Empty seats on an airline rant: Justified or whiny?

I learned a long ago to quit worrying about what other people have and if you are somehow being slighted.. makes for a much happier and more fulfilling life

"Talk Dirty To Me"​

Where have I seen that? Hm. Must be under a hypocrite's avatar.

@GVF is a gardener and he lost a bet that gave me access to his tagline. I chose that tagline since he likes to garden.

Says a lot about a person who will pay up on bets and one who will name-call without full information.
That's the game. You either pay for your guaranteed super special spot or you don't. Those that don't may or may not get the chance for a nice little free upgrade. They aren't stealing money from you so I don't understand why you would get so upset about it.

Speaking of emotional support animals (which I agree has become insane), I actually have a story about a recent flight involving one such beast, but there's a bit of a twist.

I was flying to Chicago for work a couple months ago and I got my aisle seat, a big fat guy got in the middle (of course) and finally this lady comes up for her window seat with her little rat dog. Immediately I was like god help us all. I expected the worst and so did hamburger helper next to me.

As we take off and get going I was pleasantly surprised that the dog was just chilling. Hadn't barked or made a single sound that I could tell. But big boy next to me for whatever reason was getting very annoyed with the situation. At first he asked me to switch seats because he "couldn't get any sleep with that dog right here" as if the lady with the dog couldn't hear our entire conversation. I asked him what the dog was doing to bother him and he said the dog was growling at him at which point the lady was like, he's not growling he's literally asleep you may have heard him snoring. And then he turned to her and was like well he stinks and I'm also allergic to dogs! Which I thought was strange because why didn't he just say he was allergic when I asked him what the issue was. I was getting the feeling this guy was FOS.

He kept pestering me about switching seats but I declined and kept my aisle seat that I paid for. So he eventually got a stewardess and asked if there were any other seats available because he was allergic to dogs. The flight was pretty full but they found him a spot pretty quick. It was just a couple rows to the front of us on the other side of the aisle so I had a great view.

They sat his ass right amongst a family with a bunch of small kids that had been hooting and howling and kicking and playing the whole flight. While me, the lady and the tramp enjoyed a nice quiet row with plenty of space without Mr. Dubious Allergies, he suffered a fate much less kind. Out of the pan and into the fire. I even caught his sad lookin self peek back to our row like a longing ex lover, pining for what he used to have but too prideful to go back to his old seat.

The dog's name was "lulu" or alternatively "lulubear" and she was a delightful travel companion.
@GVF is a gardener and he lost a bet that gave me access to his tagline. I chose that tagline since he likes to garden.

Says a lot about a person who will pay up on bets and one who will name-call without full information.
Have you reminded Mojo lately how good he has it. :cool:

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