on global warming.

Global warming as a phenomena gets distorted and over used politically. Many here have complained that republicans use "terrorism" as a fear lever - well IMHO, global warming is used the same way.

(volinbham @ May 20 said:
Pretty much sums up my views on political debate here - and my views on global warming.

Global warming as a phenomena gets distorted and over used politically. Many here have complained that republicans use "terrorism" as a fear lever - well IMHO, global warming is used the same way.


Just because people bring it up and use it in politics doesn't mean that it isn't a problem. If you think that all the cars and people and everything we do to the environment doesn't make an impact on it, you're just kidding yourself. Watch the video above your last post. It explains how global warming never makes it as a serious topic. They cover it up..
(OrangeEmpire @ May 20 said:
Do we polute the Earth more now or during the industrial revolution?

I don't think you should look at it like that. We're just piling on to whatever damage was caused by the industrial revolution. It's adds up.

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