Empty seats on an airline rant: Justified or whiny?

Here is my big airline pet peeve and it is for all the early board "disabled" people for Southwest.

Clearly, not all disabilities are visible but some take full advantage to early board. This is not an attack on people with legitimate disabilities but those who blatantly lie to take advantage of SW boarding.

A couple of years back, 64 people lined up as "disabled". The Southwest guy at the desk came on and said "Due to staffing issues at Houston Hobby, we request pre-boarders sit in the back of the plane...."

Jesus Christ never had such a miracle as everyone but 9 was remarkably cured....

Pretty sure what Southwest did was illegal but it confirmed my belief that 80% were lying...
I preboard AND go to the back of the plane.
I have seen empty seats on a plane one time. and it certainly wasn't down to 1/3.

my biggest issue was when my Delta flight got rerouted due to a storm, two people got off, and Delta sat us there for another hour trying to get 2 new passengers on the plane. come to find out we land at our final destination about 15 minutes after 20 or so people missed their connecting flight....
My rant is dogs and people carrying too much crap.

All dogs aren’t service animals - I’ve only seen 2 true service dogs when flying. They sat by their owners, didn’t look at anyone walking around and didn’t bark. I see too many “yippee” ones barking and growling at folks. Shaking like leaves when in flight. Why do folks think it’s their inherent right to take their dogs everywhere? We have 2 80 lb retrievers who give me great joy and comfort. Sweet dogs but I wouldn’t fathom taking them certain places - especially a plane. Like the man said children and dogs aren’t nearly as cute to everyone else as they are to their families.

Baggage. I despise carry on baggage. My cute. 100 dollar charge for each bag. Purses excluded. Too many people take too much crap. It slows down everything. I refuse to help anyone put their bags up. You packed it - you hump it. And yes. I always check all my bags. My wife carries a purse but I don’t
My rant is dogs and people carrying too much crap.

All dogs aren’t service animals - I’ve only seen 2 true service dogs when flying. They sat by their owners, didn’t look at anyone walking around and didn’t bark. I see too many “yippee” ones barking and growling at folks. Shaking like leaves when in flight. Why do folks think it’s their inherent right to take their dogs everywhere? We have 2 80 lb retrievers who give me great joy and comfort. Sweet dogs but I wouldn’t fathom taking them certain places - especially a plane. Like the man said children and dogs aren’t nearly as cute to everyone else as they are to their families.

Baggage. I despise carry on baggage. My cute. 100 dollar charge for each bag. Purses excluded. Too many people take too much crap. It slows down everything. I refuse to help anyone put their bags up. You packed it - you hump it. And yes. I always check all my bags. My wife carries a purse but I don’t
I agree about pups on planes. If they're not real service dogs then they can go in a carrier under a seat or in the cargo hold.
As long as carry on bags fit in the bins or under a seat there's no reason to discourage them within limits. Checked baggage fees and the risk of theft or damage motivate some people to overdo it though.
While we're at it, it's fine to recline if it's done slowly and not during meal service.
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My rant is dogs and people carrying too much crap.

All dogs aren’t service animals - I’ve only seen 2 true service dogs when flying. They sat by their owners, didn’t look at anyone walking around and didn’t bark. I see too many “yippee” ones barking and growling at folks. Shaking like leaves when in flight. Why do folks think it’s their inherent right to take their dogs everywhere? We have 2 80 lb retrievers who give me great joy and comfort. Sweet dogs but I wouldn’t fathom taking them certain places - especially a plane. Like the man said children and dogs aren’t nearly as cute to everyone else as they are to their families.

Baggage. I despise carry on baggage. My cute. 100 dollar charge for each bag. Purses excluded. Too many people take too much crap. It slows down everything. I refuse to help anyone put their bags up. You packed it - you hump it. And yes. I always check all my bags. My wife carries a purse but I don’t
I haven’t yet seen anyone bringing on a dining table with six chairs, but I feel that it’s only a matter of time.

ONE personal carryon - either a purse or a backpack - and anything else do a gate check (so they wind up in cargo) or pay to check. Note: a purse can be carried in a backpack, y’all.

All this crap overhead is a major reason for the eternity needed to disembark.
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I agree about pups on planes. If their not real service digs then t can go in a carrier under a seat or in the cargo hold.
As long as carry on bags fit in the bins or under a seat there's no reason to discourage them within limits. Checked baggage fees and the risk of theft or damage motivate some people to overdo it though.
While we're at it, it's fine to recline if it's done slowly and not during meal service.
Understand your opinion. I just finished 2 long days of flying and airports so maybe just inconsiderate peopled out 😎

When just about everyone is carrying 2 or 3 bags there just ain’t enough overhead bin space. Plus if you can’t pick it up to put it overhead then…it should go underneath.

I actually saw a woman drop her bag on another lady’s head this week. The one who got hit asked for a supervisor when we landed to do paperwork. I think it was a little overboard but it’s the world we live in now.

I don’t fly much. Thankfully. We typically fly southwest so baggage fees aren’t an issue on those flights.

Matthew 20:1-16​

The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard​

20 “For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard. 2 He agreed to pay them a denarius[a] for the day and sent them into his vineyard.
3 “About nine in the morning he went out and saw others standing in the marketplace doing nothing. 4 He told them, ‘You also go and work in my vineyard, and I will pay you whatever is right.’ 5 So they went.
“He went out again about noon and about three in the afternoon and did the same thing. 6 About five in the afternoon he went out and found still others standing around. He asked them, ‘Why have you been standing here all day long doing nothing?’
7 “‘Because no one has hired us,’ they answered.
“He said to them, ‘You also go and work in my vineyard.’
8 “When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, ‘Call the workers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last ones hired and going on to the first.’
9 “The workers who were hired about five in the afternoon came and each received a denarius. 10 So when those came who were hired first, they expected to receive more. But each one of them also received a denarius. 11 When they received it, they began to grumble against the landowner. 12 ‘These who were hired last worked only one hour,’ they said, ‘and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day.’
13 “But he answered one of them, ‘I am not being unfair to you, friend. Didn’t you agree to work for a denarius? 14 Take your pay and go. I want to give the one who was hired last the same as I gave you. 15 Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?’
What part do you not understand? Dude bought his ticket, so did the others. If they jump up to a better seat and the airline does nothing it is no skin off his nose. The airline can do what it pleases in that regard. Being butthurt over it does not get him a refund or a discount nor does it make the airline charge the other folks extra to make up for his butthurt-ness.
What part do you not understand? Dude bought his ticket, so did the others. If they jump up to a better seat and the airline does nothing it is no skin off his nose. The airline can do what it pleases in that regard. Being butthurt over it does not get him a refund or a discount nor does it make the airline charge the other folks extra to make up for his butthurt-ness.
Watch your language, Dude. I'm not your Mother.
I haven’t yet seen anyone bringing on a dining table with six chairs, but I feel that it’s only a matter of time.

ONE personal carryon - either a purse or a backpack - and anything else do a gate check (so they wind up in cargo) or pay to check. Note: a purse can be carried in a backpack, y’all.

All this crap overhead is a major reason for the eternity needed to disembark.
Other than flying to Europe, I haven’t checked a bag in years as it lengthens my flight time for at least an hour. I typically fly out of Chattanooga or Knoxville and don’t arrive until 30 minutes before boarding. I’d be fine if they switched to checking all carry ons at the gate. Have to arrive early to check bags then wait to pick them up. I’m happy to help ladies and elderly with their bags into the overhead bin. Exiting the plane would go much more quickly if everyone would just wait their turn IMO.
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My rant is dogs and people carrying too much crap.

All dogs aren’t service animals - I’ve only seen 2 true service dogs when flying. They sat by their owners, didn’t look at anyone walking around and didn’t bark. I see too many “yippee” ones barking and growling at folks. Shaking like leaves when in flight. Why do folks think it’s their inherent right to take their dogs everywhere? We have 2 80 lb retrievers who give me great joy and comfort. Sweet dogs but I wouldn’t fathom taking them certain places - especially a plane. Like the man said children and dogs aren’t nearly as cute to everyone else as they are to their families.

Baggage. I despise carry on baggage. My cute. 100 dollar charge for each bag. Purses excluded. Too many people take too much crap. It slows down everything. I refuse to help anyone put their bags up. You packed it - you hump it. And yes. I always check all my bags. My wife carries a purse but I don’t
As a vet (and know those with actual service animals), there is almost nothing that pisses me off more than 99% of people with "service" animals. Not just on planes, but every day. AT LEAST once a week, I see a pet with a service dog vest.
What part do you not understand? Dude bought his ticket, so did the others. If they jump up to a better seat and the airline does nothing it is no skin off his nose. The airline can do what it pleases in that regard. Being butthurt over it does not get him a refund or a discount nor does it make the airline charge the other folks extra to make up for his butthurt-ness.
Well said.

Didn't need a Bible verse that I don't believe in to do it either.
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I'm surprised they let them do that.

Why did you take the picture?
I'm not. Haggling them isn't worth the breath it takes. I've never done it. BUT, thrice, IIRC, I've had a stewardess move me from coach to the first class areas. I suspect because, MAYBE, I was polite to them. Or they figured looking at my worn jeans, plaid shirt, boots, and western style belt buckle, they give the poor boy a thrill.

I have on a mostly empty flight commandeered my seat and the other empty two to use as a bed and slept through my 5-6 hours night flight. Until awaken and told to sit up and put on my seat belt.

I have also, during games at Neyland, moved farther and closer to the field when attendance was very low. So did others, and no one ever bothered us. I figure doing such things isn't enough of a big deal to ether whine about it, or for seat cops to enforce corralling off alternate butt parking.
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I'm not. Haggling them isn't worth the breath it takes. I've never done it. BUT, thrice, IIRC, I've had a stewardess move me from coach to the first class areas. I suspect because, MAYBE, I was polite to them. Or they figured looking at my worn jeans, plaid shirt, boots, and western style belt buckle, they give the poor boy a thrill.

I have on a mostly empty flight commandeered my seat and the other empty two to use as a bed and slept through my 5-6 hours night flight. Until awaken and told to sit up and put on my seat belt.

I have also, during games at Neyland, moved farther and closer to the field when attendance was very low. So did others, and no one ever bothered us. I figure doing such things isn't enough of a big deal to ether whine about it, or for seat cops to enforce corralling off alternate butt parking.
Same here. Or similar.
All the flights I've been on recently have been full with people left at the gate hoping for a seat.
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