Both parties tend to stick with the status quo leadership, regardless of how the elections turn out for them. It's old guard cronyism.Also, Kevin McCarthy won the Republican party vote for Speaker of the House. Mitch "The Turtle" McConnell won the GOP vote today for Senate Minority Leader over Rick Scott.
The only time I can remember a party forcing out a leader after an especially poor mid-term showing was Newt Gingrich as House Speaker in '98 and that was probably unfair. He had been instrumental in getting a lot of effective bi-partisan legislation passed, although he had overreached on the Clinton impeachment.Mitch probably went Red Wedding in that closed-door vote.
I wouldn't call it a disappointment at this moment in time, when it's been the expectation for six months.
The Democratic Party's lead in the House has been very tenuous since the 2020 election cycle. Republicans only needed to pick up 6 seats in the mid-term elections. It would not have been realistic to expect the party in power to lose fewer than that. Considering the current state of the economy and having such an unpopular President, it is a small miracle that Democrats are only going to lose between 7-10 seats in the House, and they might even pick up a seat in the Senate.
By contrast, Democrats picked up 40 seats in the House during the 2018 mid-terms, and that was with a much stronger economy than we have now. Republicans have under-performed in 2022. You can't get around that.
Nevada Supreme Court Rejects Attempt to Stop County's Hand-Count
and this is why there is so much skepticism
Yeah, it stinks.. but things are going to get really bad and we are going to blame the Dems, with good reason
The only time I can remember a party forcing out a leader after an especially poor mid-term showing was Newt Gingrich as House Speaker in '98 and that was probably unfair. He had been instrumental in getting a lot of effective bi-partisan legislation passed, although he had overreached on the Clinton impeachment.
They replaced him with Denny Hastert ... who was later revealed to be structuring checking account transactions to conceal hush money payments to a man, that he had sexually abused as a child.
The Republicans have had some real winners, haven't they?
Perfect summary
Her opponent conceded the race today.So is Boebert gonna have to resurrect her career as an escort? She's currently losing her race.
You have been around for awhile...I as well as you dont remember such turmoil and time to count integers. It was KISS and it probably worked wonderfully.