Election Process Changes

Well, it's simple on number 3, Hog, it's just counting.

Again, neutral and unbiased observers doing the count. That's where the vast majority of the ire comes from.

And I say 12 hours because in this day and age if you can get the winner of Dancing With the Stars during a five minute commercial break, you can determine the next leader of the free world in 12 hours after polls close. None of this "well, we're going to wait to start counting ballots" nonsense.

Sorry but I don't want the military anywhere close to our elections.
So basically you don’t put more trust in the military leadership than you’re willing to impart on civilian leadership? It’s not an accusation I’m just making sure I understand.

From my experience I’ve never met a group that to the individual puts duty and integrity above personal views than our military leadership both commissioned and non commissioned. That’s just my own opinion though.

I don't trust the military leadership anymore than civilian. You have to be a good politician to make it to O-6, O-7 and above you have to be one hell of a politician. Then you through in the fact that the majority of them are angling for high paying civilian careers post retirement.
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Maybe as a nation we should choose the next president with an Internet poll.

No registration, no ID, no nothing. Seems to have worked with the mail-in voting this time around. All you have to do is just go to the website and click on who you want to be president. And be sure to vote early and vote often. And have a running total as to who is in the lead. And why wait, this could start now for the 2024 election?

Due to the great potential for fraud in these mail in votes, I don't feel like anyone should be required to have an ID or be registered to vote any more. :)

When I went to vote this election the people working there - most of whom I've known all my life - had to see my drivers license and get my signature before I was allowed to vote.
I don't trust the military leadership anymore than civilian. You have to be a good politician to make it to O-6, O-7 and above you have to be one hell of a politician. Then you through in the fact that the majority of them are angling for high paying civilian careers post retirement.
I hear ya. But I’ve also seen how duty and honor is literally woven into their personage.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely I know. But of the individuals likely to resist that urge to most I’ll put our military leadership at the top of the list.

But as louder alluded to already this really is a civilian process. It should be achievable by civilians acting in a non partisan fashion. If we can’t find a way to do that then we’re a banana republic.
I hear ya. But I’ve also seen how duty and honor is literally woven into their personage.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely I know. But of the individuals likely to resist that urge to most I’ll put our military leadership at the top of the list.

But as louder alluded to already this really is a civilian process. It should be achievable by civilians acting in a non partisan fashion. If we can’t find a way to do that then we’re a banana republic.

I disagree since these are teh people that leave the service and the next day are lobbying for various defense contractors.
I disagree since these are teh people that leave the service and the next day are lobbying for various defense contractors.
I wanted Trump to make that illegal...
Eh neither of y’alls points are disqualifiers on the integrity of these guys.

There’s always going to be an incestuous relationship between top brass on the procurement side and defense contractors. It won’t go away even if direct employment is disallowed. They’ll just use third party contracting firms.

But I’d also submit that many of these top brass actually do have relevant knowledge to make the procurement process and product development process better when they are on the other side. Not always but many times. I’ve seen us hire ex military idiots into senior roles and they normally wind up in Business Development and are treated accordingly. I’ve also seen us hire some really sharp people directly involved in procurement offices and they are almost always a positive acquisition 🤷‍♂️
Several cases already went to court. Judges asked for evidence, and the Trump Campaign had no evidence -- just the usual pack of lies ginned up for their idiot cult followers.

Lol, fool. They have sworn affidavits from pol workers. I think they'll follow up with those. Unless you marxists try to kill them
Fine as is. Just have regularly scheduled audits that look for evidence of fraud or areas where fraud can not be monitored. And have observers.
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Lol, fool. They have sworn affidavits from pol workers. I think they'll follow up with those. Unless you marxists try to kill them

Being a pretty good authority on me, I know for a fact that I am no Marxist and have never been a Marxist. I was a U.S. Army soldier who faced the Red Army for a year, to deter communist aggression. That makes you a cheap public liar and character assassin. If lies are what you have to offer, then you have less than nothing.
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