Election Night Thread

I hope every current incumbent gets the boot during the midterms. It would be sweet justice to see a complete house cleaning. The yahoos in Congress now are getting old real fast.

^ This. Even Washington understood the value of term limits. It's time to get rid of life-long politicians. Maybe if more of them worked outside of politics they'd have a better understanding of what's wrong with the economy... among other things.
Complete domination in VA and Christie is projected winner in NJ.

So much for the death of the R party.

Thought it was interesting that since 1974 what ever party was in the white house has been opposite of the VA Governor....

So what is going on here? A referendum on Obama or a general disdain for incumbents in tough times?

I wouldn't read much of anything into tonight's results. Corzine and Deeds are putrid candidates.

So did I. The awful commercials showing Obama pumping up Deeds made me get up early and cast my vote

Bottom line: If you are a conservative Republican, you will tout last night's results as death knell for Obama and health care reform. If you aren't, you won't.
Bottom line: If you are a conservative Republican, you will tout last night's results as death knell for Obama and health care reform. If you aren't, you won't.

I am not a conservative Repub and I think it was definitely a shot at Obama and the Dems in Congress. He tried to use his rock-star persona to drive votes for the Dem candidate and it failed. His change is now coming
Bottom line: If you are a conservative Republican, you will tout last night's results as death knell for Obama and health care reform. If you aren't, you won't.

Quite a few dems and indy's also speaking of a death knell for health care reform lately.
Bottom line: If you are a conservative Republican, you will tout last night's results as death knell for Obama and health care reform. If you aren't, you won't.

You can't deny the importance of what happened last night. Most in the media were saying VA is now a blue state, and even I was not so sure a R could win in a liberal and corrupt state like NJ. If this is not a wake up call to your party then they will suffer the same fate that the Rs did in 06 and 08. The Rs kept spending money and increasing our debt so they got shown the door.
Bottom line: If you are a conservative Republican, you will tout last night's results as death knell for Obama and health care reform. If you aren't, you won't.
if you believe HC reform to be the lone big issue, you need to listen to Beck more often.
Quite a few dems and indy's also speaking of a death knell for health care reform lately.

Not based on last night. Most Dems and Indy commentators think it significant, but not the Obama or health care referendum the conservatives claim it to have been. Fox reporters and anchors practically giddy last night. But, yes, IMO they are reading a bit too much into it.

You can't deny the importance of what happened last night. Most in the media were saying VA is now a blue state, and even I was not so sure a R could win in a liberal and corrupt state like NJ. If this is not a wake up call to your party then they will suffer the same fate that the Rs did in 06 and 08. The Rs kept spending money and increasing our debt so they got shown the door.

New Jersey's corruption and economic problems were, from what I read and hear, the driving force in that election. People didn't vote in that one based on how they felt about Obama health care plan, that seems clear.

Virginia -- commentators were pointing out its odd in that Governor's race always goes against incumbent in the WH for like, the last 75 years or something. Not that you can necessarily say it wasn't a bit of Obama backlash. May have been. Just that neither side can say it for sure was or wasn't.
if you believe HC reform to be the lone big issue, you need to listen to Beck more often.

You're right. I forgot. Its also that Obama is a secret agenct Muslim man, not really born in the U.S., and is in active conspiracy with Ayers and others to blow up Disney World and the Super Bowl in an effort to swoop in and make us "socialist" (whatever in Beck's warped mind that exactly means -- ask him, because it does not correspond to any academic version previously articulated by anyone). And he's also a black racist.
Not based on last night. Most Dems and Indy commentators think it significant, but not the Obama or health care referendum the conservatives claim it to have been. Fox reporters and anchors practically giddy last night. But, yes, IMO they are reading a bit too much into it.

New Jersey's corruption and economic problems were, from what I read and hear, the driving force in that election. People didn't vote in that one based on how they felt about Obama health care plan, that seems clear.

Virginia -- commentators were pointing out its odd in that Governor's race always goes against incumbent in the WH for like, the last 75 years or something. Not that you can necessarily say it wasn't a bit of Obama backlash. May have been. Just that neither side can say it for sure was or wasn't.

I am not saying that the health care alone was the reason 2 dem governors lost. But I think it was a factor, the truth is Obama has put us way more in debt than Bush did. Obama also told us that if we did not pass the stimulus that unemployment would reach 8%. Well we did pass the stimulus and its like 9.8%. NJ is a far left state, there is no denying that and for a pretty conservative candidate to win the election is pretty remarkable. You are correct about VA going against the party in the WH but like I said last year the media told everyone that would listen that VA is now a blue state. That appears to be false.
You're right. I forgot. Its also that Obama is a secret agenct Muslim man, not really born in the U.S., and is in active conspiracy with Ayers and others to blow up Disney World and the Super Bowl in an effort to swoop in and make us "socialist" (whatever in Beck's warped mind that exactly means -- ask him, because it does not correspond to any academic version previously articulated by anyone). And he's also a black racist.
uh...how about the hideous stimilus package trying to be supported by a bunch of made up stats.

The socialist handing of GM to the unions. Cramming wage caps down the throats of American companies.....
You're right. I forgot. Its also that Obama is a secret agenct Muslim man, not really born in the U.S., and is in active conspiracy with Ayers and others to blow up Disney World and the Super Bowl in an effort to swoop in and make us "socialist" (whatever in Beck's warped mind that exactly means -- ask him, because it does not correspond to any academic version previously articulated by anyone). And he's also a black racist.

are you honestly trying to argue that obama's socialist agenda, and his utter and complete arrogance about it, isn't by far the #1 reason why his poll ratings suck and there is a backlash?
and btw. how laughable is it that bloomberg ran on the republican ticket in new york city?
and btw. how laughable is it that bloomberg ran on the republican ticket in new york city?
I guess it's easy to get on a bunch of lefty websites and scream all shrill like about the conservative whack jobs who think Obama is the most socialist politician we've ever seen. It amazes me that his followers don't get that the majority of Americans are absolutely against any further socialization of our country.
are you honestly trying to argue that obama's socialist agenda, and his utter and complete arrogance about it, isn't by far the #1 reason why his poll ratings suck and there is a backlash?

Oh yes, without a doubt. The people that believe that about him now by and large already believed it going in. The backslide now is continuing resentment for the crappy economy and blaming all incumbents for that. The number of people who voted for Obama last November and who have now jumped ship because they are persuaded that he is a "socialist" is probably very small.
The number of people who voted for Obama last November and who have now jumped ship because they are persuaded that he is a "socialist" is probably very small.

a 24% swing in VA tells me it's not as small as you think
Oh yes, without a doubt. The people that believe that about him now by and large already believed it going in. The backslide now is continuing resentment for the crappy economy and blaming all incumbents for that. The number of people who voted for Obama last November and who have now jumped ship because they are persuaded that he is a "socialist" is probably very small.
Absolutely false. The talk about the liberal POS governing from the center was all the rage. Unfortunately, he decided to go the Mao route and more people than ever see it as who the man is and what his designs are for our country. Do you not recall is bottom up economy commentary. He truly believes that silliness.
a 24% swing in VA tells me it's not as small as you think

You assume its one-to-one as between percentages voting for Obama versus voting in the gubernatorial race and there are so many problems with that math that I don't know where to start.
You assume its one-to-one as between percentages voting for Obama versus voting in the gubernatorial race and there are so many problems with that math that I don't know where to start.
and the math tells me that you don't want to start. The shoe just doesn't fit well on the other foot, does it?
Oh yes, without a doubt. The people that believe that about him now by and large already believed it going in. The backslide now is continuing resentment for the crappy economy and blaming all incumbents for that. The number of people who voted for Obama last November and who have now jumped ship because they are persuaded that he is a "socialist" is probably very small.

here in LA i must have at least a dozen friends who voted for him and assured me that he really didn't believe all of this socialist crap, was only saying it to get elected, and that he would rule from the center. a lot of those are regretting voting for obama. don't think there aren't a lot of people in that category.
here in LA i must have at least a dozen friends who voted for him and assured me that he really didn't believe all of this socialist crap, was only saying it to get elected, and that he would rule from the center. a lot of those are regretting voting for obama. don't think there aren't a lot of people in that category.

Oski, I thought you were the only sane person left in LA
You assume its one-to-one as between percentages voting for Obama versus voting in the gubernatorial race and there are so many problems with that math that I don't know where to start.

Not shocked you would try to downplay this.

The math is what it is. Many voters swung, many D's weren't motivated, many R's were. That's how you get a 24% swing.

To me the 5% win for Christie is telling too - that's a big victory in a Blue state. People on R leaning side are motivated. If they remain that way in 2010 it will be ugly. If the economy stays in the crapper (which it likely will) - it will be ugly.

As to the impact on HC; even James Carville notes that these results will impact how moderate D's line up on the issue.

It's not a referendum on Obama but it is strong evidence that your silly rantings about the death of the R-party were as insightful as other rants you post.

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