End of Driver’s Licensing



revolUTion in the air!
Mar 19, 2011
After almost being hit by an elderly man today I had two thoughts.

1. Automated vehicles will allow our seniors to live with more liberty and safety.

2. Will a drivers license become obsolete due to advances in technology?
After almost being hit by an elderly man today I had two thoughts.

1. Automated vehicles will allow our seniors to live with more liberty and safety.

2. Will a drivers license become obsolete due to advances in technology?

Still get a DUI even if not driving currently. Laws will have to be greatly rewritten.
After almost being hit by an elderly man today I had two thoughts.

1. Automated vehicles will allow our seniors to live with more liberty and safety.

2. Will a drivers license become obsolete due to advances in technology?

In TN I don’t know why they keep handing them out. It takes no training, knowledge or skills to get one.
After almost being hit by an elderly man today I had two thoughts.

1. Automated vehicles will allow our seniors to live with more liberty and safety.

2. Will a drivers license become obsolete due to advances in technology?
Will never happen. Either
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Not as a defendant but yes I’ve been in court watching a friend get railroaded on a DUI. And yes it’s a cash cow.
It’s not anywhere close to a “cash cow” for the courts. And again personal responsibility goes a long way in not being in court in the first place
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2. Will a drivers license become obsolete due to advances in technology?

Fair question, but I'd assume you'll still need to possess a driver's license to operate the vehicle in the event of malfunction (unless the vehicle just pulls itself over and disables on first sign of trouble if no license is registered).

Are we really that close to fully-autonomous vehicles, though? I have a hard time imagining 60%+ of cars on the road being autonomous in ten years with the ability to get people from their house in Brevard to a hotel in Branson while stopping to recharge several times with no human intervention whatsoever.
It’s not anywhere close to a “cash cow” for the courts. And again personal responsibility goes a long way in not being in court in the first place

Maybe not for the court itself but for the legal profession it is and what profession do all judges and most politicians belong to?
Still get a DUI even if not driving currently. Laws will have to be greatly rewritten.

Yeah that seems like a law that will be soon outdated. I guess the market has done more than government ever could in terms of DUIs between the legal fees involved, Uber, Lyft, cabs, and now automated cars
After almost being hit by an elderly man today I had two thoughts.

1. Automated vehicles will allow our seniors to live with more liberty and safety.

2. Will a drivers license become obsolete due to advances in technology?
So where were you when Hog almost hit you, and do you have a dashcam video that can be used as blackmail?
They’re not giving up the cash cow of DUIs.

It’s going to be hard to justify that law moving forward once the safety of others is removed from the equation. I’m not saying we are at that point yet, but we are obviously headed there
Yeah that seems like a law that will be soon outdated. I guess the market has done more than government ever could in terms of DUIs between the legal fees involved, Uber, Lyft, cabs, and now automated cars
Are you under the assumption that Uber or Lyfts don’t commit DUis? And automated cars will never be common use thanks to lawsuit happy lawyers and scammer criminals committing fraud
He was sleeping it off in the backseat of his car. Never moved the car after he started drinking at the party.
Passed out drunk in a car with the keys in your possession is still a DUI. We had that discussion though I believe
Yep, lawyers write it for a reason.
Well politicians. Some were lawyers. Some were not. But the reason is there were several people drunk and high being found passed out in the car after hitting people in the middle of the road but technically “weren’t driving” as the old TCA code said. Someone shouldn’t get off with lesser charges because of when they were too drunk or high to operate during the crime

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