Electric Vehicles

Vibration especially flow induced vibration is really a complex issue, and strangely enough every now and then there are simple solutions. Sometimes aircraft and car manufacturers just add a weight to change the dynamics. A steam generator tube in some ways is like a string in a stringed instrument; it has a fundamental vibrating frequency and when excited it vibrates at that frequency (plus the harmonics); change mass, unsupported length, etc and you detune (or sometimes unfortunately tune) the component. Flow through or over a tube, a wing; or other object will induce vibration, and it it isn't moderated, it can be devastating. One great example was wind induced vibration in the Tacoma Narrows Bridge - the bridge broke apart.

Design engineers (at least before I retired) used computer based Finite Element calculations to design mechanical systems - to include vibration modes - bending and torsional modes and frequencies. We found over the years in using Modal Analysis to measure vibration in completed assemblies that the calculated vs the measured vibration modes and frequencies often didn't match - sometimes not well at all. Modal analysis involves adding accelerometers and then exciting the structure. The most straight forward test is to mount an accelerometer at a specified location, impact the structure with an instrumented hammer - a load cell to measure the impact amplitude and characteristic. Move the accelerometer to the next location and repeat. The data go into the modal analyzer (Fast Fourier Transform) and the magic takes place. The Hewlett Packard FFT based Modal Analyzers were fantastic. You got an animated display to demonstrate the bending modes and all the response characteristics amplitudes and especially frequencies. Always fascinating.

We actually used a large speaker and white noise to excite a reactor coolant pump impeller following an in plant failure. If you direct a noise source at an object, can cause it to vibrate at it's natural frequency. Flow noise either over a control surface or inside a piping system is often (if not generally) something like white noise (all frequencies) with some embedded deterministic noise like the blade passing frequency of a pump. You can also measure the internal noise externally with accelerometers to characterize normal behavior and abnormal behavior of systems - but that's another story. You can also expand that to look at noise in plant instrumentation (like pressure instrumentation) to determine if the transducer itself appears to be functioning correctly.
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Yes..."Idiocracy" was meant to be satire...but ended up a documentary as some astute poster had previously stated here. Also, great post AM64. Thanks for sharing that bud. Love learning from you gentlemen, as well as McDad.

Hey, where would we be without McDad and most of the other characters around here?
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Japanese manufacturers like Mitsubishi, Hitachi, and Toshiba have (or did have) licensing arrangements with US manufacturers like Westinghouse and GE to build US designed nuclear generating systems for the Japanese market. When Babcock and Wilcox sold Loose Part Monitoring systems to a utility in Japan, I grabbed the job because I like Japan. The plants were on the northwest coast in Fukui Prefecture, but we needed to assemble the systems in Japan, so that was done at the Babcock Hitachi facility in Kure near Hiroshima. I had the opportunity to look around - impressive. It seems like the Babcock Hitachi plant was one of the first manufacturing plants to have the ability to roll large vessels and weld seems as the assembly rotated.

Steam Generators (SG) are large heat exchangers with primary coolant on one side of the tube and secondary water on the other. The tubing is one of the boundaries between water that flows through the reactor (primary) and water that flows through the turbine/generator (secondary). With a SG tube leak, you have leakage from the primary to secondary loop because of the differential pressure. Westinghouse and Combustion plants use a U-tube configuration, so the primary coolant enters one side of the tube bundle at the bottom and exits at the other side of the tube bundle at the bottom of the SG. B&W uses Once Through Steam Generators (straight tubes in a counterflow design); primary coolant from the reactor enters the SG at the top and exits at the bottom - secondary coolant enters from the bottom and exits at the top. THE OTSG design allows for boiling along a larger region in the SG and for superheated (dry steam above the vapor point) steam to the turbine driving the generator. That makes it more responsive to load - it also make it easier to get things wrong if secondary flow to the SG is interrupted like at TMI. Like the difference between driving a sports car vs a bus.

Tube cracking and denting first showed up in the U-tube SGs - the first I remember was in the mid-late 1970s. The problem was basically flow induced vibration causing fretting and wear - movement of the tubes in the supports; denting was caused by the buildup of deposits in the spaces between the tubes and tube supports causing the tubes to impact the buildup rather than move as intended - some tubes were "necked" down with some flow restriction. The problems didn't show up in OTSGs until a few years later. The industry then responded by retubing or replacing steam generators. I've never seen it done, but it's a huge undertaking. Steam generators are massive and space inside containment (especially the Westinghouse ice condenser types) is limited.

Flow induced vibration is a problem anytime you have moving flow. There is a large body of work concerning tube lengths in heat exchangers, how tubes are supported and restrained, etc - that's all coupled with decades and decades of experience; but vibration never goes away when there is flow of liquid or gas. It's a lot harder to measure vibration in a heat exchanger than vibration of piping or other components subject to flow induced vibration. In the testing I did over the years, we used specially built accelerometers that were placed inside the heat exchanger tube and then the tube was blocked at each end; the accelerometer signal cables were metal coaxial types - center conductor in generally something like a SS outer conductor with a mineral oxide dielectric. A very expensive and time consuming process to figure out what went wrong.
Really good read, thanks for your input
My nuclear experience started when Phillips Bend was coming out of the ground, in 1977. I was always on the maintenance (electrical) side of the company. From PB to Bellefonte to watts Bar and all points in between, finally out After getting into hydro. Now after 15+ years of contract nuke work across the country, this fall’s 2R23 at Diablo Canyon will be my last outage.
The nuclear power industry is operated with a very high degree of professional, well trained employees with a commitment to public safety.
The public would be surprised as to how many or where nuclear is in their lives, from medical centers, military bases, assembly facilities, universities, and research facilities, and as you know most power plants are “in the middle of nowhere”, not next to I-5.
This story sure is making the rounds. Truth of the matter is these people were paid $100 initially and $25/yr to give the utility company control of their thermostat. Well guess what? A contract is a contract, if you agree to something like being paid to control your thermostat and the utility controls your thermostat, quit the program and give them their money back if you don't like it.
Buick dealers that Don’t want to sell electric vehicles will be offered buyouts

Buick is getting set to go all-electric, and any dealership in the United States that does not want to be a part of the brand’s shift will be offered a buyout.

General Motors announced Buick will transition to sell electric vehicles exclusively by 2030, forcing dealers to upgrade stores and invest in charging stations, along with other changes.

Buick dealers that don’t want to sell electric vehicles will be offered buyouts
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Buick dealers that Don’t want to sell electric vehicles will be offered buyouts

Buick is getting set to go all-electric, and any dealership in the United States that does not want to be a part of the brand’s shift will be offered a buyout.

General Motors announced Buick will transition to sell electric vehicles exclusively by 2030, forcing dealers to upgrade stores and invest in charging stations, along with other changes.

Buick dealers that don’t want to sell electric vehicles will be offered buyouts

A really good demonstration of the disconnect between those at the top of the food chain and the people at the working end who have to make it work. CEOs, boards, and marketing come up with some of the dumbest chit imaginable and expect it to work. History is littered with demands that the sharp end make work what the blunt end dictates. Go back and look at historic failures whether in the automotive or aircraft industries to government programs, and if you can dig deeply enough, you'll find hordes of people charged with implementation screaming that it won't work.
Why? They signed up for it

So did kids that used student loans. People these days don't believe they have to live with consequences of their actions. Somebody will be along to mitigate or erase their bad decisions ... or ones they thought they liked until reality showed up. This is just a small preview of what's going to happen to all of us (even those who didn't sign up for it) under "climate change" or "global whoring" programs because people just like these don't bother to look down the road before they commit themselves and increasingly the rest of us to bad ideas and ideology.
I'm not getting this...so rather than charge your EV, they want you to drive and fill up your gas powered car?
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